Hello! I am looking for players to help me test a homebrew d20 system. The basic premise finds the Earth attacked by an alien race known as BETA. Before they arrived however, the world had been creating the next generation of war machines following WW2, the TSF. After prop planes, technological evolution saw R&D attempting to make flying tanks more or less. The Tactical Surface Fighter is a flight capable mech with heavy armor and multiple weapon systems at its disposal. Human kind relies on TSF pilots to combat the BETA. Time is very flexible and I will be able to accommodate any and all times for sure. If you are even remotely interested give it a try, you might just fall in love. If you are interested, PM me or post here. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/46652/the-last-" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/46652/the-last-</a>...