<a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/61480/Rcpldg</a>
[Notice] For anyone following this, the game link will be public game link will be posted at 6pm EST (as close to on the dot as I can get it).
The first people to join and type [Player] will have an automatic inclusion in the first event. Otherwise type [Spectator] if you only plan to observe, or to watch for a little while before playing.
In order to select players for events I may occasionally ask everyone in the room to roll initiative if they want in by saying [Room Roll Initiative]. Just roll 1d20 in the chat "/roll 1d20". There is a stacking bonus for rolling before others (and a -2 penalty if you just played). Don't add anything to it yourself.
I'm looking to put together an evening of exciting and fast paced combat. There could be dangerous canyon gauntlets, fortress defense against ravenous hordes, bloody arena action, or even open field combat against cavalry and titanic creatures, who knows.
I'm going to be doing this like as a series of mini-oneshots, so we'll be trying to play a bit quicker (none of that sitting around for 20 minutes to decide who's talking to the NPC), and there will be more opportunities for people to jump in (assuming that they are ready) and out (if you want to take a break or give someone else a turn). It will be a public game so hopefully the fast pace will be a bit more exciting for any spectators (who are welcome to jump in after breaks when we can determine who's playing in the next encounter).
[For Players]
Game: Pathfinder
Resources: I use the PFSRD for pretty much everything because it's just so handy. If you want to use something weird then cite it from the PFSRD with a link or something and we can discuss it. <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/" rel="nofollow">https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/</a>
Attributes: Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest. Or save the attributes for the pregame/intermissions where I can check your result, and you can use my personal method of 1d8+10, conditionally (this tends to generate higher values, but will be offset by a lack of flexibility in gear which will be explained shortly).
Level: We will be starting at level 1. If we only get enough players for a single party then I will probably run it as a fast leveling quasi-campaign tracing the famous battles of a mercenary company, so know what you want to play build-wise and be able to keep up on the leveling. If we get a surplus of participants then be ready to hop in and out to make sure everybody gets a fair shake (for fun we could have the ability to challenge an existing member of the party for their spot, have a little pvp arena with the top scorers getting to play in the next event, or to save time we could just have everyone roll initiative with bonuses for how fast everyone rolls). So be ready to quickly modify your character sheets for different situations.
Starting HP:
Everyone gets max rolls on HP for level 1, but will need to roll for subsequent levels.
Starting Gold/Equipment:
You will have starting gold as per the class with basic equipment provided. e.g. A wizard always has a generic robe, simple weapon, and spellbook. A fighter always has a piece of basic medium/light armor 100gp or less, and a choice of 1H weapon, 2H weapon, 1H and offhand, or 1H and shield totalling 100gp or less (Non-Masterwork, Martial or Simple only and must be proficient). Anything else will be up to the player to spend their budget on.
We'll be using Roll20's standard system for voice/video in order to accommodate new people coming in. Video is not necessary, but voice is preferred if you have a mic available. If you are using a webcam with integrated microphone, but don't want to display video then you can set your transmit to be voice only in the options. If you have to type then that is fine too.
[For Spectators]
I'm doing this short notice so I don't expect a lot of people to see it, but if we do get more participants than can be deftly handled in a party at once then I will try and make sure that everyone has a chance to play here and there.
I would ask anyone who's spectating or sitting out for a bit to turn their mic transmit off and try to avoid typing much in the public chat so we can play the game without much confusion. You can always whisper to each other with "/w playername message", or "/w dm message" although I would prefer saving questions for a break. Feel free to chime in during breaks though. :)