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items and other RP stuff that should have happened saturday


Edited 1472574637
This is a list of the magical and non-magical items that were found in and around Elwny's fortress: from the Troglodyte lair: 5 large sacks     sack 1 and 2: 500 silver serfs (sp) each     sack 3 and 4: 100 gold crowns (gp) each     sack 5          : 500 platinum stallions (pp of the nation of galazaan) 2 vials that are potions of healing Treasure map #1 that led to Cache 1     Clerical scroll with 3 cure light wounds spells     potion of polymorph self (labelled)     potion of growth (labelled)     warhammer +1 Treasure map #2 that led to Cache 2     wand of paralyzation (carrion crawler's touch are the command words) 3 charges left     long sword +1     Clerical scroll with cure light wounds, silence 15-foot radius     Ring of spell (currently has magic missile (x2), and web) Elwyn's Treasure    Medium shield +1    Mace of Draining +1 (this mace will, on command, drain one experience level from the character hit, as a wight.It can only absorb a total of three levels.After those levels are used up, it becomes a normal mace + 1 ) (Note: using the draining ability of this mace is an evil act. No good aligned priests will use this mace unless there was no other option. her armor is standard plate mail armor like that of her acolytes staff of healing gems in the small chest amethyst (100gp) bloodstone (25gp) Chalcedony (20gp) Jade (100gp) Jasper (50gp) Moss Agate (50gp) Pearl (300gp) Peridot (435gp) Tiger Eye agate (10gp ) Calus claimed along with two dragon's teeth to make a necklace Topaz (500gp) Bloodstone (65gp) One set of the matching bracelets is worth 1000gp for each bracelet and the other set is worth 1,100gp each bracelet also you placed the orders for the dragon scale armor (AC 6) and the cloak made from the wings. they will be completed at the end of the next adventure Dar is able to make arrow heads, daggers from 3 fourths of the teeth and claws
Dibbs on Ring of Spell (unless it is the one that the mage/thief had) and a cloak made from wings. 
caine already claimed the ring
I currently have the +1 long sword and the pots of healing
Is it assumed that we liquidated all the things of value? And that is what you put in our inventory? Also. To all in the party who accept it, I cast Mage armor on them free of charge :)
If you wanted to sell the gems and both pairs of bracelets, that is the cost being offered...of course for the more expensive items you were told that you would have to probably have to go to the capital or another city. Lintz being a mining and logging community.
Mitch "Mage Armor"  isn't a spell in 2e. I looked in all my resources to check the parameters...
Only a couple things jump out at me for Calus and a question as well. First the question:  How are the coins being split up?  Evenly or more to those that attended the sessions? (I'm fine with taking less for my character since I missed a couple sessions.) Items of interest: Calus would like the War Hammer +1 (He is proficient with it) and the Tigers Eye Agate.  He would have the Tigers Eye Agate and two dragons teeth (one to each side of the gem) made into a necklace to wear.  Not extremely valuable but a good memento and it would look cool.  Other then that, he would probably convert his gold into gems for ease of transport and weight allowance. 
how you split the coins is up to the party as a whole. i give out 1 xp per PP of treasure recovered. For those that missed sessions i didn't give them a share of that i will leave division up to the party. Since no one claimed any of the gems i don't see why Calus can't have it as well as two of the dragon teeth for a necklace.

Edited 1471508865
i propose we first check for magical properties for all the loot - maybe the bracers are magical? b- i presume no one will object i take the +1 shield.  c- mark can the mace be purified? so it will be only +1 so i can use it? d- what about all the 7 plate mails we acquired? can we sell them. e- i don't have use of the scrolls of healing i have for i can't read so someone else can take them
What? Never heard of mage armor?  What happened is, Reginald didn't like the spell selection (for some reason) so he tore the fabric of reality and temporarily changed the edition of the campaign to 5th edition, totally not because Mitchell just played a 5E game and was confused as shit, in order to get this one spell. Which makes no sense because the 2E verson of the spell is So much better that its 5E counterpart. The spell is simply Armor in 2E. My bad. On the topic of xp for PP, did we already get XP for gems and the other expensive items? or do we have to liquidate the things first?  Response to Boaz. I have no objection to him having the +1 shield. I say we suit you up in one of those suits and whoever else can use them then sell the rest. To the scrolls.... sell them? Reg could try to teach you to read? Are you even able to read? 
Boaz..that was the purpose of this post. This was everything (except the various bells) that you found in the fortress, identified and appraised. the mace can be purified but at a price... for all 7 sets of plate mail armor Gareth offered 2,100 gold crowns. the armor can be refitted to characters if any one wants a suit.. besides brella, you are the only cleric in the party.
@ you don't need to sell the gems or jewelry to get the xp..i calculate that when i do xp. As for the spell...most of the characters have better AC than what Armor bestows..the others might want it though..
all the adventure said was you had found 11 gems totaling 1650 gp...i decided to determine what the gems were as an afterthought
@ Mark. Awesome! Thanks man. You're to dam diligent.
so i do want to fit me a plate armor - or better still try to buy a +1 plate armor - i will sell the warhammer +1 and pay with some of it the cost to purify the +1 mace  sell the bells and if there is enough money buy a +1 plate otherwise just fit one for me.
I was going to claim it for Calus, but if you really need to sell it to have enough for the +1 plate, then by all means.  It would be his backup/spare weapon anyway. 
We will probably be having to make a trip to a larger city. If we are going by the books, it should cost, 600 (plate mail) and 500 (for the +1 bonus) to make, not sure what they would sell it for though. 
i use a different formulae..the one from the Rules Cyclopedia
as you camp for the night in the former goblin chief's room you take the time to count the haul for this days work. 2pp 557 gp (111 for each member with 2 left over) 115 ep (23 for each member) 619 sp (123 for each with 4 left over) 1,089 cp (217 for each with 4 left over) a tapestry with gold and silver threadwork a tarnished silver cup a pewter bowl 6 sheaf arrows  with keen arrowheads a potion in a ceramic flask (possibly invisibility) 2 clerical scrolls ( cure light wounds, hold person)

Edited 1472352351
I will donate my copper to the poor. And I used 2 of those arrows.
Good Guy Wesley
I'm poor. Don't forget that XD
@wes you were able to retrieve them..being "not standard" arrows, they didn't break

Edited 1472447294
cool, thanks Mark, @Abraham, after 1st level, I don't usually cary copper pieces, after 5th, I don't even pick them up. Not worth the encumberance.
Since that is all a lot to carry, perhaps we should simply stash it all for now, and then come back for it later.  We can worry about dividing up up later. Also, like Wesley mentioned, some of it is just excess weight.  Perhaps we can donate the Copper (and silver??) to the church or just add that all right into our Group Treasury. 
remember 10coins = 1 pound.. it may seem that you have alot but its only 238.2 lbs of coins..the tapestry will take 2 ppl to carry and weighs 25lbs
a list of things/money found 94 cp 448 sp 170 ep 283 gp 30 pp a silver and gem studded belt a piece of jade an ebony stick about 1.5 feet long a suit of plate mail and shield and axell saved a lucky character when he smashed the false bottom of the iron box that you found. He also smashed a vial of poison potion in the process
I put the ebony stick on my sheet in my backpack.  That is the only item I have taken so far.
Axell Smash XD
Axell looks and checks the plate mail and the shield. If they are better than his plate mail and his shield, he is going to take it. Also Axell takes the piece of jade to the his pocket.
Dar has little concern for gaudy things, and keep your stick, Dar's only use for sticks is to make fire to cook with, or keep warm by. A little jingle in his pocket, and items to slay the wicked with are all he desires.
ok here is what was found this session, both money and treasure wise coins: 33gp, 10ep. 182sp, 26cp treasure: silver armlet on the hobgoblin with the whip 1 suit of man-sized plate mail 1 suit of dwarf-sized plate mail 3 suits of man-sized chain mail 2 suits of elven chain mail (claimed by Reginald and Dar) 7 suits of man-sized leather armor 11 shields (1 claimed by Barish a small wooden one) 6 daggers 1 battle axe (claimed by Axell) 4 footman's maces 3 swords      long      short      rapier 2 bows (short) 1 longbow 13 light crossbows 11 score* arrows (14 arrows have silver heads) (220) 9 score bolts (180) 51 spears 19 pole arms (bardiches) 42 helmets of various sizes you will get half book value for the items listed if and when you sell
Reginald Claims the daggers.
is there anything magical of all those? 
I think the only magic stuff will be the dagger gifted from Samson, maybe the silver head arrows.Other than that I can not think of anything that would be magical. Wealth gained from selling (Reginald is feeling generous and he also wishes to gain good standing with the fort for the group so he will not haggle and sell the shit at half price)  In gold 600 from platemail, 112 from chainmail, 17 from leather armor, 15 from small wood shield, 168 from helmets (assumed all basinet and not great helm), 16 from footmen's mace, 20 from all swords, 30 from shortswords, 37 from longbow, 227 from light crossbow, 20 from spears, 66 from Bardiche,  Total GP from sale (gold from claimed items excluded) 1310/6, each person (or mark if he wants do do it) mark 218GP and 3 silver and 3 copper. 
Mark, can we buy basic supplies while in town and what are prices compared to PHB? 
yes you can buy the basics at Riessen-Uhr Keep and at book price
Will the men at arms names be the randomly generated names?
No. I have several resourcse for henchmen..the Accessories Shady Dragon Inn, Rogues Gallery, and the Dragon Magazine Article "A few goodHenchmen" from issue 246
total treasure found 12gp and 20sp
I was requested to keep a weekly list of treasure found. here it is, A pair of silver armbands (gnoll chief) 2 golden necklaces (two of the gnoll females) 51gp, 44ep, 104sp, 16cp
I would like to take that armband as a memento
there are two..not quite a matched pair
the first one looks better so I will keep that. 

Edited 1477080730
We might need to hire a Halfling thiefey type, or a tricky elf ranger type for just opening doors and such, none combative kind.
I put it out to a vote if i should reopen the recruiting for another PC a roguish type..a straight thief, since Caine hasn't been here for a month
I vote no for adding players 
Well, I have said before, so yall know how I feel about thieves.