This is my JSON. I have three problems. I am using the shaped 5E theme.
{"attack": 4,"damage": "1d6+1",
"fx": "nova-fire","message": "A magical glyph flashes to life and then erupts in a whirling storm of fire!","notes": "This trap alerts nearby monsters.","gmOnly": true,"spotDC": 12,
"Sound": Zombies}
FIRST: Despite what I check in the script configuration menu I get my token sent to the map layer. Is there a bit I can add to the JSON to determine the layer it gets sent to?
B: I can't get the FX to work. I've found that
form-color is what works for FX hence
nova-fire. I've been unsuccessful in getting it to work.
FINALLY: Can't get the sound aspect to work. I renamed the track in the jukebox to "Zombies" thinking that would be the problem but no luck.
I did scroll through the forum posts and learned some stuff, I especially liked Trigshots macro for creating traps but I've been unable to resolve this.