Hi, all--wasn't sure where to put this, but after a look I didn't see this mentioned anywhere so figured it'd be good to put it out here in case it hadn't been brought up. I've been exploring running a Cypher system game for some friends, and found the (really excellent) Cypher System sheet. Very cool sheet and looks to work great--I can see it being very useful! I did find what I *think* is one bug on it, though, that I wanted to check on in part to make sure I was doing things right / had the right expectations. I have a character set up with default numbers for Might, Speed, and Intellect--I haven't changed the Pools at all. When I hit the Damage Track section's "roll" button that does a "full rest" for the character with the API script, the character's Might and Intellect pools are properly set to their default full values (11 and 7, respectively), but Speed, rather than being set to 10 as it appears it should, is set to 0, and the character is impaired. Appears this is something to do with Speed's default not properly being recorded? If I manually set the Speed pool to a value, the button works properly--it only seems to have the bug if I leave the Speed pool field at its default value and don't change anything. That makes this a minor issue, likely, since it's a pretty easy fix (and I'm not sure anyone would create a player character without *some* pool adjustment) but just in case, wanted to get that out there. And just to restate: this looks to be a really excellent sheet!