Hey all, I've been part of the community since '12, and as such, I have a lot of content to share. If you like to watch adventuring wild lands, untamed magic and kingdom building, you might check out Gray Eminence . We're just starting the second chapter which will feature political intrigue alongside new discoveries, so if that's more your style, skip ahead to Chapter 2. I've provided a quick recap to the important aspects of Chapter 1. Swashbuckling adventure with odd discoveries and planar travel? Might want to check out Pirates of Gulaar. This campaign is also ongoing, but is played less, so less progress will be made on it. If you're interested in official adventure paths, there's a couple up on the page . I don't really run too much of those anymore, as the players prefer my homebrew adventures. My older session videos contain content from Pathfinder to Firefly. So I hope you check them out and also, if you have videos of your own, feel free to reply below. I'm always looking for new videos to watch. Cheers!