<a href="https://youtu.be/oaYO5F3qZlI" rel="nofollow">https://youtu.be/oaYO5F3qZlI</a> After descending into an underground cavern, underneath the Old Owl Well, the party releases Daechor the Ever Living . He is a giant undead Death Cleric who was trapped in an Arcane Stone, while searching for a lost relic. The party set him free, unknowing to them his true identity. After a tough battle, started by the Dragonborn, who's clan was decimated by Giants, Draechor the Ever Living was felled. Rhogar, The Barbarian asked the Druid to help him add a piece of art to his back tattoo, describing the death of Draechor... using the undead Giant's blood. Needless to say, it has caused some strange things to happen to the Dragonborn. His hair, which was burned off in a fire in Phandalin, regrew. His silvery white skin had begun to change to a charcoal. His breath, no longer whisps of frozen breath, now emitted black clouds. his blood, when spilled, heals the undead, but damages the living. After making their way towards Conyberry, to speak with a banshee for an unrelated task, they were ambushed by Ghouls. Making swift work of them, they camp out for the night. The Monk, Varis, thought he could gain some insight into what is ailing the Barbarian, by meditating with him. He got more than he bargained for. New DM here. Homebrewing a bit of stuff into the LMoP. Never played 5e before, and currently 10 sessions into my game. I'm enjoying the homebrew experience over the module. Just wish I could play more, to get that improv experience needed to take out all those "uhs" and "umms". Big peeve of mine.