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items and other RP stuff that should have happened saturday


Edited 1477171941
Treasure found this session: 201 cp 168 sp 88 ep 135 gp 2 pp boots of elvenkind Chrysoprase (x2), Carnelian (orange)(x2), Star Rose Quartz (x2), Bloodstone (x2), Chalcedony, Sardonyx, Rock Crystal, Smokey Quartz 2 gold chains silver dagger with a dark blue sapphire in the pommel bastard sword (id as cursed with detect magic) helmet (id as cursed with detect magic) (see image as to what type of helmet) scroll of protection from undead long sword (id as magical with detect magic) wand (id as magical with detect magic as being a divinaton type) 7 shields, a suit of dwarf-sized chain mail, 12 hand axes, 3 longbows, 5 quivers of arrows (20 in each) sable cloak
Reginald has the cursed sword and helm, the wand, boots, silver dagger and would like one of the chains. (bling bling yo) Will take no money.

Edited 1477780062
Treasure recovered potion of stone to flesh (there is still some liquid in the ceramic vial. Its viscosity is like baby oil) there might be enough for at least 5 more applications Medusa's blood

Edited 1477781590
yummy, medusa's blood. Could be very useful, or sell for a pretty penny. Sorry for having to bail guys, had to work. Did I miss anything else?
i left it at a cliffhanger..they are about to be caught in a pincer..a lone fighter heard them investigating near is area and they kicked in a door to a room with 4 acolytes of the fiend Leptar
Ohh man. I usually remember to post rear guard. But alas, not there, and I guess someone forgot to do so. But should be fun! Get to stabby stabby, slashey, slashey and Axell smash!
Oh but we do have a rear guard. Dar and the two NPCs are in the rear, with Reginald about 10-15 feet between both parties. The second that dude pops around the corner he will discover why not to split the party, with an arrow in the head from Dar. And the Acolytes will get turned into a bloody mess.(great fallout New Vegas perk btw)

Edited 1478383128
treasure found this session: 20 identical amulets from zombies and skeletons 40gp 4 red spinels
can I get 3 amulets?
Sure...the amulet on top is what the one cleric was wearing..the one on the bottom is what the zombies and skeletons were wearing
Reg gives Cam 3 amulets
Gerard glances at the groups scavenging of the skeletons with discust. "thy are instrument of evil and the amulets that have made them stronger against the might of the goodess are insturments of evil - thy must be destroyed!!! give them to me and i will do it immidiatlly 
ohhh, did I miss the skellybots and the lead cleric?
Reginald looks nervously at the 17 amulets currently in his possession. "Not to you friend. I wish to deliver all but one to your church. Perhaps we can get a reward for delivering these relics of evil to them for destruction. I do wish to keep one however. I have never seen this effect before so I would wish to study it. I also want to know how they could mass produce these items. Magic item creation is only done by a great castor after all. These items have already told us that much."
You missed Skellybots but no lead cleric. Nuked 12 skellys.
Gerard looks at Reginald with utter disbelief - "i am the representative of the church so give them to me! you do not understand you are in grave danger. those will corrupt your beautiful soul. thy must be destroyed immediately. give them to me" Gerard gets closer to Reginald and extends his arm as he holds the war-hammer ready to destroy them one by one/
this exchange between Reginald and Gerard gave me an idea..I know Boaz wants more role-play during the sessions, and i said that in the future there could be. But if you guys want to have inter-party banter outside the game you can do so in here. or even start a new thread for it and i will give more xp than the 200 i give for role play (but no more than 500xp for it)
I vote new thread.  
GM's NOTE: Because Caine had claimed some of these items I will repost the Treasure from Elwyn's fortress so the party has access to what he had claimed. This is a list of the magical and non-magical items that were found in and around Elwny's fortress: from the Troglodyte lair: 5 large sacks sack 1 and 2: 500 silver serfs (sp) each sack 3 and 4: 100 gold crowns (gp) each sack 5 : 500 platinum stallions (pp of the nation of galazaan) 2 vials that are potions of healingTreasure map #1 that led to Cache 1 Clerical scroll with 3 cure light wounds spells potion of polymorph self (labelled) potion of growth (labelled) warhammer +1Treasure map #2 that led to Cache 2 wand of paralyzation (carrion crawler's touch are the command words) 3 charges left (Caine) long sword +1 Clerical scroll with cure light wounds, silence 15-foot radius Ring of spell storing (currently has magic missile (x2), and web)Elwyn's Treasure (Caine) Medium shield +1 Mace of Draining +1 (this mace will, on command, drain one experience level from the character hit, as a wight.It can only absorb a total of three levels.After those levels are used up, it becomes a normal mace + 1 ) (Note: using the draining ability of this mace is an evil act. No good aligned priests will use this mace unless there was no other option. her armor is standard plate mail armor like that of her acolytes staff of healinggems in the small chest amethyst (100gp) bloodstone (25gp) Chalcedony (20gp) Jade (100gp) Jasper (50gp) Moss Agate (50gp) Pearl (300gp) Peridot (435gp) Tiger Eye agate (10gp ) Calus claimed along with two dragon's teeth to make a necklace Topaz (500gp) Bloodstone (65gp) One set of the matching bracelets is worth 1000gp for each bracelet and the other set is worth 1,100gp each bracelet also you placed the orders for the dragon scale armor (AC 6) and the cloak made from the wings. they will be completed at the end of the next adventure Dar is able to make arrow heads, daggers from 3 fourths of the teeth and claws
Reginald will claim the ring of spell storing. And already has the bracelets. 
I currently have the 2 vials that are potions of healing, potion of polymorph self (labeled), and long sword +1 . I think we should sell all the gems and jewlery to buy items. I think that wizard who thinks he is a fighter could use with some magic bracers or such. LOL.

Edited 1478639122
Some pots of healing, I always like to have a least one fire resistance around, maybe recharge the wand of para if possible. I would love to enchant this dragon armor. Our cleric should get the scrolls. I do think we split up the gold already.
We did split back in the day. Like the idea of getting the wand charged. Lol. Melee wizard is totally viable. 
i know you guys split the treasure way back when, but like i said i re-posted the entire thing because caine had a few items that would be of use and i didn't want you to be without.
Adepts of Leptar (2nd level clerics): 4 suits of plate mail, 4 footman's mace, 4 copper chains with bone clasps carved as a skull, 80gp 20pp copper dishes of exceptional craftsmenship 4 amulets like the one priest wore (see priest amulet pic) 20 skeletons: 20 amulets (see undead amulet) 20 zombies: 20 amulets (see Undead Amulet) Priest of Leptar; plate mail, large shield (see pic), snake carved quarterstaff, 51pp Temple throne: Large stone is a Fire Opal, 10 pieces of jet, 10 garnets (deep red in color) gems found in front of wardrobe in private bedroom: Azurite (x2), Banded Agate, Blue Quartz (x4), Eye Agate (x7), Hematite (x6), Lapis Lazuli (x5), Malachite (x3), Moss Agate (x5), Obsidian: (x3), Rhodochrosite (x3), Tiger Eye Agate (x5), Turquoise (x6) 500gp 2 red tourmaline gems (Large shield found with Head priest)
I advise that we wait till we get to town to get all this stuff appraised and get a total GP value before splitting it with Dar, Gerard, Axel and Reginald.
Axell looks at the gems. And he took 2 pieces which he liked. One of them is Turquoise and the other one is Obsidian. He doesn't care much about price. He taking it because he just liked it. 
I really think with only one cleric, we should get potions of healing, when he got feared earlier, we would have been in trouble if anyone got hit with a crit taking them into negative hp.
Good idea. It was nice having Barish but he has been absent. Asking Mark here, can we use Brella like we use Abel and Yendeth?
That is what she was for
Derp. Could we get her sheet mayhaps?
If you want to handle the fighters Mitchell, I can run Brella. I have enjoyed her character since the start of this campaign. (Also, I would really like to have some casting abilities, I miss spells.)
Hehe. Sounds good to me man. 
Had fun time Saturday, however, was not the same without you Boaz!
thanks guys. it warms my heart... but still no free heals though :)
Scroll 2 of 5 from wizard's desk Protection from Gas, 5' radius* Minute Form* Scroll 3 of 5 from wizard's desk Protection from Evil, 10' radius Scroll 4 of 5 from the wizard's desk Dead Man's Eyes Wizard Sight Shout Banish Least Yugoloth* Scroll 5 of 5 from the wizard's desk Magic Disc* (cannot be cast by Reginald or samson; restricted to that class of mages called Hexia (witches)) Ensnarement Otiluke's Boiling Oil Bath* Temporal Freedom* * = new spell ceramic potion vial (not labelled)
here is what was found so far in the ruined Fighters' Academy. 1,000ep (Galazaani Geldings) 1,027sp (Galazanni Colts) 4 jeweled buttons
Large stone is a Fire Opal (1,000gp), 10 pieces of jet (100gp @), 10 garnets (deep red in color) (500gp @) 4 garnets (500gp @) gems found in front of wardrobe in private bedroom: Azurite (x2), Banded Agate, Blue Quartz (x4), Eye Agate (x7), Hematite (x6), Lapis Lazuli (x5), Malachite (x3), Moss Agate (x5), Obsidian: (x3), Rhodochrosite (x3), Tiger Eye Agate (x5), Turquoise (x6) (all these are 50gp in value) Chrysoprase (x2), Carnelian (orange)(x2), Star Rose Quartz (x2), Bloodstone (x2), Chalcedony, Sardonyx, Rock Crystal, Smokey Quartz (<---- all these gems are 50gp@) this is the value of the gems found in the Caves of Chaos when hunting the priests of Leptar these are the gems that were found in Haven 2 sapphires (300gp) emerald (2,000gp) 10 fire agates (50gp @) this is the value of the items found in the Fighters' Academy 4 jewelled buttons (5gp @) necklace (1400 gp) short sword +1, +3 vs undead falchion +1, +3 vs regenerating creatures earring 700gp turquoise (2) (10gp@) citrine (50gp) onyx (50gp) garnet (100gp) topaz (500gp) black pearl (500gp) scepter (1300gp) diadem (1300gp) clock pin (400gp) earring (100gp)
Ones from the caves, 12100. Split between Reginald, Samson, DAR, Axell : approx 3000GP in jems each. dibbs one the fire opal (1000), two deep red garnets (500*2), five jets (100*5) and : One Sardonyx, four blue quarts, five lapis lazuli (10*50) From haven 3100. Split between DAR, Samson, Axell, Sammo and Alexis. 620GP in jems each. Reginald will abstain from jems from haven to put towards getting the necklace from the Fighters' Academy From the Fighters' Academy so far. 6440. Split between DAR, Samson, Reginald, Axell, Sammo, Moco, Grace and Alexis. 800GP in jems each.  Reg will take the Necklace (1400*1) Will put the GP he didn't take from haven in the pile. Bling Bling. All three adventures totaling a staggering 21640 in Gold value. In all honesty we could probably buy a couple of villages and retire off the taxes occasionally fighting raiders and monsters until they get the picture and fucked off. Gents, this is an almost unfathomable amount of wealth. 
Grace will take both the earrings (100+700=800) and that is a lot of gold from past adventures.... Rich rich people.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Is anyone using this? short sword +1, +3 vs undead Else I would very much like it
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mitchell J. said: All three adventures totaling a staggering 21640 in Gold value. In all honesty we could probably buy a couple of villages and retire off the taxes occasionally fighting raiders and monsters until they get the picture and fucked off. Gents, this is an almost unfathomable amount of wealth.  But we do not gather it to horde it, we remove it from being lost to the world of commerce and return it back into circulation so coins and gems can do what they do best; move from hadn to hand as they are used in trade and theft :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If we still have the emerald then Sammo will take it, appraise it and then return equal value. -- Instead of his GP(1420) and will put in another 580GP worth {Aquamarine (500gp) & Carnelian (50gp) & Gold (30gp)}
Aqua Den Barbar said: Is anyone using this? short sword +1, +3 vs undead Else I would very much like it i believe that Alexis has the short sword right now
I need the pro/ gas in RL.
Whom has the staff of healing? Brella? If so, I want to make sure it stays with a PC cleric when she leaves.
Brella has the staff for now, but if Sammo, Moco, or even Grace want to hold on to it when/if Brella leaves that is fine
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mark W. said: Brella has the staff for now, but if Sammo, Moco, or even Grace want to hold on to it when/if Brella leaves that is fine HARD to sneak with a staff :P
ok treasure found this session from the Huge black widow spiders.....64cp, and 68gp from the other 4 armed skeleton....silver shield with the symbol of 2 crossed swords and the the word caduses inscribed on it from the cockatrice....5,000sp, a jewel studded silver pendant (1,200gp) a elven style brooch (a la lord of the rings ) (700gp), clerical scroll with carved ivory case (10gp) ( detect magic, find traps) from the ochre jelly...4 silver arrow heads (5gp @), gold belt buckle (5gp) from the gnolls...24gp, 20pp, 28ep, gold pendant in the form of a howling hyena (300gp), small shield
holy crap. Dat loot. Grace! Take the Staff! It's a staff of healing.