Hey all, been on roll20 for a while now and been involved in a few games but I am always looking for a little more. Looking to join a new game that runs either on Thursday or Friday from 7pm EST or later is good with me. I am a bit of a newbie but have the basics under my belt. Love to play Pathfinder mostly but I have been interested in playing D&D 4e. or other games if you are up to teaching me. Hoping to either join a group that is either just about to begin or just started a game. I am also up to getting a group together so long as there is already a DM found. I would like to play with a mix bag of both guys and gals but I will play with a bunch of bros too. Not really looking to join any young groups where everyone is between 17-19, looking more for groups that are between 20-30 range. A little bit about myself. My real name is Jason, I am 29 years old, and I am fairly new to table top games but I have been doing online role playing for 15 years. I adore playing games like Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Fallout 3/Vegas, Warcraft, Diablo, and many other RPG games. I enjoy creating and playing as interesting and fun characters from the handsome pirate rogue to the big brutish hulking warrior. Mostly I like to try a class I have not played before in my other games and give them a whirl. I have a few character sheets I have created and are unused, but I usually create them from scratch any way when playing in a new game. They kind of games I like to join are those that combine both humor and seriousness, so long as people are having fun. To me I always envision when people want to play D&D or the sort, they imagine being like the Fellowship in the Lord of the Rings, but it ends up turning into Monty Python and the Holy Grail every now and then. I am alright with adult themes, after all this is an adult game, but I don't like when it goes too over board. *Bonus* I watch RollPlay on youtube, and I have been interested in doing recordings of my games or participating in an online weekly show where we play D&D or Pathfinder on Twitch on the weekend. If anyone has been interested in that as well, would be happy to participate in it. EDIT: My saturdays have been taken up, but still looking for a thursday or friday game!