FATE "Masters of Umdarr - Amberwood" Player Experience Level: Beginners welcome Characters: Pre-Gen Behold the fallen world of Umdaar, home to savage warriors, cyborg insects, and merciless warlords. Oh, and lasers—lots and lots of lasers. The Masters rule with an iron fist, and the people’s only hope are the archaeonauts and their quest for long-lost artifacts of power. Defend the peaceful community of Amberwood from marauding aliens and tyrannical regimes. Free to play @ KoboldCon! Register for your FREE badge at <a href="http://koboldcon.com/tickets" rel="nofollow">http://koboldcon.com/tickets</a> Website: <a href="http://koboldcon.com" rel="nofollow">http://koboldcon.com</a> Facebook: <a href="http://facebook.com/KoboldCon" rel="nofollow">http://facebook.com/KoboldCon</a>