<a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/70287/curse-of-" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/70287/curse-of-</a>... Hi, Guys! I'm the GM for a group that call ourselves "The Ruinlords" because we like to turn the Pathfinder APs into more open world experiences with a lot of narrative and roleplaying. We have a plan to run all of the Pathfinder APs with our group as though it were a unified world - so all your decisions could ripple through Golarion. We're in need of new player for our Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign set to begin in May (a long time I know but I'm getting loads of prep done). We plan to run a bunch of one shots leading up to the AP so please sign up if you have the time!&nbsp; As a lady GM, if you're a lady wanting to join a game but you're not sure about it, I got you. Just 2 years ago I was a new GM, so new players if you're looking to get your feet wet, I got you. Just bring a willingness to grow and learn (that goes for anybody) and the Ruinlords will help you grow into the best player you can be. That said, we are a pretty high skill/talent group and that can be challenging. Anyway, come join us in our Discord chat (we love talking shop and goofing off) and check out our wiki's (obsidian portal is amazing, amirite)!&nbsp; Good luck on becoming a Ruinlord!