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[Old] Tales of the Yawning Portal Official Bug Report Thread


Edited 1491908180
Hi I Noticed an error for Dead in thay, In room 19 the text says "skeletal undead stand on a crude bridge of wooden planks, dumping food into the pigpen." and the Skeletons are not actually placed on the Wooden Bridges but to the side of the room. Also I noticed that room 27 doesn't have a number for it.
Adding Tales add-ons to my main SKT campaign caused the folder structure of SKT to be removed, dumping all files into the top level. 
Roll20 Team
Linus F. said: Adding Tales add-ons to my main SKT campaign caused the folder structure of SKT to be removed, dumping all files into the top level.  Do you remember which addon you included that tore up your file structure? I ran a test with SKT and Sunless Citadel and my folder structure was retained.
Hey there. Im playing the Sunless Citadel module and none of the pre-made content is showing to my players, everything seems black. For the GM it is all fine but when I join as a player it goes back to black. the screens I have made are all fine. We have tried clearing out our cache, are we missing a setting so the players can see the pre-made content? Thanks! Fog of war is turned off.
Peter S. said: Hey there. Im playing the Sunless Citadel module and none of the pre-made content is showing to my players, everything seems black. For the GM it is all fine but when I join as a player it goes back to black. the screens I have made are all fine. We have tried clearing out our cache, are we missing a setting so the players can see the pre-made content? Thanks! Fog of war is turned off. The players need to have tokens assigned to them that have sight with vision.
Sky said: Peter S. said: Hey there. Im playing the Sunless Citadel module and none of the pre-made content is showing to my players, everything seems black. For the GM it is all fine but when I join as a player it goes back to black. the screens I have made are all fine. We have tried clearing out our cache, are we missing a setting so the players can see the pre-made content? Thanks! Fog of war is turned off. The players need to have tokens assigned to them that have sight with vision. Thank you! totally worked
Kristin C. said: Do you remember which addon you included that tore up your file structure? I ran a test with SKT and Sunless Citadel and my folder structure was retained. I added all of the Yawning Portal addon's prior to opening the game again, unfortunately (with the exception of Dead in Thay since one of my group members is running it as a one shot).
Roll20 Team
Linus F. said: Kristin C. said: Do you remember which addon you included that tore up your file structure? I ran a test with SKT and Sunless Citadel and my folder structure was retained. I added all of the Yawning Portal addon's prior to opening the game again, unfortunately (with the exception of Dead in Thay since one of my group members is running it as a one shot). Linus, can you tell me the name of the game in question so we can take a look under the hood to see what may have happened here?
Roll20 Team, I recently bought the Yawning Portal bundle. However, the art assets are not showing up. I added all addons to one of my games thinking that you needed all of them in there. So, I cannot add the maps, or any of the tokens. I thought they would be under the Marketplace Purchases portion of the assets tool, but they are not. I can access all the handouts thought. Respectfully, VoodooSixOne

Edited 1492137415
Forum Champion
VoodooSixOne said: Roll20 Team, I recently bought the Yawning Portal bundle. However, the art assets are not showing up. I added all addons to one of my games thinking that you needed all of them in there. So, I cannot add the maps, or any of the tokens. I thought they would be under the Marketplace Purchases portion of the assets tool, but they are not. I can access all the handouts thought. Respectfully, VoodooSixOne Tales from the yawning portal is a bundle of add-ons that can be added to any campaign via the game settings page. This includes the Characters, Handouts, and Pages. They will be in your game as if you had created them, or dragged them in from the compendium. It does not extend the compendium with them or add them to your graphics Library. For more details you can also check out the Announcement Post from the forums here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hope that helps!

Edited 1492139807
Ed S. said: In White Plume Mountain can we get a decent players version of the map that doesn't have all the underwater traps visible? Room 10 in particular is completely ruined for the players. It's called the "Deceptively Deep Room" which happens to have the walkway solution is visible to all. I would like to be able to run without having to make my own map. Ya this is correct I originally thought how could the artist possibly make this mistake but he did. &nbsp;These traps are suppose to blend in with the water. &nbsp;Theyre numerous traps totally revealed to the players. Essentially all the traps are obvious and on the players map. &nbsp;The artist really screwed up and whoever checked his work screwed up and whoever allowed it into the bundle screwed up on and on. &nbsp;I have no idea how a map this screwed up made it in. This is a serious quality issue and honestly should be #1 on the to do list. It appears this has been reported numerous times but theres 0 response to it. &nbsp;This doesn't paint Roll20 in a good light if modules based around dungeons, traps, exploration, ect are missing core components. I'm impressed by the lack of response in this regard or any word about this issue.
Volomon said: Ed S. said: In White Plume Mountain can we get a decent players version of the map that doesn't have all the underwater traps visible? Room 10 in particular is completely ruined for the players. It's called the "Deceptively Deep Room" which happens to have the walkway solution is visible to all. I would like to be able to run without having to make my own map. Ya this is correct I originally thought how could the artist possibly make this mistake but he did. &nbsp;These traps are suppose to blend in with the water. &nbsp;Theyre numerous traps totally revealed to the players. Essentially all the traps are obvious and on the players map. &nbsp;The artist really screwed up and whoever checked his work screwed up and whoever allowed it into the bundle screwed up on and on. &nbsp;I have no idea how a map this screwed up made it in. This is a serious quality issue and honestly should be #1 on the to do list. It appears this has been reported numerous times but theres 0 response to it. &nbsp;This doesn't paint Roll20 in a good light if modules based around dungeons, traps, exploration, ect are missing core components. I'm impressed by the lack of response in this regard or any word about this issue. The map in the Roll20 Add-On, as far as I can see, is identical to the map in the Tales from the Yawning Portal module, page 98. &nbsp;No one has pointed out any differences between the Roll20 map and the WotC map. &nbsp;In other words, no one has listed any Bugs to be fixed. &nbsp; I am sure if Wizards of the Coast makes any updates or errata to the map that the Roll20 people will be quick to make the same changes or advise us what to do. &nbsp;

Edited 1492150527
I'm sorry but just because one person jumped off a cliff doesn't mean you should line up to be next and somehow that makes it ok. &nbsp;WOTC clearly used an old GM map from an older module. &nbsp;Taking a cheap short cut. &nbsp;Which can work if you were playing table too. &nbsp;This is VTT there are different standards here ones which Roll20 failed to uphold with WOTC AND failed to mention to customers. &nbsp; This can not be played as intended with the current map, PERIOD. &nbsp;I'm not sure if you're one of the DEVs making a shady reply under another account or what. However amazingly you can get a proper map for 4.99. &nbsp;More than half the cost of the damn module. Roll20 also has a higher bar of standards due to having full retail price and also all their promises of ease of use. Purchasing White Plume Mountain with fix is over 1/3 the price of the hardback book. Its this shady kind of deals which has Roll20 doing videos and Q&As. &nbsp;Also the strange avoidance to even ATTEMPT or at least PRETEND to attempt to respond to and I'm amazed. &nbsp;I mean I can reach out and talk to the DND LEAD DESIGNER, but....roll20 dev team....nah...which I'll hit there team up after they wake up and ask WTF, but I don't expect an answer back from Roll20. &nbsp;WOTC on the other hand will probably mail me out a poster sized map of a correct map. &nbsp;In all honesty though the book doesnt need a player map. &nbsp;You're not about to lay the book on the table and play on it are you. &nbsp; You can take all that money you saved and buy the proper maps and print them out. I mean this was referred to as the "Fun House" dungeon. &nbsp;Going back to the late 70s. &nbsp;Without a proper map (that doesn't give away all the fun) you can't properly play it.

Edited 1492153695
Ironically DMsGuild. &nbsp;I think their maybe one on as well. &nbsp;Ya techically not a "bug" but clearly an error. &nbsp;But neither is like word spelling ect,. and there reported here so I think this is higher on that list. There's this too: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm just annoyed cause I'm fixing these as a player, if I was the DM it wouldn't be so bad.
Volomon said: Ironically DMsGuild. &nbsp;I think their maybe one on as well. &nbsp;Ya techically not a "bug" but clearly an error. &nbsp;But neither is like word spelling ect,. and there reported here so I think this is higher on that list. There's this too: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm just annoyed cause I'm fixing these as a player, if I was the DM it wouldn't be so bad. sweet thread thx!
Volomon said: Ironically DMsGuild. &nbsp;I think their maybe one on as well. &nbsp;Ya techically not a "bug" but clearly an error. &nbsp;But neither is like word spelling ect,. and there reported here so I think this is higher on that list. There's this too: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm just annoyed cause I'm fixing these as a player, if I was the DM it wouldn't be so bad. The point of pointing out the map error is that we shouldn't have to fix it as a paying customer. I have been running WPM since 1980, I still have my original monochrome copy, and the water covering the dungeon floor features is an integral part of the adventure.
We absolutely hear your complaints about the traps in White Plume Mountain. We did not intend to be radio silent on this issue and we apologize for giving that impression. At the moment we're waiting on the update to art assets to be completed and approved, so that we can push it live -- we'll be doing that as soon as possible. We're immediately focused on getting this fixed! Thank you!

Edited 1492279900
I guess I'm confused. Here is a section of the (players) map from White Plume Mountain from FantasyGrounds. And here is a the (mostly) same section of map from White Plume Mountain from Roll20. Did Wizards of the Coast send different art assets to Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds?
Hi there, this maybe be UBF, or it may be a technical issue. I am DMing Forge of Fury, and on the Glitterhame map a number of the tokens are grayed out, and cannot be manipulated. They are not opaque. I have it on the OBJECT AND TOKENS setting, too. Many of the other tokens do work. Some that are grayed out for me are the Stirges in room 15A and Kaarghaz in room 19.&nbsp;
Heart of Darius said: Hi there, this maybe be UBF, or it may be a technical issue. I am DMing Forge of Fury, and on the Glitterhame map a number of the tokens are grayed out, and cannot be manipulated. They are not opaque. I have it on the OBJECT AND TOKENS setting, too. Many of the other tokens do work. Some that are grayed out for me are the Stirges in room 15A and Kaarghaz in room 19.&nbsp; Grayed out tokens are probably on the GM Layer.&nbsp;
They are! Why are they there? I am sure there is a it because they are optional, for example Orcs from a war party that could be out of the adventure depending on scenario?
Another question, not a bug issue, but a technical question; I want to show the health bar (BAR 2) for all monsters for the whole adventure. For the players to see how looks least/most healthy for attack purposes, etc. BAR 2 is the HP spec. How do I enable/modify the whole adventure (I am playing Forge of Fury) so that enemies show their health?
Heart of Darius said: They are! Why are they there? I am sure there is a it because they are optional, for example Orcs from a war party that could be out of the adventure depending on scenario? Because the GM decides when to move them to the Object layer based on what occurs in the adventure. &nbsp;Theres probably a good reason they are not automatically visible. - The stirges only attack if disturbed, so initially party sees none (all on GM layer). &nbsp;If disturbed, 1d4 per round attack - since you are only moving the 1d4 that attack to the object layer, the players will have no idea how many more are waiting hidden to keep the suspense. - Khargaaz starts the fight invisible if he hears the PCs coming, so you definitely want him on Gm layer. etc&nbsp;
Forum Champion
josh said&nbsp; here : It looks like area 45 of the 'Forge' map in the Forge of Fury adventure is populated with Snurrevin tokens whereas this room should be filled with Skeleton tokens.
I just picked up&nbsp;White Plume and i don't see it as an option when starting a game. Am i doing something wrong. I'm new.
Peter G. said: I just picked up&nbsp;White Plume and i don't see it as an option when starting a game. Am i doing something wrong. I'm new. You have to go to the campaign game settings and add it as an Add On from there.
got it thanks!
Suzanne W. said: We absolutely hear your complaints about the traps in White Plume Mountain. We did not intend to be radio silent on this issue and we apologize for giving that impression. At the moment we're waiting on the update to art assets to be completed and approved, so that we can push it live -- we'll be doing that as soon as possible. We're immediately focused on getting this fixed! Thank you! I know 5 days isnt a ton of time since you last posted, but do we have any ETA at all? I dont consider the product playable, its been 43 days since my card was charged/captured, and i think theres a time limit if I am going to need a refund.

Edited 1492717121
Roll20 Team
Bad DM [Matthew P.] said: Suzanne W. said: We absolutely hear your complaints about the traps in White Plume Mountain. We did not intend to be radio silent on this issue and we apologize for giving that impression. At the moment we're waiting on the update to art assets to be completed and approved, so that we can push it live -- we'll be doing that as soon as possible. We're immediately focused on getting this fixed! Thank you! I know 5 days isnt a ton of time since you last posted, but do we have any ETA at all? I dont consider the product playable, its been 43 days since my card was charged/captured, and i think theres a time limit if I am going to need a refund. I'm putting together a patch fix for this Addon right now. The map has been fixed and I've corrected a couple other issues that some users have pointed out earlier in this thread too. I've got one issue left to address and then we'll be good to go with a patch for White Plume.
Wow thank you! &nbsp;The news/updates are almost more valuable than the fixes, so thank you for taking time from your sounds like a very busy day to update us!!
Bad DM [Matthew P.] said: Suzanne W. said: We absolutely hear your complaints about the traps in White Plume Mountain. We did not intend to be radio silent on this issue and we apologize for giving that impression. At the moment we're waiting on the update to art assets to be completed and approved, so that we can push it live -- we'll be doing that as soon as possible. We're immediately focused on getting this fixed! Thank you! I know 5 days isnt a ton of time since you last posted, but do we have any ETA at all? I dont consider the product playable, its been 43 days since my card was charged/captured, and i think theres a time limit if I am going to need a refund. You do realize they have to get all this crap approved from WotC... and corporations can take forever to get anything done because of all the people that have to discuss something and approve and then send it to someone else for approval. It's a pain in the ass.
Greetings, Bought the Against the Giants module. &nbsp;Started a new game called, surprisingly Against the Giants. &nbsp;As the DM, I can see all the content. &nbsp;When I switch to see the maps as a player, I can see the new stuff/sheets I added to the module, but I can not see the module itself. &nbsp;The GM's screen has the flag on the module and the fog of war removed from an area of sufficient size. &nbsp;Still when I switch to log in as a player on the options menu, I see nothing but a black field. &nbsp;What step am I missing, please?
Roll20 Team
Jay C. said: Greetings, Bought the Against the Giants module. &nbsp;Started a new game called, surprisingly Against the Giants. &nbsp;As the DM, I can see all the content. &nbsp;When I switch to see the maps as a player, I can see the new stuff/sheets I added to the module, but I can not see the module itself. &nbsp;The GM's screen has the flag on the module and the fog of war removed from an area of sufficient size. &nbsp;Still when I switch to log in as a player on the options menu, I see nothing but a black field. &nbsp;What step am I missing, please? Is&nbsp; Dynamic Lighting still on for that page with the Player Ribbon on it? If so, then you'll need a token that has permissions assigned to you to "edit" (i.e. control) and has a sight radius inputted in its Advanced tab of the Token Settings.
Not a bug but a question, is there any possibility that the modules will be compatible with the other styles of the 5E character sheet in the near(ish) future?
Sky said: Bad DM [Matthew P.] said: Suzanne W. said: We absolutely hear your complaints about the traps in White Plume Mountain. We did not intend to be radio silent on this issue and we apologize for giving that impression. At the moment we're waiting on the update to art assets to be completed and approved, so that we can push it live -- we'll be doing that as soon as possible. We're immediately focused on getting this fixed! Thank you! I know 5 days isnt a ton of time since you last posted, but do we have any ETA at all? I dont consider the product playable, its been 43 days since my card was charged/captured, and i think theres a time limit if I am going to need a refund. You do realize they have to get all this crap approved from WotC... and corporations can take forever to get anything done because of all the people that have to discuss something and approve and then send it to someone else for approval. It's a pain in the ass. Well i flagged this for trolling but its no longer flagged so i guess the mods want me to reply. I have no idea what their contract with WotC states, please provide a copy via PM. &nbsp;Ill have my barrister take a look at it and get back to you.&nbsp; You did inspire me to look up the VISA chargeback rules and its 120 days from receipt of defective merchandise, not the charge date, so thats March 24th not March 8th - still tons of time to fix it! &nbsp;Sweet.&nbsp; Its just odd no one play tested it. &nbsp;a giant hole in the ground. &nbsp;a puddle of green slime. &nbsp;a boss-fight crab with 13 hit points instead of 124. &nbsp;Maybe someone should attempt to load, and play, future products before releasing them - like you say, it takes WotC forever to approve "crap".
Roll20 Team
Al B. said: Not a bug but a question, is there any possibility that the modules will be compatible with the other styles of the 5E character sheet in the near(ish) future? That depends on the individual sheet authors and how they design their sheets. The 5E Shaped Sheet has conversion logic in it to take the Roll20 5E OGL sheet and adopt the attributes and content for its own use. The Community Contributed and Scrolls sheet I'm uncertain of how well they convert. I don't believe the Community Contributed sheet has been active development-wise by its author in a while.
Roll20 Team
White Plume Patch status: The game for the patch is completed. Since addons are a new feature, we're currently fashioning a way to get a prompt for the GM when an addon needs to be patched much like how this is done for Modules. We won't be able to have this ready by this weekend, but we're banking on trying to get this out the door next week after some development and testing. We'll keep you posted.

Edited 1492865379
Excellent News! Thank you Kristin.
Kristin C. said: White Plume Patch status: The game for the patch is completed. Since addons are a new feature, we're currently fashioning a way to get a prompt for the GM when an addon needs to be patched much like how this is done for Modules. We won't be able to have this ready by this weekend, but we're banking on trying to get this out the door next week after some development and testing. We'll keep you posted. thank you!!!
Zenith said: We started Sunless Citadel today and I wasn't able to load the map (everyone else was, so I don't think this was necessarily a bug with the package). However, instead of getting a black screen, the whole map loaded, along with ALL of the tokens, instead of a black map with vision blocking turned on. As you can see, I tried to fix it by opening an incognito chrome browser with NO extensions enabled to counter that being the issue, but it stayed like this every time. I still haven't been able to get this campaign working. It's just this campaign so far that's been the problem.

Edited 1493032388
Sorry if this has been asked before but how does updating modules work? Do we get a button to update like SKT on the game page? If so, what would the update do to maps that already have tokens on them or on character sheets that have already been changed before? Edit: Some of the dynamic lighting (at least in sunless citadel) has small openings where players see through, most probably done by incorrect dynamic lighting wall placement. During a session I ran, I had to manually close those small gaps in the form of patchwork. I can provide examples if needed. Edit2: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> & <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sunless Citadel issue, area 27 the skeleton tokens are on the player layer rather than the DMs layer
Roll20 Team
Zenith said: Zenith said: We started Sunless Citadel today and I wasn't able to load the map (everyone else was, so I don't think this was necessarily a bug with the package). However, instead of getting a black screen, the whole map loaded, along with ALL of the tokens, instead of a black map with vision blocking turned on. As you can see, I tried to fix it by opening an incognito chrome browser with NO extensions enabled to counter that being the issue, but it stayed like this every time. I still haven't been able to get this campaign working. It's just this campaign so far that's been the problem. Zenith, can you supply a&nbsp; console log when you're on that Page and the map doesn't swap to it's full size?
Roll20 Team
Brother Sharp said: Sorry if this has been asked before but how does updating modules work? Do we get a button to update like SKT on the game page? If so, what would the update do to maps that already have tokens on them or on character sheets that have already been changed before? Once we have the patch developer completed, I'll be able to better answer that question. Once that's underway I can grab all the other various issues that people are reporting on the other Tales adventures.
Good, because I ran Tomb of Horrors over the weekend and have a list.
Roll20 Team
Ed S. said: Good, because I ran Tomb of Horrors over the weekend and have a list. When you're able, Ed, add a post on this thread with the list of issues you've encountered. I'll add them to my list of needed patch fixes.