Already wrote this once and lost it, so prepare for the condensed version. Disclaimer: I'm aware this may not be feasible as a lot of site forums are hosted, not built from scratch. That being said: It would be a massive QoL improvement for there to be a little button in the toolbar which allowed for Dynamic Time. Essentially, you click it, it gives a prompt: "What time?" You enter your preferred time (24hr or poss. am/pm dropmenu) And when you click 'ok' it puts that time in the sentence in a lovely green color, and all is fantastic. However, When other people are viewing that time, the system will automatically display it as whatever that is in their own native time zone. I figure with the amount of time-brainstorming which happens in the LFG forums, not to mention all of the campaign forums, it would be a small ease of use improvement for essentially everyone, considering the diverse range of people playing together here. And considering that there is already that functionality in GM-set game times on campaigns, it hopefully shouldn't be too difficult to pull the timezone information from the same place.