Hi- Having lost two players due to work and school conflicts, I now have two slots open for my wed. campaign. Currently I have a Gunslinger, cat person Rogue and a Barbarian. All at 4th level. Below is the basic summery of the campaign:  As for the campaign proper, I am going to run The Grey Lords Wrath a Multi-verse campaign that will span the known and unknown planes, this includes  Tal’dorei, FR, Greyhawk and maybe even Gamma World and much more!. The campaign will start out near the Visa Isle's at a Place called the City of Sanctuary in Tal’dorei. Thus far the players have complete the first leg of their quest and are now on their way to find a portal deep in the Onoa ruins to get to the World  of Greyhawk to recover the 2nd piece of the artifact.Some role playing, some combat. Characters can be generated  from either the PHB and UA online material. The only things I will not allow in this campaign are: Evil Alignments, Dragon Borne, Tieflings, Drow. and Warlocks. The Gunslingers class is allowed. Paladins can only be Human and must be of LG AL. Also note: have good internet access please. The game will commence on Wednesday evenings around 7pm CST (Chicago time) and usually go for 4 to 5 hours. If interested please PM and we can try to get your characters off the ground for next wed. game. Thank ya Scott