Hi- Going to run an Epic multi verse 5E campaign which will start out in the Forgotten Realms at 1st level. If you interested please by all means PM. The link to the campaigns description is below: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/81088/forgotten" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/81088/forgotten</a>... I have been DM'ing since Jesus was a Corporal, so that is a very long time. I am ex military, so my games are well organized and do have 50% RP and 50% combat. In some instances there might only be one combat the whole session which is basically situational dependent&nbsp; I expect everybody to be professional and courteous to each other, no cussing if at all possible. The campaign I personally hope will last beyond a year, so if you have issues being committed to this campaign do not apply. This will be a super fun campaign and everybody will be involved with interacting with the NPC and the campaign world. Scott&nbsp;