Howdy folks, I'm looking around for any Pathfinder groups that might be interested in an experienced player with strong familiarity of the PF RPG system, Roll20 mechanics and macros; maintains a Discord server; and streams on Twitch/YouTube. I'm looking for an&nbsp; 8:00pm/8:30pm weekday game on pretty much any day during the week except Sundays and Tuesdays. &lt;Insert Text Wall Of Details&gt; ♦♦ BIO ♦♦ I'm in my late 30's, have reliable internet, solid audio, and HD Cam if needed. I run a Discord server, but Skype, Google Handouts, Vent, etc are all fine. I stream on Twitch; so I have a decent AV setup going on. I've been playing various flavors of RPG's since I was a kid; though primarily Computer Based(TSR GoldBox, BG, ToEE, IWD, NWN, etc). Reading the AD&D Handbook at the library before even knowing D&D was a thing was a common enough diversion. Waaaay too many M. Weiss/T. Hickman, Modesitt Jr, and Salvatore novels... you get the idea. I'm a generally helpful person in-game and out, and manage the Help Desk team for my company. You'll see my name popping up occasionally in the Specific Use forums and very often in the Pathfinder/DnD Reddit subs. I've also had some teaching experience, working adjunct at a college, so showing folks how a system or Roll20 tool works is no problem. I live in my own apartment, so familial / environmental distractions during a game are pretty non-existent. ♦♦STREAMING♦♦ I generally record all my sessions live on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and then upload them to YouTube ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) for longer retention. Most groups have found it to be pretty cool to be able to refer back to a previous session for things like missed NPC names, highlights, what happened last session, etc while also being able to link back to show someone what this thing we called TableTopping is. It's also a great feeling to see 40+ sessions later how far you've come since Level 1 :) ♦♦ EXPERIENCE ♦♦ The last few years have been mostly focused on Pathfinder with some D&D 5e on the side, with a sprinkle of Shadowrun. I've GM'd both along with a few 4e games as well(Though I really only GM 5e these days because it's so much easier). On occasion I'll sit down with new players to run through a Roll20 tutorial Module and show them around the system, or just some gaming basics and tactics, in general. I have 3500+ hours under my belt in Roll20 and have finished Pathfinder's Carrion Crown, Iron Gods, Shattered Star, and a good chunk of Reign of Winter and Crimson Throne, along with most of 5e's Curse of Strahd. I'm currently re-playing Rise of the Runelords(3rd time, hoping to actually finish the thing), and&nbsp; 5e Out of the Abyss. I've played a ton of one-shots and a bit of D&D 5e campaigns like Lost Mine of Phandelver, along with the playtest packages, and homebrews. I've had a spattering of ShadowRun games as well, which have unfortunately been short-lived, though. (I don't have an addiction problem. Really I don't. I can stop playing any time I want!) ♦♦ PLAYSTYLE ♦♦ I'm a tactically minded combatant, but I make a point of being useful out of combat too (I love playing Skill/Knowledge/Utility classes like Rogue, Ranger, Deckers, and Wizards). When I play casters, I'm generally more of a disabler or buffer than a blaster... I prefer to make life easier for the Martial's to do their thing instead of just blowing heads off; it's a lot more fun for everyone that way. I do tend to avoid the mechanically annoying spells that make you adjust stats, roll a dozen times, or interfere with other players, though. I macro my own spells for ease of reading and convenience; I'm VERY organized. I generally avoid min-max'ing for the most part(you probably won't ever see a stat below 8-10), but I do enjoy the mechanical synergy of combining class features, feats, etc. to a particular focus. I almost never build a completely fluff character; making sure I can either contribute directly or at least support a party member's awesomeness, instead of just sitting there when a fight breaks out. I'm more of a climb-through-the-window type than kick-in-the-door type, unless the character is intentionally that straight-forward. I do however often struggle with interrogation encounters...not always knowing what questions to ask or what to DO with someone after you've caught them(a bit like a dog chasing cars, actually, now that I think about it...) Regardless of the mechanics of a character, the largest emphasis is always on character personality and RolePlaying the character throughout both combat and non-combat ( "But that's what my character would do" is not a thing for me. RP never intentionally screws over the party) . The only time the RP tends to suffer is when combat is dragging on and we're just looking to push through it and finish as quickly as we can. ♦♦ FLAVOR ♦♦ Personality-wise, I'm always toying around with voices and quirks for my characters. Some groups and characters draw me out more than others, of course...For example a Dwarvish Scottish Brogue is hard to maintain, but a stiff backed (bad, but in a good way) Posh accent or Ricardo Montalban wannabe I can keep up all day and really get into. I rarely play purely 'silly' characters, but instead try to keep a sense of humor about them. I always try to come up with some particular behavioral trait for uniqueness...a verbal tick, an obsession over a certain ale, habits to ward away bad luck, etc. Just the little things that make a character memorable. I try to describe actions in (brief) flavorful detail when I find the right kind of group that reciprocates( Sometimes a given group just doesn't try too hard to be descriptive, but others flourish) . I find it makes for a much more engrossing experience for the overall group to say&nbsp;" As Bob ducks, I swing my blade slicing at the Goblin's back, leaving a 20 HP gash ." rather than just, " Attack 22 vs AC.&nbsp; for 20 dmg... does that hit? ". When combat is dragging on though, I'm very quick to just get my rolls out and add them up for everyone's convenience so we can wrap things up. ♦♦ TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE ♦♦ I've used Roll20 extremely heavily, and have become very proficient with macros, templates, drop-down queries, and abilities(Some of my examples can be found in the wiki I wrote up at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . I enjoy helping folks out, so I'm open to questions or suggestions if anyone needs a hand with their setup. It's not unusual for me to whip up quick simple macro on the fly to automate some cumbersome attack routine no one expected to use. I have a very good head for game mechanics and chime in now and then to ask if someone remembered to add a bonus from this or that, or similar tidbits. Any questions or pointing something out I might mention to the GM, I usually use a private whisper instead of interrupting game-play, unless it's majorly game-changing. Every GM I've played with has mentioned at one point or another that they appreciated the helping hand with their games. I do just as well sitting quietly if preferred. I'm usually the first person to ask the GM for a Quest Notes and Party Loot handout so I can keep track of the group's trinkets, selling off to merchants, major quest points, and other book-keeping that goes into a campaign over time. I get a little lazy about the quest notes, admittedly, but I'm fastidious with inventory management and making sure everyone's collective "stuff" is kept track of. I've been known to pull out some trinket from session 5, 30 sessions later :) ♦♦ MISC and AVAILABILITY ♦♦ It's extremely rare for me to miss a session; I'm VERY consistent. However I do run an IT Helpdesk team and sometimes folks just refuse to have issues on a predictable schedule :) On those rare occasions, I'm usually only away for a short time while directing my engineers what to do, rather than having to deal with the issue directly. On the very rare occasions that I know I'm running a little late or won't be able to make it, I ALWAYS post to the campaign forum or Discord so everyone is aware. I host a Discord ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) server for all of the games I play in or GM for. It's proven time and again to be a great resource to chat between sessions. The audio quality is top notch and so easy to use. It's leaps and bounds beyond what Skype or the built-in voicechat in Roll20 has to offer. The only thing it doesn't do is video chat, and that's a feature that's on the dev roadmap and already being rolled out :)