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More exploration, more dangers awaits. Who is bold enough to continue exploring the temple of Kali?
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Sammo the Bold, Dragon Slayer, Orc Destroyer, Goblin Smasher, Evils' Bane, Silent Creeper, ... shall keep going deeper. 
Belthran the... the European D&D named dwarf in a south eastern Asian setting. That's my only title.
Lord Reginald Rahl. Wizard. Keeper of Secrets. Dragon Slayer. The Adventurer Noble. Conqueror of the Caves of Chaos. Savior of Haven. Lycan Slayer, will be there to add to his list of Accolades. But will have to leave about half an hour early. Gotta get his mani pedi on.
Theo looks around <.< um ok.....
Because of a family obligation (gf's family. not mine) the session for 8/19 will not be played (sorry Wes).
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When we playing
it will be on 8/26 at 1 pm eastern time (-4 GMT)
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It is easy to see in your own time zone :)
Damn, well, see yall in 2 weeks.
nothing planned for this saturday except the game...1pm Eastern Daylight time (-4 GMT) GAME ON
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Awesome. And, I’m home for pretty much the rest of the year. So Belthran shall smite thine evildoers, while I try not to play him lawful stupid. 
moving daughter to college saturday so won't be on :(
im there
Ok. lets try this one more time. You have ventured deeper into the Temple of Kali, got into a few scrapes and are still exploring. The presence of evil is palpable in such a way that not only can you feel it, but can taste and smell it too..Who dares to continue forth?
Certainly Me!  I set forth to protect and maintain the society!
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I am very sorry for missing last sessions :( I will be there on Saturday to show the servants of Kali taht good always win.
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ROLL CALL Who will be here this saturday and who can't make it
I'll be there!
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Sammo shall sally forth. DOWN DOWN DOWN
I'm in :) @1pm EST/EDT
THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET RED HOT!!!! So its that time of the week again. Who will be here to press on the exploration of the Temple of Kali.
You have ventured deeper into the Temple of Kali, got into a few scrapes and are still exploring. The presence of evil is palpable in such a way that not only can you feel it, but can taste and smell it too..Who dares to continue forth?
Theo prepares his blade and ventures forth
You have ventured deeper into the Temple of Kali, got into a few scrapes and are still exploring. The presence of evil is palpable in such a way that not only can you feel it, but can taste and smell it too..Who dares to continue forth?
You have ventured deeper into the Temple of Kali, got into a few scrapes and are still exploring. The presence of evil is palpable in such a way that not only can you feel it, but can taste and smell it too..Who dares to continue forth?
<Insert Indiana Jones Theme Here> W ho is ready to take on the foul temple of Kali? Duty, Honor, Vengence all beckon
I will try very had to be there tomorrow, have eye apt f/u a few hours before, so may be late. Missed time, my son scratched my left cornea last time and I have had a hellva time with it, healing up well now.
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I shall be there, my fibre is not in yet and my PC is still not installed. But I have my laptop and 4G Mobile so I am sure I will be ok. Miss you guys :)
What happened, did I miss something?
I had a family obligation that i was forced to go to
Oh thats cool. Maybe next time.
hi Mark rolled my Stats  some thing came up on the sheet invalid ? Help needed Thanks
So you had your fill of the Temple of Kali and decided to go back to "Civilization" for some R&R. Who will be here to take up the challenge and enter once more into that vile place?
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Lets kick it!
If there are apples to be found Im there
Once more into the Breach my friends?
Hell yea, lets slay some EviL!
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Only 3 more earth elementals too go :D Maybe time for a NAP? :) Evil must be destroyed, loot must be returned to circulation! Praise to Brandobaris
I am an hour delayed - where is what and how!?
Theo steps forward from overpolishing his sword and missing a few fights >.> I'm up for it!
the 4 guardians of the Temple of Elemental Evil Earth were defeated and some loot discovered. Do you continue the quest and explore further for more riches and danger? So who will be here this weekend to continue the quest?
I can - what level of PC should I make?
I was there, too bad discord had to leave early.  Hahaha