I am currently running a 13th Age campaign set in the City of Glitterhaegen. Currently the party is facing off against the Gobfather and his Goblin Mafia who have teamed up with Devils as well as The Three and several other nefarious sorts to bring darkness and misery to the city of merchants. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/90108/project-h" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/90108/project-h</a>... I am a GM with at least 7 years of roleplay experience and 13th Age is the game I have the most experience in as well as my favorite Tabletop RPG to date. This game is the PCs first time ever playing 13th Age, so if you are new to the system or even RPGs in general, you are in good company. We currently run using Skype audio only but Discord is not out of the question. If you are interested and wish to apply, either follow the link or private message me with a character concept. Currently we have a Half-Orc Monk, a Tiefling Rogue and a Human Chaos Mage/Bard.