This post started as a "I had a great idea" kind of post, but quickly turned into a "help me with this Api" kind of post... The first script I installed was Aarons Mystara calendar, and when I discovered that Brent T. had made a version with event-support that made me very happy: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... But I did get me thinking about the weather. I thought about finally using those region-specific weather tables from the old "trail maps", but then I thought that I wanted yesterdays weather to impact todays weather more realistically, and finally the idea hit me. I could simply steal real world weather. So currently my characters are in the Altan Tepes mountians of Karameikos on the 9th Flaurmont, so I´ve simply taken the weather from the 9th of April 2011 in Poprad in the Carpatihans. Gonna be a rough day:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I started adding a short description of the weather a couple of days in advance as GM-events using the Calendar script. This works fine, but could be improved. First it would be nice to have a seperate "weather" event for each day. Also the "!cal GetEvents" command doesn't seem to work, so I can only se GM-events on the current day. (Using DisplayEvents works). Suggestions? Ideas?