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The display name does not affect the in game name

Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The display name works very well in the forum, but it should also be used in the game app itself.
That would be cool. We have two Petes in my group.
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
And, seriously, in my group we are 6 players (including me, the GM) and 3 of is are Michaels...
Yeah we have two Jason's and have the same problem.
I can make this happen, but here's one question for everyone: the display name is all one field (instead of split in two like Name/Surname). Right now I just use Name so it's shorter...should I use Display Name as is (e.g. I would show up as "Riley Dutton" in chat?) Or should I divide by spaces and use the first "word" (not sure how this would affect international names)...
I'd vote use display name as is. Because display names can vary greatly in format, it may lead to interesting instances if a Display Name is split up (for instance, Abd al Rahman would become 'Abd')
Use it as is and thanks for the help here!
KS Backer
Sheet Author
Display name, as is. :)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, please use the whole display name. If the display name is for a session too long or not unique enough, it can be easily changed for that session.
Okay, this will be live in the next may not take effect until the next time you start a new campaign, though.
Actually, what I did was add a new field under the My Settings tab that defaults to your account-wide display name, but then you can modify it to something different for this specific game/campaign. So I can be "Riley" or "Riley D." or whatever. This also allows players to change their out-of-character chat name on a per-game basis. So look for this in the next update later today.
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Great! Thank you!