Good news everyone! Tomb of Annihilation has been patched! Patch notes follow: Patch Notes for Tomb of Annihilation 1.2 Handouts Staff of Striking and Staff of the Python - Rarities are now listed Dinosaur Race - Updated links to reflect correct handout names General text updates for spelling and small other edits. Wand of Fear handout has been added. This item is also available in the Compendium under the OGL 5E SRD. This item has also been linked under Needle's Bones in Locations in Chult Ch 1: Side Quests - Side Quest 10's text has been updated to properly reflect the location of Orolunga in regards to Mbala. Player's Handouts have been added for Ghoul and Zombie The following monsters and NPCs have been updated with module-relevant bio information, spelling and formatting changes, and/or added links: Acererak, Commander Liara Portyr, Queen Grabstab, Princess Mwaxanaré, Commander Niles Breakbone, Ras Nsi, Mister Threadneedle, aboleth, air elemental, albino dwarf spirit warrior, albino dwarf warrior, aldani, allosaurus, almiraj, ankylosaurus, ankylosaurus zombie, aracanaloth, assassin vine, axe beak, barbed devil, basilisk, bearded devils, bone naga, brontosaurus, carrion crawler, chwinga, clay gladiator, cyclops, dao, deinonychus, dimetrodon, doppelganger, dragon turtle, eblis, erinyes, faerie dragon, fire elemental, fire newt warlock of imix, firenewt warrior, flying monkey, flying snake, gargoyle, ghast, giant boar, giant crocodile, giant constrictor snake, giant frog, giant lizard, giant poisonous snake, giant scorpion, giant spider, giant snapping turtle, giant wasp, giant wold spider, girallon, girallon zombie, gray slaad, green hag, grung, grung elite warrior, grung wildling, guardian naga, hadrosaurus, horned devil, hydra, incubus, jaculi, kamadan, kobold, kobold inventor, lizardfolk, lizardfolk shaman, magmin, mantrap, magma mephit, mud mephit, smoke mephit, steam mephit, mezzoloth, monodrone, night hag, ogre zombie, orc, orc war chief, otyugh, pentadrone, plesiosaurus, quadrone, quetzalcoatlus, quipper, revenant, rug of smothering, salamander, sea hag, shambling mound, skeleton, specter, spined devil, stegosaurus, stirge, su-monster, su-monster mummy, succubus, swarm of bats, swarm of insects, swarm of poisonous snakes, swarm of quippers, swarm of undea spiders, terracotta warrior, thorny, tomb dwarf, tomb guardian, tomb guardian with spiked gauntlets, tricertops, tr-flower frond, troll, tyrannosaurus rex, tyrannosaurus zombie, vegepygmy, vegepygmy cief, velociraptor, wereboar, weretiger, wight, will-o-wisp, wine weird, winter wolf, wraith, yellow musk creeper, yellow musk zombie, young red dragon, and zorbo. All NPC spellcasters have had their spell lists updated to use new spell casting blocks. Ras Nsi's token in Fane of the Night Serpent has been adjusted to the suggested 107 HP, but the default token remains at 127hp as the DM can update this value based on the amount of days logged for the adventure. Albino Dwarf Warrior HP is now no longer linked to all tokens. Maps Fort Beluarian's scale has been set from 5 ft to 10 ft. Measuring distance on this map will now display correctly. L1: Rotten Halls - The hidden entrance to Tomb of the Nine Gods has been reconfigured to bring into line with how other secrets are presented throughout the module. The mantrap token on the random encounters page has been updated. Merchant Ward in Port Nyanzaru now has its text. L5: Gears of Hate - Area 62c Dynamic Lighting has been added to the curtain here.