is this still a valid API... did i copy the code i found wrong Edit:Yes i did... Doof&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> the wiki link is error 404 for the source&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Source <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Code var TokenSync = TokenSync || (function() { 'use strict'; var version = '1.6', lastUpdate = 1458321490, syncable = [ "imgsrc", "bar1_link", "bar2_link", "bar3_link", "width", "height", "rotation", "layer", "isdrawing", "flipv", "fliph", "name", "aura1_radius", "aura2_radius", "aura1_color", "aura2_color", "aura1_square", "aura2_square", "tint_color", "statusmarkers", "showname", "showplayers_name", "showplayers_bar1", "showplayers_bar2", "showplayers_bar3", "showplayers_aura1", "showplayers_aura2", "light_radius", "light_dimradius", "light_otherplayers", "light_hassight", "light_angle", "light_losangle", "light_multiplier" ], propsListened, syncProperty = function(updatedToken, properties) { var propList = _.intersection( (properties && properties.split && properties.split("|")) || syncable, state.TokenSync.syncList[updatedToken.get("represents")] || [] ), update = _.reduce(propList,function(m,p){ m[p] = updatedToken.get(p); return m; },{}); if (!Object.keys(update).length) return; _.each(findObjs({ _subtype: "token", represents: updatedToken.get("represents")}),function(t){ t.set(update); }); }, registerListener = function(prop) { // Keep track of what event handlers we've registered; since we can't unregister (AFAIK), we don't want to acidentally register the same event multiple times if (!_.contains(propsListened,prop)) { propsListened[propsListened.length] = prop; on("change:token:"+prop, function(obj) { syncProperty(obj,prop); }); } }, usage = function(who) { sendChat("TokenSync", "Usage: !tokensync [--add property(|properties)] [--remove property(|properties)] [--removeall] [--forcesync (property(|properties))]"); }, add = function(charID,properties,silent) { var propsRequested = properties.split("|"); var propsRejected = _.difference(propsRequested, syncable); var propList = _.intersection(propsRequested, syncable); var propsAlready = _.intersection(propList,(state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]||[])); propList = _.difference(propList,(state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]||[])); if (!silent) { if (propsRejected.length) sendChat("TokenSync","**Invalid sync propert"+(1===propsRejected.length ?'y':'ies')+":** " +propsRejected.join()); if (propsAlready.length) sendChat("TokenSync","**Already synchronizing:** " + propsAlready.join()); if (propList.length) sendChat("TokenSync","**Now synchronizing:** " +propList.join()); } state.TokenSync.syncList[charID] = _.union( (state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]||[]), propList); _.each(propList,registerListener); }, remove = function(charID,properties,silent) { if (properties === "") { delete state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]; if (!silent) sendChat("TokenSync","Removed all sync properties!"); return; } var propList = _.intersection(properties.split("|"),syncable); state.TokenSync.syncList[charID] = _.difference((state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]||[]),propList); if (state.TokenSync.syncList[charID].length === 0) delete state.TokenSync.syncList[charID]; if (!silent) sendChat("TokenSync","No longer synchronizing: " + propList.join()); }, HandleInput = function(msg) { var selected, tok, params, i; var cmd = "!tokensync" if (msg.type === "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmd) !== -1 ) { selected = msg.selected; params = msg.content.split(" "); if (params.length === 1) { usage(msg.playerid); return; } //loop through selected tokens _.each(selected, function(obj) { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); for (i = 1; i &lt; params.length; i++) { switch(params[i].trim()) { case "--add": // Make sure it isn't last in the params list, and that it isn't another option if ((i &lt; (params.length - 1)) && params[i+1].indexOf("--") === -1) { add(tok.get("represents"),params[i+1]); i++; // Jump forward in the list, since we know the next param isn't an option } else sendChat("TokenSync", "**ERROR:** token property not specified"); break; case "--remove": // Make sure it isn't last in the params list, and that it isn't another option if ((i &lt; (params.length - 1)) && params[i+1].indexOf("--") === -1) { remove(tok.get("represents"),params[i+1]); i++; // Jump forward in the list, since we know the next param isn't an option } else sendChat("TokenSync", "**ERROR:** token property not specified"); break; case "--removeall": remove(tok.get("represents"),""); break; case "--forcesync": syncProperty(tok); break; default: break; } } }); } }, updateSchema = function() { var oldList = _.clone(state.TokenSync.syncList); state.TokenSync.syncList = {}; state.TokenSync.schema = 2.0; // Old schema was property: character list, new schema is character: property list _.each(oldList,function(charList,prop) { _.each(charList,function(charID) { add(charID,prop,true); }); }); }, checkInstall = function() { propsListened = []; if (!state.TokenSync) state.TokenSync = { module: "TokenSync", syncList: {}, schema: 2.0 }; else if (_.isUndefined(state.TokenSync.schema)) updateSchema(); else _.each(_.uniq(_.flatten(_.values(state.TokenSync.syncList))),registerListener); if (state.TokenSync.propsListened) delete state.TokenSync.propsListened; log('-=&gt; TokenSync v'+version+' &lt;=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']'); }, syncNewToken = function(newTok) { var done = false, charID = newTok.get('represents'); filterObjs(function(o){ if( !done && 'graphic'===o.get('type') && 'token'===o.get('subtype') && o.get('represents') === charID && !== ) { syncProperty(o); done = true; } return false; }); }, removeDeletedCharacter = function(oldChar) { remove(oldChar.get("_id"),"",true); }, RegisterEventHandlers = function() { on('chat:message', HandleInput); on('add:token', syncNewToken); on('destroy:character', removeDeletedCharacter); on('change:token:represents', syncNewToken); }; return { CheckInstall: checkInstall, RegisterEventHandlers: RegisterEventHandlers, syncProperty: syncProperty }; }()); on("ready",function(){ 'use strict'; TokenSync.CheckInstall(); TokenSync.RegisterEventHandlers(); });