Hear me, fierce but kind gaming giants! Next week we'll see the return of the Roll20 Community Roundtable. What's that you say? We'll explain in a sec for newcomers, first we have an announcement... Roll20 is HIRING! We need more players to complete our party! Is it you? Will you join us?? The Roll20 Team is looking for a Brand Manager , a Canvas/WebGL Developer and a Scrum Master/QA/ Product Owner ! Three jobs and one of them could be yours. Check out our blog post for the full listings and details on how to contact us! We're looking forward to hearing from you! Return of the Roll20 Roundtable The Roll20 Roundtable is that special time when our managing partner and co-founder Nolan T. Jones has a heart to heart with the community via live Twitch broadcast. He'll give you an overview of the State of Roll20 and answer the community's burning questions. Mark your calendars! The next one is on: Friday, January 26th at 11:30 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) . On our Twitch Channel @roll20app . Got a question? please email us at: <a href="mailto:team@roll20.net" rel="nofollow">team@roll20.net</a> with the subject "Community Roundtable". We'll be broadcasting on our Twitch channel, right before that week's new episode of Tomb of Annihilation, make sure to follow us so you know when we go live and don't miss it a word. Developer Spotlight Continued updates to the new WebRTC beta Fixed a bug that caused sheet setting to sometimes not save in Firefox Miscellaneous bugfixes, including UTF-8 sanitization, link fixes, typos, styling updates, and more Hi rollers, Steve K here. Our focus this last week has mostly been on WebRTC video and voice chat; including fixing some issues around input selection and adding an output option. Feedback we've received has mostly been positive. It seems most users don't have performance issues in their calls after they've successfully connected but some users are still having issues connecting for the very first time. We believe that the input/output options should resolve the issues some users were having with not being heard, or hearing, other players after a successful connection. Now, we're focusing on issues around the initial connection, which seem to be caused by Chrome and Firefox forming cross browser calls. We're deep in the weeds trying to get these two browsers to play well with each other. In the meantime the workaround of hitting the reconnect webrtc button seems to fix the call every time, based on the feedback we've received. If you're having this issue we'd love to hear about it and read your console log in the bug forum. In other news, other members of our team are hard at work on the next update which I hope to be able to tease Soon TM. Until next week, happy rolling. Steve K. Roll20 Lead Developer Community Highlights Character Sheets: Are you ready to take on the Hellmouth and defeat the Master? You'll need this new sheet "Buffy or Angel" by &nbsp;MattBx8. Track your Kung Fu proficiency seamlessly so you can really dedicate yourself to the craft of fighting evil. API Scripts: Who has to keep track of all the gold your players amass hm? Not you, thanks to &nbsp;Cashmaster (released on 1/16/18) - A companion script for DnD 5e to help manage your party's gold. On the Marketplace It seems like the entire universe conspired this week to bless us with tile packs so we can build-a-dungeon! This week's offerings are... Dan's Deck of Instant Dungeons by Dan Dipietro Dan's Deck of Instant Dungeons and Instant Towers have amazed us with how fun and easy it is to build on the fly locations for your group. Generic DIY Cave Map by Yuikami If you haven't been following Yuikami, it's time to start. They've been on the Roll20 scene for less than 2 months and already have a collection of 13 amazing packs! You could flesh out most of a campaign with the sets released so far! WOTC Highlights No build-your-own-dungeon arsenal would be complete without this Dungeons & Dragons classic bursting into the digital realm: Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated. These map and tile packs span 3 themes with over 100 tiles each: City , Dungeon and Wilderness . The Roll20 team has also created 5 unique new maps per themed pack including Dynamic Lighting , Advanced Fog of War & Rollable Tokens for quick tile flipping capabilities. You can pick your favorite themed pack OR go for all three in the Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated: 3 Pack Bundle and save 10$. Can you truly call yourself a Dungeon Master if you haven't built your own yet? Yes, you absolutely can, but hey making your own is cool too. Happy weekend! -Alex