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Roll20 T-Shirts

First time since the Kickstarter:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
These should be available via the Market Place, that would be nice.
We went with this Teespring service because they handle all of the printing and order fulfillment (e.g. shipping it to the folks who buy them). The caveat to that is that we can't just offer them for sale all the time, we have to do it in limited runs. But considering it keeps us working on Roll20 and not spending time printing and mailing t-shirts, I think it's for the best, at least for now.
Bumping this, as we're in the last 48 hours. &nbsp;Two-sides, American Apparel, TEEEEEEE SHIRTS!&nbsp;
Saul Wynne
Marketplace Creator
I've Ordered mine!
My t-shirt arrived today. &nbsp;I love it! &nbsp;The only problem is that now my daughter wants one, too! &nbsp;Is there any way I can still order one for her?
Kristin J. said: My t-shirt arrived today. &nbsp;I love it! &nbsp;The only problem is that now my daughter wants one, too! &nbsp;Is there any way I can still order one for her? Sorry, not for awhile!
I'll let her know the bad news. &nbsp;Thank you.