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Quick sound effects bar

Hello developers. I have an idea that many players and GMs will appreciate and one that takes minimal work to implement. In,my games, i have array of combat sound effects that add flavor as well as background music. An example of this might be a sword hit, a monster howl, the sound of a fireball exploding, that sort of thing. My players appreciate the added touch and it adds to my enjoyment in being able to offer a great experience. In order to use the sound effects however, i have to scroll down my library to find them, amid the scores of other bgm files. Would it make sense for you guys to add a sound effects bar that is easily accessible so a gm could quickly click the effect button when appropriate? it could work in a similar way to the existing music tab, but would allow someone to have frequent use sounds in an easily accessible place. maybe on the left sidebar or something. youve been doing some nice visual effects work, just wondering if you could add that one to your menu.
As a player I think this is a great idea.
+1 to this, great idea.
If I had a nickel for every time this idea (or one similar to it) has been suggested, I'd have enough to bribe the Developers to implement it! --that's right, I'd have eight nickels!
I would definitely love to have something like that in my games. I don't do them much because I already use so much music.
Paul S.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'd like it as well.
I would like to add that it would be nice to give the sound bar option to the players as well. (With DM approval) This would help to lighten the load on an already hectic workload for the Game Masters.
Some kind of quick launch tool bar for sound would be good to have. Similar to the macro bar on the main screen. I've accumulated a decent library of sound effects, ambient music, etc. The problem is, I often forget to use them during actual game play because I'm usually busy with other things.
I like this idea. I would add to that as well "per map sound mixing". That way I can set the ambient sound for each map and have it play when the players enter the map without fiddling with what has become a big sound board for me.
I'd love to see a few of these suggestions implemented, particularly the quick-access sound effect bar and the specific map music function. Plus, it'd be cool if the players could use their own sound effects if the GM gave them permission.
This would be really, really useful, and I doubt it takes much work. Relatively speaking, of course.
Nice idea regarding the map-specific music.. It seems people are seeing value in this - can we get some feedback from the mod team?
I would just like some sort of chat command that would play an effect from a given URL into the audio stream. Be it music or a short sound effect it doesn't matter. Then as a GM you could wire up macros to play effects. I think the command would be a bit easier to implement opposed to a whole "sound bar" and would be a bit more configurable for the GM. (i.e. tying to characters versus global, usable by characters, etc)
Having worked for a web development firm, something like a quick sound bar would probably be comparable in programming time to setting up macro capability to play music, maybe less in fact. Heck, my old company would revamp a $25 WordPress template with 3 hours of programming and sell it for $8000. The platform is already in place with the music library, they just need to add a few more buttons that are linked to the soundcloud files we choose. In the end, anything they do in this regard would be a step up from the clusterf--k it is now to find music and sound effects fast enough to keep pace with gameplay.
This sounds like a great idea. I got so many songs / sound effects that I forget about half of them, or they take forever to find, grinding the game to a halt. Either have a small on hand sound board, or maybe area triggers? That when the players get X-Range away from an object with sound, it'll automaticly play once?
API Scripter
+1 from, steam penguin, esq.
Looks like it's something people can really benefit from, never thought that the idea would garner this much support. Can we get some indication from the mod team if this has a good shot of being implemented?
Forum Champion
Sorry, the Mod team cannot tell you anything regarding if this might be implemented. IF we knew (big if) about what the Devs were planning we would not be able to tell you until the Devs announced it.
OK thanks, we'll keep our fingers crossed.
Just read the spring updates post. No mention of the sound effects bar. Admittedly I'd find the sound effects bar a whole lot more useful than character sheets. I pay big bucks for hero lab to make my sheets for me, dunno about you guys. But, for the life of me, I just cant get the sound effects I want when I need them in game. Hoping the good folks at roll20 implement that into their platform before their competition does. >.>