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items and other RP stuff that should have happened saturday


Edited 1521329367
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If everyone is happy we can maybe look at selling the lower end items like the +1 swords, shields and armours nobody is using. Scrolls and Potions we keep as they get used from time to time.
Aqua Alex said: OK including the 51GP we made today we each [cailyn, isaac, dar, sammo, samson, alexis, jaxtar, bowrae, belthran)] get 15299GP (Brella & Yendeth each get 7649GP & 5SP) This is all mundane treasure up to today. (Excludes magical treasure which we keep in party pool for now) Equipment & Treasure Found holy shit..... i need a bag of holding just for the gold........

Edited 1521338976
maybe Alex should condense that to Platinum.. 5gp to the PP. also i think that is total gp value of the treasure with gems and jewels being liquidated to gp value

Edited 1522523915
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API Scripter
No Alex will not, hahaha it is a lots of stuff. You can not carry it with you so Sammo stores his stuff safe and he has the cool chest and the cool spell to go back home :) And I drop some metal in on the rust monster :) Think he is getting to be a big boy now :D If you complaining let the thief, keep the excess treasure for you :)

Edited 1523142810
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API Scripter
Ok so treasure awards: Alexis, Cailynn, Dar, Isaac, Jaxtar, Sammo, Samson - Each get 5705 GP Yendith & Brella each get 2852GP & 5SP Also new items added to magic sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Rod of Security (Sammo nicked it - creature comforts :D ) Full armor, scale mail +3 (AC:3) Map to Combined Treasure Map to Magical Treasure Potion of Fire Breath Potion of Water Movement Reglar's Gloves of Freedom Spell Scroll, Priest &nbsp; Body Clock Spell Scroll, Priest &nbsp; Shatter Circle &nbsp; Reverse Fossilization &nbsp; Bane of Yondalla - Halfling &nbsp; Berronar's Favor - Dwarf Spell Scroll, Priest &nbsp; Cloudburst &nbsp; Command Forest - Treant &nbsp; Moonfire - Elf &nbsp; Alert Allies - Dwarf, Gnome &nbsp; Body Clock Spell Scroll, Priest &nbsp; Shadowcloak Spell Scroll, Wizard &nbsp; Despair Spell Scroll, Wizard &nbsp; Continual Darkness Spell Scroll, Wizard &nbsp; Wind Mine If you want some item just comment on the item that you want and I will assign it to your PC, also when you have used an Item then (like scroll/potion) then let me know so I can mark it off as used. Just note you can not sell a party item, you can just give it back and take something else. If we sell an item the funds for it will be split between all party members.
some of those spells on the scrolls will be swapped out

Edited 1523646544
What does Reglar's Gloves of Freedom do? Is it like free action? Wold it help fire arrows despite oppisitions such as webs, wind, etc? If so that sounds interesting.
: Reglar's Gloves of Freedom: These gloves appear to be thick, leather, combat gloves. Silvered pearls are sewn along the stitching. A character under the influence of a charm spell or similar enchantment can be freed of the enchantment by shaking hands with the wearer of the gloves. This item frees only characters who are enchanted against their will. Those who have willingly submitted to a charm (such as a quest) are not affected by the gloves. The former victim retains all memories of his enchantment. The gloves do not protect or release the wearer from such spells. and any class

Edited 1523750073
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API Scripter
Ok so treasure awards: Cailynn, Dar, Isaac, Jaxtar, Sammo, Samson - Each Get: 7843 GP (add to your PC totals) Yendeth & Brella each get: 3921GP (already added) Other items found, all in the Spreadsheet. Scroll of&nbsp;Creation Scroll Wizard Spells: Timejump Witchweed Anesthesia Xult's Magical Doom Airbolt Brannart's Acidic Grip Protection From Electricity Ward Against Charms Fire Breath Detho's Delirium Spell Fangs Deepen Shadows Slip Flameproof Animate Dead Animals Elminster's Multiple Mouths Conjure Greater Elemental Sink Create Water Inaudibility Scroll Priest Spells: Understand Device Raise Water Screaming Skull Resurrection Inscribe Speech Cure Disease Detect Curse - Shukenja

Edited 1523781096
i'll take those scrolls, lol, I'll have to read what 1 or 2 do in the encyclopedia but several of them are extremely powerful ps. i want those topaz and other 1k gems for ease of carry, we can not all dimension shift............yet :)
I fancy that potion of water movement
putting my name in for the belt&nbsp;
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Jason B. said: putting my name in for the belt&nbsp; lol good
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Jason P. said: i'll take those scrolls, lol, I'll have to read what 1 or 2 do in the encyclopedia but several of them are extremely powerful ps. i want those topaz and other 1k gems for ease of carry, we can not all dimension shift............yet :) lol you cant use them all take a few there are loads on the spreadsheet and when you use them take some more :) Just my 2 cents. But if you use msut let me know so I can cross them off the list as used

Edited 1523805505
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API Scripter
Just a reminder you can not sell items taken from the party pool, you can use them at no charge but if you want soemthign better you return them to the party pool oryou use them in game :)
Treasure from 5/5/2018 Coins cp - sp - ep - gp - 65 pp - 184 Gems 100 gp Fancy Amber (Transparent golden) 100 gp Fancy Chrysoberyl (green or yellow-green) 100 gp Fancy Garnet (Deep red crystal) 100 gp Fancy Garnet (Deep red crystal) 100 gp Fancy Chrysoberyl (green or yellow-green) 50 gp Fancy Jade (Light to dark green or white) 1,000 gp Gem Oriental Emerald (Bright green) 1,000 gp Gem Fire Opal (Fiery red) 10 gp Ornamental Obsidian (Jet black) 10 gp Ornamental Lapis Lazuli (Light oro dark blue with yellow flecks) 10 gp Ornamental Turquoise (Aqua with darker mottling) 10 gp Ornamental Obsidian (Jet black) 500 gp Precious Pearl (Black) 500 gp Precious Spinel (Green or deep blue) 50 gp Semi-Precious Citrine (Pale yellow brown) 50 gp Semi-Precious Rock Crystal (Clear) 50 gp Semi-Precious Smoky Quartz (light grey, yellow, brown, or blue) 50 gp Semi-Precious Zircon (Clear, pale aqua) 50 gp Semi-Precious Rock Crystal (Clear) 3,840 gp TOTAL Art Objects 1,177 gp finely crafted vase 1,776 gp oil painting of a nude woman 150 gp ivory carving of a bear 1,958 gp painting of a man 1,005 gp ornate goblet 112 gp painting of a woman 6,178 gp TOTAL
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Cailynn, Dar, Isaac, Jaxtar, Sammo, Samson -&nbsp;1572GP each Yendeth, Brella - 786GP each
: Items found since the Last dragon hoard (5/5/18) : Monastary Axe of blue metal damascus (battle axe +2) Silver ring (ring of invisibility) 3 gems (500gp each) 3,000 gp 3,000gp 5,000sp Scroll with 3 mage spells (light, read languages, detect invisible) 10in walnut stick (wand of fear) Gem encrusted crown (8,000gp) 3 gems (1,000 each) Potion (heroism) Pass 15in Pine stick (wand of fear) 3 gems (500gp@) Damascus steel dagger (dagger +1) 3 books (contents TBD) Well of the Moon (ancient elven artifact) [ 10:36 AM ] Mark W. : Temple (see game journal in discord) 8x damascus steel talwars (talwar +1) damascus steel dagger (+1) 3x damascus steel talwars (+1) 2 books (contents TBD) Ring, silver (engraved with icons of a heart, brain, and human form in a circle) (ring of spell storing (charm person (heart), ESP (brain), hold person (silhouette in circle)) titanium damascus footman's mace (giving the metal a blue color) (+2) gold ring styled in the form of ocean waves (ring of water walking) amulet (skull pendant) (amulet of finding) jewelled scarab broach (scarab of protection +1) 8x damascus steel talwars (+1) 2nd Building 2x damascus steel hand axe (+1) 2x damascus steel footman's mace (+1) scroll. protection from magic 2x "persian" style carpets (flying carpets) (Sammo claimed one) 3x books (contents TBD) damascus steel footman's mace (+1) bluish metal ring (spell turning) 2x red gold ring (fire resistance) displacement cloak (Issac) 4x damascus steel talwar (+1) 4x damascus steel talwars (+1) Leather helm (helm of alignment change) Chain mail hood (helm of alignment change) Metal helm (English style kettle helm) (helm of alignment change) 3 jeweled belts 1 large sack (contents 5,000gp) (bag of holding) 1 back pack (contents 5,000gp) (bag of holding) 2 potions (strength?) (hill giant strength) Reinforced chain mail (Damascus pattern metal) (+1) medium shield (+1) War hammer (blue Damascus metal) (+2) 2 potions (undead control, growth) 1 scroll containing protection from evil, insect plague Platinum ring (spell turning) Knee high cavalry boots (levitation) Amulet (skull pendant) (amulet of finding) Stone cube with a door and windows painted on it (House of Zebulon) (new item)
If no opposition i would like the&nbsp; jewelled scarab broach (scarab of protection +1) &nbsp;&nbsp;
One of the potions of Hill Gaint Strength was consumed by kitty.&nbsp;
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Wesley H. said: One of the potions of Hill Gaint Strength was consumed by kitty.&nbsp; BADASS KITTY!
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I cant wait to back stab someone while on the Potion with two short swords using my new RIng to sneak up on them :D

Edited 1533998508
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TREASURE SPLIT:&nbsp; ( Dar, Samson, Sammo, Jaxtar, Isaac, Cailyn ) - EACH: 714 SP &amp; 4774 GP Brella &amp; Party Petty Cash: 357 SP &amp; 2387 GP PARTY PETTY CASH IS NOW:&nbsp; 2 CP, 361 SP, 3175 GP WE ARE NOW UP TO DATE UNTIL 11/08/2018&nbsp;