While using the OGL Character sheet with the companion script, I've generally experienced no issues. However, one of my players had several of her spells spontaneously cease working when the user attempts to cast from her spell list on her character sheet. Not all, only some. The other players have reported no such difficulty.  When casting from the spell sheet, an empty line would appear in the chat log rather than the spell effect. I cloned my game to see if the error would persist.  It did. Upon investigation, I found that the html looked wrong: <input type="hidden" name="attr_rollcontent" value="%{-L4nciOP2ZVZSyVntRw7|repeating_attack_-L8UmPN7jSwBcdO-kkC5_attack}"> Workaround: Upon setting it from a spellcard to an attack and back again, I was able to return it to working order.  HTML follows: <input type="hidden" name="attr_rollcontent" value="@{wtype}&{template:spell} {{level=@{spellschool} @{spelllevel}}} {{name=@{spellname}}} {{castingtime=@{spellcastingtime}}} {{range=@{spellrange}}} {{target=@{spelltarget}}} @{spellcomp_v} @{spellcomp_s} @{spellcomp_m} {{material=@{spellcomp_materials}}} {{duration=@{spellduration}}} {{description=@{spelldescription}}} {{athigherlevels=@{spellathigherlevels}}} @{spellritual} {{innate=@{innate}}} @{spellconcentration} @{charname_output}"> Browsers: First seen on her machine, I was able to replicate on mine.  We run different extension lists. My Machine:  Chrome 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (64-bit) Firefox Quantum 59.0.2 (64-bit) JS Enabled Windows 10 Her Machine: Chrome (unknown version JS Enabled Windows 7 Console Log: (does not seem relevant) Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<URL>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Grammarly.js:235 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 54ms <I PRESSED THE SPELL BUTTON HERE> Grammarly.js:235 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 64ms