There is some flexibility on the day and time. Setting will be Greyhawk with a few tweaks. Characters start in Hommlet. First session is tentatively set for next Wednesday, 13 June. The first hour or so will be for character creation and given how the system works we need the players to be there. I will be on earlier if there are any early birds. If folks want some tips and such I'll be on discord off and on this weekend and during the week. Will post link in campaign. I also have already sent out a few invites for first right of refusal. Plan to use R20 for visual. R20 voice tends to give to many players problems so most likely discord for voice. RSVP by Monday 11th. Cheers and happy slaying! *--Sorry folks had to remove the legal sources for the product per the moderators.  The game is not in the roll20 store.