--First and Foremost, this is at most a desire to have a 2 player game(+GM)-- --Description below-- My boyfriend was about to host a 2 player Gestalt game for myself and a IRL friend, but that friend never came through in character creation or following up on his interest to play. Discouraged and a busy working man, he's decided to not GM. I already having invested myself in an exiled drow character (not another Drizzt, I promise) and the potential mechanical play of the Gestalt build, was bummed out by this decision. I've recently been trying to figure out how to recreate the built without the Gestalt classes so as to find a party, but nothing was quite working. At mention of this to my boyfriend, he suggested that I put up an LFG to find a game for the both of us as Gestalt characters! Both of us are very immersive Roleplayers, that also enjoy the challenge and 'crunch' of the pathfinder system. We are not munchkins or rules lawyers, we merely enjoy maximizing our character concepts to be competent and flexible. (Even if the class/character premise isn't ideal, its the flavor that's worth optimizing for!) We enjoy worlds with consequences, good or bad for our actions. And we do not enjoy being handed things for free from the GM--we'd rather work for it! While we want challenging combat, since it'll just be the 2 of us most adventure paths balanced for a 4 person party should be fine on their own based around the action economy differences. The campaign we were originally going to run was Legacy of Fire (Might not be the smartest for a 2 person party!), although that doesn't have to be the case. If you as the GM want to run some other module or a homebrew campaign, we're fine with that! We'll let you know which ones we've already played or are in the process of playing and we're open for discussion on this! Optional, let me know if you are okay being recorded. I have a teeny tiny youtube channel where If I'm enjoying this campaign enough I would like GM permission to record and put it up there. If that makes you uncomfortable let me know and I'll accommodate! (Don't expect fame if you do, like I said...teeny weeny channel) Summarized: -2 players looking for GM (Just us 2, not looking to soul search for a 3rd person who wants to play the exact same type of game as us.) -We'd like races to be open, as most groups we've played with have racial limitations and we'd like to explore (Ex: the Drow I want to play) -To compensate for small party, 25 point buy Stats or maybe higher so we can be well rounded to fill for roles. -Pathfinder system, Gestalt alternate rules. (Potentially Elephant in the room rules set too, but that's up to you.) -Interested in immersive RPG (consequences, living world, moral grays) -Not looking for Dark Souls difficulty, but failure is a part of the fun! (We don't want free handouts!) -Maybe a long-running campaign, but potentially smarter to start off small and see how we get along first! -Not rules lawyers, but we do poke and prod a little. (Sometimes GM's forget things, and that's okay! We just try to keep things fair even if maybe its not in our favor...!) -Mondays and Tuesdays are filled up already with other games. We'd prefer to keep weekends free in case there are events/parties to be attended. -Optional: Webcams are available. Body language is fun. -Note: In case it's a concern---even though we are a couple, we don't force romance. We've played a large variety of characters and only 1 pair had minor crushing that was never realized.