Hello everyone!  My wife, and I are looking for a group of serious and dependable Role players to join up with. We take our Roleplaying seriously (This does not mean we don't enjoy humor in RP). As such we are looking for an age 27+ group. We are available During the week with the exception of Thursday. We have access to Microphones, video and discord. We are open to joining already existing games. Our games must take place no earlier in 8:30PM EST we have kids to put to bed. Now a little about the two of us. My name is Jared, 31 years old. I have been RPing in various forms for nearly 20 years. I originally started in text-based chat rooms. I grew up in The Society for Creative Anachronism. My primary background is through online MMORPG style RP, at least until the last few years. I have greatly expanded my experience to D&D and Live action RP with Underworld LARP. I spend a lot of my free time writing lore, or stories that take place in a fantasy setting. I can enjoy combat as long as it does not become tedious, and it is cleverly executed. I love making characters and I am very flexible when it come to fitting in a campaign setting. For my wife, she has about 15 years of role-play experience in different settings, such as text based and online gaming.  We started playing D&D on 5th about 2 years ago and have now a decent amount of experience, through short campaigns and one shot.  She mostly DM'ed in the past, such as just finished the WOTC campaign for out of the Abyss as a larger milestone (we also completed Phandelver) and are about to start another campaign in a face to face setting.  However, she is now looking forward to just playing and enjoying our time without having to do all the preps and enjoying the unexpected.