Mix of classic (books 1-3) some house rules such as a bit of the Mongoose system. No Imperium, Zhodani, etc...world building session with players before we begin will finalize the setting so maybe we'll add them back in :) Plan to run classic adventures and sandbox with basically something more Firefly style with a splash of whatever strike our fancy for the week. One week may be exploring, another trading, another blowing things up...with style.&nbsp; Either 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month or 2nd and 4th. TBD.&nbsp; Time is not fixed yet to accommodate as many players as possible but figure start somewhere between 5-6PM and go for 2-4 hours depending on how everything is feeling.&nbsp; Game listing: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/139622/classic-traveller" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/139622/classic-traveller</a> Happy travelling!&nbsp; Oh I've been running games since before the original came out so I have a bit of experience in GMing :) Don't worry about the rules, you don't need them and they take about 5 minutes or less to learn.&nbsp; Everything uses regular dice so no funky ones with unusual symbols or such.&nbsp;&nbsp; Rule #1 - Everyone has to have fun and feel comfortable with the game. Rule #2 - See #1. :)