The Twilight War is named for the end of the last great war in Europe as Governments, Armies and Society dissolve in the face of a post-nuclear war world.  Your group, a reinforced platoon of the US 5th Infantry Division in Poland, is given the command, "Good Luck, your on your own" as your division is overrun in the last offensive of the war. As armies and governments crumble, in their wake arise warlords and marauding groups preying upon the weak.  What will you choose to do?  Build an empire out of the chaos?  Try to get home?  Survive at all costs?  Food & medicine is a premium.  Disease is deadly.  Radiation poisoning is a constant concern.   The campaign is entirely sandbox.  You can do what you want.  We are only two sessions into it.   The game itself has virtually every weapon, (assault rifles, battle rifles, automatic rifles, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, sniper rifles, anti-material rifles), plus countless vehicles and large caliber weapons of every type (Missiles, Howitzers, Mortars, Light Wheeled Combat -HMVEE and the like-APCs, tanks, helicopters, air planes and UAVs) for all nationalities.  Keeping the vehicles running is a challenge.  Missiles are virtually extinct.  Gas and AvGas are almost non-existent as the means of production were destroyed years ago in the nuclear exchange. Vehicles how run on methanol, ethanol and bio-diesel. You have been stockpiling ammo and equipment over the course of the war in preparation for this moment in time.  You will be well supplied compared to the forces you will encounter.  What will you do with this power?    If you want a dark and gritty long term campaign, this is it.  It's entirely unique.  We play on Tuesdays.  We currently start at 8pm Mountain, but we may start earlier (6pm Mountain) and we play for around 3 hours.   Respond here or PM me if interested.