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Help with Powercards

okay, i am doing something wrong here, but i am not sure what... this just throws out gibberish. This is for savage worlds, just a generic dice roller to roll between 1 and some number of dice, plus a wild die it is attempting to ask for some sort of emote/description ?{Emotes|Shoots} A number of times to repeat ?{Number of actions|1} a die type (?{Die|1d4,1d4!|1d6,1d6!|1d8,1d8!|1d10,1d10!|1d12,1d12!}) and a modifier ?{Modifier|0} and apparently i am missing something basic. any help would be much appreciated! !power {{   --tokenid|@{selected|token_id}   --emote|?{Emotes|Shoots} Multiple Times!   --[[?{Emotes}]]#[[?{Number of actions|1}]]|[[?{Die|1d4,1d4!|1d6,1d6!|1d8,1d8!|1d10,1d10!|1d12,1d12!}]]!+[[?{Modifier|0}]]]]   --Wild Die|[[1d6!+[[?{Modifier}]]]] }}
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Do you have a token selected when you run the command?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
And can you provide the gibberish you're getting?  That will help diagnose the issue.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Also, just to be clear, you do have the PowerCards script installed in a game created by an active Pro Subscriber, right?
yes, i do have a token selected. the campaign is gm'ed by apro subscriber, and PowerCards  is installed and functioning in other macros: here is the gibberish in question: {"name":"SyntaxError","expected":["\"(\"","\".\"","\"[\"","\"abs(\"","\"ceil(\"","\"d\"","\"floor(\"","\"round(\"","\"t\"","\"{\"","[ |\\t]","[+|\\-]","[0-9]"],"found":"e","message":"Expected \"(\", \".\", \"[\", \"abs(\", \"ceil(\", \"d\", \"floor(\", \"round(\", \"t\", \"{\", [ |\\t], [+|\\-] or [0-9] but \"e\" found.","offset":0,"line":1,"column":1} Thanks!
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Is that error happening in the chat or on the API page?  The error is in one of the Inline Rolls, try replacing each one with a hard coded value, one at a time, and see which one prevents the error, the look at its contents for the problem. My guess is it’s the ?{Emotes} one. 
It is in the chat. I'll give that a shot
Thank you very much, working from your suggestion, i got it to work correctly!
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter