I'm running a Pathfinder game in what is effectively Ysgard. The players all began their first session by dying as heroes, whether by valiant sacrifice, dying hard in the heat of combat, or simply showing that even evil overlords can bleed, they proved themselves in their final hours. They all died separately, and across the world from each other, but fate had them all meet in the same afterlife at the same time.&nbsp; The game begins on Sunday, weekly, usually at around 4:00 PM PST, and we run for however long everyone feels like playing, but the shortest game has been four hours. This is set in a homebrew realm, so the lore has nothing to do with Golarion, but the mechanics remain the same. We're starting at level 1, though very close to hitting level 2.&nbsp; If this sounds interesting, come check out our listing! <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/144784/machination-a-good-day-to-die" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/144784/machination-a-good-day-to-die</a>