Have you ever wanted to Play D&amp;D, Ever wanted to stream a game but couldn't find like minded people, ever just want to post them online to become famous. Well I have and while none of that has happened, yet (still looking to play), I can at least say 2 of 3 things will happen (playing and streaming) I am the GM of this game that will be on Thursday at 6 PM PST. Are you looking to play and wouldn't mind having the game recorded and streamed, well take a look. I'm looking for an assortment of people that would like to play for 2-4 hours of game time, usually 2,&nbsp; that like to work in a group with some spot light from time to time. If this is something your interested in or have any questions send me a message but first check out the link. Thanks for taking a look. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/152297/shattered-star" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/152297/shattered-star</a>