Hello! You can call me Serdash, I'm a slightly new DM that started out in 5th edition with a good hold on the rules and a year of experience. I'm currently DMing a campaign on thursday and one on friday and I usually take in new players as the preference, game would preferably be on a saturday or sunday, and my timezone is GMT-3. Gametime is very flexible and could be at most hours on those days. So here's what I'm trying to start up: I'd be looking for a monthly one-shot/long-shot that is meant ONLY for new players, and I mean NEW players, complete newbies (that show enthusiasm) that would like to learn about the system and basics of rp table "manners". This does include players from other non-D&amp;D systems that would like to learn it too. The one shot would be always the same and I would take in different players every month, going trough character creation with each one of them and giving them a notion for the rules with a pseudo-training I worked on, so that they aren't completely lost and thrown to the wolves in a first session. The game page is this, give it a read, and if you find it nice, leave an application&nbsp; <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/146274/training-one-shots" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/146274/training-one-shots</a>