Hello Adventurers Due to personal reasons I have had a player drop from my 5e conversion of the AD&D 2nd ed mega module, NIGHT BELOW, and I would like to refill the ranks.  Therefore I am opening 2 slots for new players to join us.  This will be a full length campaign and I am looking for serious applicants who are able to commit the time needed to be present once a week for 3-4 hours. The Game is held Tuesdays from 12pm EDT to approx 3:30 EDT  The PCs are currently level 3 and we are about 5 sessions into the game. The Party Currently  Consists of  Wood Elf Rogue (Arcane Trickster) Drow Warlock (Great Old One) Half Orc Fighter (Eldritch Knight) Human Fighter (champion) The Story so far The PCs are investigating a string of kidnappings in the Haranshire Region, where Magic Users are being targeted. Their investigation began in Millborne, where they met Andren, the fiance of Jennelith, a wizards apprentice who went missing the night before. Through there investigations and following whatever leads they could find They have managed to track the kidnappers to a ruined keep in the Thornwood, known as Broken Spire Keep, which they had scouted out by one of Lord Parlfreys scouts while they were attempting to track down a missing group of priests of Tempus who were late arriving to Lord Parlfreys Keep.  Broken Spire Keep is heavily fortified and with a vague description of the layout and defenses of the keep the Players have gathered in Thurmaster, enlisted the aid of a local ranger named Kuiper, and are planning their assault on the Keep. If you are interested in joining please reply below with the following 1. Your Name and how you would prefer to be addressed 2. A little bit about yourself and your Role Playing Experience (New Players are welcome and None is a valid answer) 3. What is it that drew you to my game in particular 4. If you have any preference or Ideas about the type of character you would like to play, include it as well