Dungeon Tiles: Ice Temple in the Marketplace. Hello! Ice Temple is the second release from the Dungeon Tiles line ( original here ); it is a collection of over 200 high quality procedural tiles to quickly create your own dungeons. You have the option of starting completely from scratch with a large battlemat and walls to create your own custom rooms and hallways, or use the modular pieces like the ones pictures above to easily stitch together a dungeon in no time. If you're in a rush, I have also created DunGen , a high resolution Dungeon Generator to complement my tilesets. You can use it to generate a random dungeon in seconds ready to be imported into Roll20 and modify (if needed) using these tilesets to add new rooms, secret passages, or anything else you might need for your particular situation. Each square tile is 140px, crisp details at even the highest levels of zoom ( example ). This pack contains the following items, each a separate high quality image: Rooms x30 Hallways x24 Walls x71 Corners x50 Doors x12 Stairs x8 Battlemats x10 Happy Mapping!