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Make Me Smarter.. Macro and Power Card!

I'm going to share a macro that works... !?{Weapon?| @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_left_name}, !ammo @{selected|character_id} repeating_resource_$0_resource_left -1 ammo| @{selected|repeating_resource_$0_resource_right_name}, !ammo @{selected|character_id} repeating_resource_$0_resource_right -1 ammo| @{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_left_name}, !ammo @{selected|character_id} repeating_resource_$1_resource_left -1 ammo| @{selected|repeating_resource_$1_resource_right_name}, !ammo @{selected|character_id} repeating_resource_$1_resource_right -1 ammo } !power {{ --name|@{selected|character_name} shoots @{target|token_name} --leftsub|Ranged Attack --bgcolor|#274E13 --Defense|[[ [$Atk] ?{Boosted Att?|N,2d6|Y,3d6} + ?{RAT|0} ]] vs @{target|bar1} DEF --?? $ &lt; @{target|bar1}?? !Miss1:|$$#900|~R**Attack missed!**~R$$ --Armor|[[ [$Dmg] ?{Boosted Dmg?|N,2d6|Y,3d6} + ?{POW|0} ]] vs @{target|bar3} ARM --?? $ &lt; @{target|bar3}?? !Miss2:|$$#900|~R**Damage mitigated!**~R$$ --Location|[[ d6 ]] }} It produces output like this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am positive I can do more, but I'm struggling to find examples, or do so. I have my player pick one of their four possible ranged weapons, and reduce the ammo used.&nbsp; But I have no way to transfer the weapon they used in the !power section for display as the rightsub.&nbsp; Is there? I then tried to reproduce the !power section inside each of the 4 drop down options, and my macro blew to crap.&nbsp; I see no examples anywhere, so I assume this also cannot be done? Notice the Boosted question, are we rolling 2d6 or 3d6.&nbsp; Turns out, we can also have effect to "add" an additional die, so in the end, we could have 2d6, 3d6 or 4d6.&nbsp; Can you do variable math?&nbsp; For example ?{Boosted Att?|N,2|Y,3} ?{Feat Bonus?|N,0|Y,1} and then be able to add your results Boosted+Feat = xd6 Thanks!
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
I have stayed with version 3.6.1 of Powercards, Sky/Honeybadger's last release before handing it over to the current coder.&nbsp; You might wish to do the same, but you won't find it in the One-Click API library.
Ug that's disappointing to hear Dave T.&nbsp; Do you by chance recommend anything different? 70% of my use is the look, 30% are the functions it has (conditions). Gen Kitty said: I have stayed with version 3.6.1 of Powercards, Sky/Honeybadger's last release before handing it over to the current coder.&nbsp; You might wish to do the same, but you won't find it in the One-Click API library. Do you by chance know where one might find 3.6.1 then?
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It's not as recent as 3.6.1 lol but the last time I was using it regularly I had zero problems with 3.3.0: // NEW SCRIPT ERROR PROOFING ; // VERSION INFO var PowerCards_Author = "SkyCaptainXIII"; var PowerCards_Version = "3.3.0"; var PowerCards_LastUpdated = 1486824132; // FUNCTION DECLARATIONS var PowerCard = PowerCard || {}; var buildInline = buildInline || {}; var processRoll = processRoll || {}; var doInlineFormatting = doInlineFormatting || {}; var getAttrRefValues = getAttrRefValues || {}; var getBrightness = getBrightness || {}; var getCurrentTime = getCurrentTime || {}; var getHex2Dec = getHex2Dec || {}; var getOnlinePlayerNames = getOnlinePlayerNames || {}; var getPowerCardFormats = getPowerCardFormats || {}; var getPowerCardStatusList = getPowerCardStatusList || {}; var getTargetInfo = getTargetInfo || {}; var statusSymbol = statusSymbol || {}; var safeSendChat = safeSendChat || {}; // INLINE ROLL COLORS var INLINE_ROLL_DEFAULT = " background-color: #FFFEA2; border-color: #87850A; color: #000000;"; var INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_LOW = " background-color: #FFAAAA; border-color: #660000; color: #660000;"; var INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_HIGH = " background-color: #88CC88; border-color: #004400; color: #004400;"; var INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_BOTH = " background-color: #8FA4D4; border-color: #061539; color: #061539;"; var INLINE_ROLL_STYLE = "text-align: center; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; min-width: 1.75em; height: 1em; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: 1px; padding: 0px 2px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px;"; // API COMMAND HANDLER on("chat:message", function(msg) { if (msg.type !== "api") return; if (msg.content.split(" ", 1)[0] === "!power") { var player_obj = getObj("player", msg.playerid); msg.who = msg.who.replace(" (GM)", ""); msg.content = msg.content.replace(/&lt;br\/&gt;\n/g, ' ').replace(/({{(.*?)}})/g, " $2 "); PowerCard.Process(msg, player_obj); } if (msg.content.split(" ", 1)[0] === "!power_version") { sendChat("", "/w " + msg.who + " You are using version " + PowerCards_Version + " of PowerCards, authored by " + PowerCards_Author + ", which was last updated on: " + PowerCards_LastUpdated + "."); } }); // LOAD POWERCARD FORMATS on("ready", function() { getPowerCardFormats(); log("-=&gt; PowerCards v" +PowerCards_Version + " &lt;=- [" + (new Date(PowerCards_LastUpdated * 1000)) + "]"); //log (, 10)); }); on("change:handout", function() { getPowerCardFormats(); getPowerCardStatusList(); }); // POWERCARD PowerCard.Process = function(msg, player_obj) { // USER CONFIGURATION var ALLOW_URLS = true; // Allows players to include full urls in powercards var ALLOW_HIDDEN_URLS = true; // Allows players to hide urls as a link instead var CUSTOM_EMOTES = true; // Set to true to use custom emotes instead of Roll20 emotes var SHOW_AVATAR = true; // Set to false to hide character sheet avatar in custom emotes var USE_DEFAULT_FORMAT = false; // Set to true if you want powercards to default formatting var USE_PLAYER_COLOR = false; // Set to true to override all color formatting var USE_TIMESTAMPS = true; // Set to false to turn off time stamps in chat // REPLACE INLINE ROLLS WITH EXPRESSIONS if (msg.inlinerolls !== undefined) { var Count = 0; while (Count &lt; msg.inlinerolls.length) { msg.content = msg.content.replace("$[[" + Count + "]]", ("[[" + msg.inlinerolls[Count].expression + " ]]").replace(/\[\[\[/g, "[[ [")); Count++; } } // DEFINE VARIABLES var n = (player_obj) ? msg.content.replace("%%who%%", player_obj.get("displayname")).split(/\s+--/) : msg.content.split(/\s+--/); var PowerCard = {}; var Tag = ""; var Content = ""; var TagCount = 0; var TagRepeat = 0; // PLACEHOLDER VARIABLES var Avatar = ""; var Character = ""; var Token = ""; // DEFAULT FORMATTING var Display = ""; var PlayerBGColor = (player_obj) ? player_obj.get("color") : "#FFFFFF"; var PlayerTXColor = (getBrightness(PlayerBGColor) &lt; (255 / 2)) ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000"; PowerCard.titlefont = "Contrail One"; PowerCard.titlefontvariant = "normal"; PowerCard.subtitlefont = "Tahoma"; PowerCard.subtitlefontvariant = "normal"; PowerCard.bodyfont = "Helvetica"; PowerCard.titlefontsize = "18px"; PowerCard.subtitlefontsize = "11px"; PowerCard.bodyfontsize = "14px"; PowerCard.txcolor = PlayerTXColor; PowerCard.bgcolor = PlayerBGColor; PowerCard.erowtx = "#000000"; PowerCard.erowbg = "#B6AB91"; // #B6AB91 - Default darker brown PowerCard.orowtx = "#000000"; PowerCard.orowbg = "#CEC7B6"; // #CEC7B6 - Default light brown PowerCard.corners = 3; // Set to 0 to remove rounded corners from PowerCards PowerCard.border = "1px solid #000000"; // size style #color PowerCard.boxshadow = ""; // h-distance v-distance blur spread #color // CREATE POWERCARD OBJECT n.shift(); _.each(n, function(a) { Tag = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("|")).trim(); Content = a.substring(a.indexOf("|") + 1).trim(); if (Tag === "target_list") Content = Content.split(" | "); if (Tag.charAt(0) !== "$") { if (Tag.indexOf("#") !== -1) { TagRepeat = parseInt(Tag.substring(Tag.indexOf("#") + 1)); TagCount = 1; Tag = Tag.substring(0, Tag.indexOf("#")); while (TagCount &lt;= TagRepeat) { var NewTag = Tag; var NewContent = Content; if (PowerCard.target_list !== undefined) { if (Tag.indexOf("%%") !== -1 || Content.indexOf("%%") !== -1) { NewTag = getTargetInfo(Tag, PowerCard.target_list); NewContent = getTargetInfo(Content, PowerCard.target_list); PowerCard.target_list.shift(); } } PowerCard[NewTag + " #" + TagCount] = NewContent; TagCount += 1; } } else { if (PowerCard.target_list !== undefined) { if (Tag.indexOf("%%") !== -1 || Content.indexOf("%%") !== -1) { Tag = getTargetInfo(Tag, PowerCard.target_list); Content = getTargetInfo(Content, PowerCard.target_list); PowerCard.target_list.shift(); } } PowerCard[Tag] = Content; } } }); // PROCESS INLINE ROLLS... safeSendChat("", JSON.stringify(PowerCard), function(x) { var PowerCard = JSON.parse(x[0].content); // GET CUSTOM STYLES AND ADD THEM TO POWERCARD... if (USE_DEFAULT_FORMAT &amp;&amp; state.PowerCard_Formats["default"] !== undefined &amp;&amp; PowerCard.format === undefined) PowerCard.format = "default"; if (PowerCard.format !== undefined) { var PowerCard_Formats = (state.PowerCard_Formats &amp;&amp; state.PowerCard_Formats[PowerCard.format] !== undefined) ? state.PowerCard_Formats[PowerCard.format].split("--") : ["txcolor|#FFF", "bgcolor|#040", "titlefont|Georgia", "subtitlefont|Tahoma"]; PowerCard_Formats.forEach(function(a) { Tag = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("|")).trim(); Content = a.substring(a.indexOf("|") + 1).trim(); if (Tag !== "" &amp;&amp; Content !== "") PowerCard[Tag] = Content; }); } // GET LIST OF ROLL ID'S FOR CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS... var RollText = ""; var RollID = ""; var RollResults = ""; var RollBase = 0; var RollOnes = 0; var RollTotal = 0; var RollSuccesses = 0; var Rolls = {}; Object.keys(x[0].inlinerolls).forEach(function(Roll) { var RollCount = 0; while (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount] !== undefined) { if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount].type === "L" &amp;&amp; x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount].text.indexOf("$") !== -1) { RollText = x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount].text.split("|"); var t = 0; while (RollText[t] !== undefined) { if (RollText[t].charAt(0) === "$") RollID = RollText[t]; t++; } // Roll Base RollResults = x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].results; if (RollResults === undefined) { RollBase = x[0].inlinerolls[Roll]; } else { t = 0; RollBase = 0; RollOnes = 0; while (RollResults[t] !== undefined) { if ("table" in x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1]) { if (RollResults[t].tableidx) RollBase = RollBase + RollResults[t].tableidx; } else { if (!RollResults[t].d) RollBase = RollBase + RollResults[t].v; } RollOnes = (RollResults[t].v === 1) ? RollOnes += 1 : RollOnes; t++; } } // Roll Total RollTotal = x[0].inlinerolls[Roll]; // Roll Successes if ("mods" in x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1]) { if ("success" in x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods) { var rCount = 0; RollSuccesses = 0; while (rCount &lt;= x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].results.length-1) { if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.comp == "&gt;=") { if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].results[rCount].v &gt;= x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.point) RollSuccesses += 1; } if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.comp == "==") { if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].results[rCount].v == x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.point) RollSuccesses += 1; } if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.comp == "&lt;=") { if (x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].results[rCount].v &lt;= x[0].inlinerolls[Roll].results.rolls[RollCount + 1].mods.success.point) RollSuccesses += 1; } rCount++; } } } // Create RollID in Rolls with the following values... Rolls[RollID] = { "base": RollBase, "total": RollTotal, "successes": RollSuccesses, "ones": RollOnes }; } RollCount++; } }); // PREVENT EMPTY EMOTE ERROR IN ROLL20 CHAT... if (PowerCard.emote === "") PowerCard.emote = undefined; // REPLACE UNDEFINED TITLE TAG WITH MSG.WHO... if (PowerCard.title === undefined) PowerCard.title = "PowerCard sent by:&lt;br&gt;" + msg.who; // ERROR CATCH FOR EMPTY WHISPER TAG... if (PowerCard.whisper === "") PowerCard.whisper = "GM"; if (PowerCard.whisper === "self") PowerCard.whisper = msg.who; if (PowerCard.whisper === "all") PowerCard.whisper = getOnlinePlayerNames(); // CREATE CSS EMOTE... if (CUSTOM_EMOTES &amp;&amp; PowerCard.emote !== undefined &amp;&amp; (PowerCard.charid !== undefined || PowerCard.tokenid !== undefined)) { // GET AVATAR FROM CHARACTER SHEET if (PowerCard.charid !== undefined) { Character = getObj("character", PowerCard.charid); Avatar = (Character !== undefined &amp;&amp; Character.get("avatar") !== "") ? "&lt;img src=" + Character.get('avatar') + " style='height: 50px; width: 50px; margin-left: -10px; padding: 0px 2px 4px 0px; vertical-align: middle; float: left;'&gt;&lt;/img&gt;" : ""; } // GET AVATAR FROM TOKEN IMAGE if (PowerCard.tokenid !== undefined) { Token = getObj("graphic", PowerCard.tokenid); Avatar = (Token !== undefined &amp;&amp; Token.get("imgsrc") !== "") ? "&lt;img src=" + Token.get('imgsrc') + " style='height: 50px; width: 50px; margin-left: -10px; padding: 0px 2px 4px 0px; vertical-align: middle; float: left;'&gt;&lt;/img&gt;" : ""; } // HIDE AVATAR if (PowerCard.emote.charAt(0) === "!") { PowerCard.emote = PowerCard.emote.substring(1); SHOW_AVATAR = false; } // GET TEXT ALIGNMENT FOR EMOTES var EmoteTextAlign = "center"; if (PowerCard.emote.indexOf("~L") !== -1) { PowerCard.emote = PowerCard.emote.replace(/\~L/g, ""); EmoteTextAlign = "left"; } if (PowerCard.emote.indexOf("~R") !== -1) { PowerCard.emote = PowerCard.emote.replace(/\~R/g, ""); EmoteTextAlign = "right"; } if (PowerCard.emote.indexOf("~J") !== -1) { PowerCard.emote = PowerCard.emote.replace(/\~J/g, ""); EmoteTextAlign = "justify"; } // CREATE EMOTE DIV if (SHOW_AVATAR) PowerCard.emote = "&lt;div style='display: block; min-height: 50px; width: 100%; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: " + EmoteTextAlign + ";'&gt;" + Avatar + doInlineFormatting(PowerCard.emote) + "&lt;/div&gt;"; else PowerCard.emote = "&lt;div style='display: block; min-height: 50px; width: 100%; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: " + EmoteTextAlign + ";'&gt;" + doInlineFormatting(PowerCard.emote) + "&lt;/div&gt;"; } // CREATE SHADOWBOX STYLE... var ShadowBoxStyle = "" + "clear: both; " + "margin-left: -10px; " + "box-shadow: " + PowerCard.boxshadow + "; " + "border-radius: " + PowerCard.corners + "px; "; // CREATE TITLE STYLE... var TitleStyle = "" + "font-family: " + PowerCard.titlefont + "; " + "font-size: " + PowerCard.titlefontsize + "; " + "font-weight: normal; " + "font-variant: " + PowerCard.titlefontvariant + "; " + "letter-spacing: 2px; " + "text-align: center; " + "vertical-align: middle; " + "margin: 0px; " + "padding: 3px 0px 0px 0px; " + "border: " + PowerCard.border + "; " + "border-radius: " + PowerCard.corners + "px " + PowerCard.corners + "px 0px 0px; "; // CREATE SUBTITLE STYLE... var SubTitleStyle = "" + "font-family: " + PowerCard.subtitlefont + "; " + "font-size: " + PowerCard.subtitlefontsize + "; " + "font-weight: normal; " + "font-variant: " + PowerCard.subtitlefontvariant + "; " + "letter-spacing: 1px;"; // ADD BACKGROUND &amp; TEXT COLORS... if (USE_PLAYER_COLOR === true &amp;&amp; PowerCard.format === undefined) { TitleStyle += " color: " + PlayerTXColor + ";"; TitleStyle += " background-color: " + PlayerBGColor + ";"; } else { TitleStyle += " color: " + PowerCard.txcolor + ";"; TitleStyle += " background-color: " + PowerCard.bgcolor + ";"; } // CREATE TITLEBOX... var Title = "" + "&lt;div style='" + ShadowBoxStyle + "'&gt;" + "&lt;div style='" + TitleStyle + "' class='showtip tipsy' title='" + PowerCard.title + "'&gt;" +; // ADD SUBTITLES... var Diamond = " &amp;" + "#x2666; "; var Subtitle = "&lt;br&gt;&lt;span style='" + SubTitleStyle + "'&gt;"; Subtitle += (PowerCard.leftsub !== undefined) ? PowerCard.leftsub : ""; Subtitle += (PowerCard.leftsub !== undefined &amp;&amp; PowerCard.rightsub !== undefined) ? Diamond : ""; Subtitle += (PowerCard.rightsub !== undefined) ? PowerCard.rightsub : ""; // ADD TITLE AND SUBTITLE TO DISPLAY OBJECT... Display += doInlineFormatting(Title + Subtitle + "&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;", ALLOW_URLS, ALLOW_HIDDEN_URLS); // CREATE ROW STYLES &amp; OTHER INFO... var OddRow = "color: " + PowerCard.orowtx + "; background-color: " + PowerCard.orowbg + "; "; var EvenRow = "color: " + PowerCard.erowtx + "; background-color: " + PowerCard.erowbg + "; "; var RowBackground = OddRow; var RowNumber = 1; var Indent = 0; // ROW STYLE... var RowStyle = "" + "line-height: 1.1em; " + "vertical-align: middle; " + "font-family: " + PowerCard.bodyfont + "; " + "font-size: " + PowerCard.bodyfontsize + "; " + "font-weight: normal; " + "margin 0px; " + "padding: 4px 5px 2px 5px; " + "border-left: " + PowerCard.border + "; " + "border-right: " + PowerCard.border + "; " + "border-radius: 0px;"; // LAST ROW STYLE... var LastRowStyle = RowStyle + " border-bottom: " + PowerCard.border + ";" + " border-radius: 0px 0px " + PowerCard.corners + "px " + PowerCard.corners + "px;"; // KEY INFO... var KeyCount = 0; var Keys = Object.keys(PowerCard); // CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS TO REMOVE TAGS FROM KEYS... KeyCount = 0; Keys.forEach(function(Tag) { var Result = ""; var Conditional = ""; var LeftVal = ""; var OP = ""; var RightVal = ""; var Operand = ""; var Success = false; var OriginalTag = Tag; while (Tag.charAt(0) === "?" &amp;&amp; Tag.charAt(1) === "?") { Conditional = Tag.match(/\?\?(.*?)\?\?/g)[0].replace(/\?\?/g, "").trim().split(" "); while (Operand !== undefined) { LeftVal = Conditional.shift(); OP = Conditional.shift(); RightVal = Conditional.shift(); // GET LEFT SIDE VALUES... if (LeftVal !== undefined &amp;&amp; LeftVal.match(/\$\[\[/)) { LeftVal = parseInt(x[0].inlinerolls[LeftVal.match(/[0-9]+/)]; } else if (LeftVal !== undefined &amp;&amp; LeftVal.charAt(0) === "$") { LeftVal = LeftVal.split("."); if (LeftVal[1]) { if (LeftVal[1] == "ss") LeftVal[1] = "successes"; } else LeftVal[1] = "total"; if (Rolls[LeftVal[0]]) LeftVal = parseInt(Rolls[LeftVal[0]][LeftVal[1]]); } else { if (isFinite(LeftVal) &amp;&amp; !isNaN(LeftVal)) { LeftVal = (parseFloat(LeftVal) || 0); } else { // Not a number, left empty for possible future use... } } // GET RIGHT SIDE VALUES... if (RightVal !== undefined &amp;&amp; RightVal.match(/\$\[\[/)) { RightVal = parseInt(x[0].inlinerolls[RightVal.match(/[0-9]+/)]; } else if (RightVal !== undefined &amp;&amp; RightVal.charAt(0) === "$") { RightVal = RightVal.split("."); if (RightVal[1]) { if (RightVal[1] == "ss") RightVal[1] = "successes"; } else RightVal[1] = "total"; if (Rolls[RightVal[0]]) RightVal = parseInt(Rolls[RightVal[0]][RightVal[1]]); } else { if (isFinite(RightVal) &amp;&amp; !isNaN(RightVal)) { RightVal = (parseFloat(RightVal) || 0); } else { // Not a number, left empty for possible future use... } } switch (OP) { case "&gt;": Success = (LeftVal &gt; RightVal); break; case "&gt;=": Success = (LeftVal &gt;= RightVal); break; case "==": Success = (LeftVal == RightVal); break; case "&lt;=": Success = (LeftVal &lt;= RightVal); break; case "&lt;": Success = (LeftVal &lt; RightVal); break; case "&lt;&gt;": Success = (LeftVal != RightVal); break; case "%": Success = ((LeftVal % RightVal) == 0); break; case "~%": Success = ((LeftVal % RightVal) != 0); break; default: Success = false; } Operand = Conditional.shift(); if (Operand !== undefined) { if (Operand.toLowerCase() === "and" &amp;&amp; Success === false) break; if (Operand.toLowerCase() === "or" &amp;&amp; Success === true) break; } } if (Success) Tag = Tag.replace(/\?\?(.*?)\?\?/, "").trim(); else Tag = Tag.replace(/\?\?(.*?)\?\?/, "$").trim(); } PowerCard[Tag] = PowerCard[OriginalTag]; Keys[KeyCount] = Tag; KeyCount++; }); // REMOVE IGNORED TAGS... var IgnoredTags = ["charid", "tokenid", "emote", "leftsub", "rightsub", "name", "txcolor", "bgcolor", "erowbg", "erowtx", "orowbg", "orowtx", "whisper", "format", "title", "target_list", "titlefont", "subtitlefont", "bodyfont", "corners", "titlefontsize", "subtitlefontsize", "bodyfontsize", "border", "boxshadow", "titlefontvariant", "subtitlefontvariant"]; IgnoredTags.forEach(function(Tag) { if (Keys.indexOf(Tag) !== -1) Keys.splice(Keys.indexOf(Tag), 1); }); // PLAY SOUNDFX &amp; THEN REMOVE HIDDEN &amp; SOUNDFX TAGS... var NewKeys = []; Keys.forEach(function(Tag) { if (Tag.substring(0,7) == "soundfx") sendChat(msg.playerid, "!roll20AM " + PowerCard[Tag].replace(/\_/g, "--")); if (Tag.charAt(0) !== "$" &amp;&amp; Tag !== "hroll" &amp;&amp; Tag !== "hrolls" &amp;&amp; Tag.substring(0,7) !== "soundfx") NewKeys.push(Tag); }); Keys = NewKeys; // LOOP THROUGH REMAINING KEYS TO CREATE ROW DIVS FROM POWERCARD OBJECT... KeyCount = 0; Keys.forEach(function(Tag) { KeyCount++; Content = doInlineFormatting(PowerCard[Tag], ALLOW_URLS, ALLOW_HIDDEN_URLS, Rolls); RowBackground = (RowNumber % 2 == 1) ? OddRow : EvenRow; RowBackground += (KeyCount === Keys.length) ? LastRowStyle : RowStyle; if (Content.indexOf("$[[") === -1) RowBackground = RowBackground.replace("padding: 4px 5px 2px 5px", "padding: 4px 5px 3px 5px"); RowNumber += 1; Tag = Tag.replace(/( #[0-9]+)/g, ""); // Hides multitag numbers... Tag = Tag.replace(/( \*[0-9]+)/g, ""); // Hides same name tag numbers... if (Tag.charAt(0) !== "!") { if (Tag.charAt(0) === "^") { Indent = (parseInt(Tag.charAt(1)) &gt; 0) ? " padding-left: " + (Tag.charAt(1) * 1.5) + "em;" : ""; Tag = (parseInt(Tag.charAt(1)) &gt;= 0) ? Tag.substring(2) : Tag.substring(1); Display += "&lt;div style='" + RowBackground + Indent + "'&gt;&lt;b&gt;" + Tag + "&lt;/b&gt; " + Content + "&lt;/div&gt;"; } else { Display += "&lt;div style='" + RowBackground + "'&gt;&lt;b&gt;" + Tag + "&lt;/b&gt; " + Content + "&lt;/div&gt;"; } } else { if (Tag.charAt(1) === "^") { Indent = (parseInt(Tag.charAt(2)) &gt; 0) ? " padding-left: " + (Tag.charAt(2) * 1.5) + "em;" : ""; Display += "&lt;div style='" + RowBackground + Indent + "'&gt;" + Content + "&lt;/div&gt;"; } else { Display += "&lt;div style='" + RowBackground + "'&gt;" + Content + "&lt;/div&gt;"; } } }); // CLOSE SHADOWBOX DIV... Display += "&lt;/div&gt;"; // REPLACE INLINE ROLLS WITH VALUES if (x[0].inlinerolls !== undefined) { // SAVE TOKEN OR CHARACTER ID FOR USE WITH TRKR ROLL OPTION... var TrackerID = "-1"; TrackerID = (PowerCard.charid !== undefined) ? "C|" + PowerCard.charid : TrackerID; TrackerID = (PowerCard.tokenid !== undefined) ? "T|" + PowerCard.tokenid : TrackerID; var RollExpression = ""; var RollValue = 0; var i = 1; Object.keys(x[0].inlinerolls).forEach(function(i) { RollValue = x[0].inlinerolls[i]; if (PowerCard.emote &amp;&amp; PowerCard.emote.indexOf("$[[" + i + "]]") !== -1) PowerCard.emote = PowerCard.emote.replace("$[[" + i + "]]", buildInline(RollValue, TrackerID, msg.who)); if (Display.indexOf("$[[" + i + "]]") !== -1) Display = Display.replace("$[[" + i + "]]", buildInline(RollValue, TrackerID, msg.who)); }); } // SEND TO CHAT... var TimeStamp = ""; var Spacer = "/desc "; if (USE_TIMESTAMPS) { TimeStamp = "(" + getCurrentTime() + ") " + msg.who; Spacer = " "; } // WHISPER if (PowerCard.whisper !== undefined) { if (PowerCard.emote !== undefined) { if (PowerCard.charid !== undefined || PowerCard.tokenid !== undefined) { safeSendChat(TimeStamp, Spacer); safeSendChat(TimeStamp, "/direct " + PowerCard.emote) } else { safeSendChat(TimeStamp, '/emas " " ' + PowerCard.emote); } } _.each(PowerCard.whisper.split(","), function(y) { var WhisperTarget = ('self' === y.trim() ? msg.who : y.trim()); safeSendChat(msg.who, "/w " + WhisperTarget + " " + Display); }); } else { if (PowerCard.emote !== undefined) { if (PowerCard.charid !== undefined || PowerCard.tokenid !== undefined) { safeSendChat(TimeStamp, Spacer); safeSendChat(TimeStamp, "/direct " + PowerCard.emote + Display); } else { safeSendChat(TimeStamp, '/emas " " ' + PowerCard.emote); safeSendChat(TimeStamp, "/direct " + Display); } } else { safeSendChat(TimeStamp, Spacer); safeSendChat(TimeStamp, "/direct " + Display); } } }); }; /* FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ function buildInline(inlineroll, TrackerID, who) { var InlineColorOverride = ""; var values = []; var critRoll = false; var failRoll = false; var critCheck = false; var failCheck = false; var expandedCheck = false; var highRoll = false; var lowRoll = false; var noHighlight = false; var expandedRoll = false; var expandedRollReversed = false; var notInline = false; var addToTracker = false; inlineroll.results.rolls.forEach(function(roll) { var result = processRoll(roll, noHighlight, expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed, critCheck, failCheck, notInline); if (result["critCheck"]) critCheck = true; if (result["failCheck"]) failCheck = true; if (result["noHighlight"]) noHighlight = true; if (result["expandedRoll"]) expandedRoll = true; if (result["expandedRollReversed"]) expandedRollReversed = true; if (result["notInline"]) notInline = true; if (result["addToTracker"]) { // ADD TOKEN OR CHARACTER OR DISPLAY NAME TO TURN ORDER TRACKER... var TrackerName = ""; if (TrackerID.charAt(0) === "C") { var Char = getObj("character", TrackerID.substring(2)); var Tok = findObjs({ type: 'graphic', pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"), represents: TrackerID.substring(2) }); if (_.isEmpty(Tok) &amp;&amp; Char !== undefined) TrackerName = Char.get("name"); else TrackerID = Tok[0].id; } else if (TrackerID.charAt(0) === "T") TrackerID = TrackerID.substring(2); else TrackerName = who; // CHECK TURN ORDER FOR EXISTING ID... REPLACE PR VALUE IF FOUND... var turn_order = ("" === Campaign().get("turnorder")) ? [] : JSON.parse(Campaign().get("turnorder")); var pos = { return; }).indexOf(TrackerID); if (pos === -1) turn_order.push({ id: TrackerID, pr:, custom: TrackerName }); else turn_order[pos]["pr"] =; // OPEN THE INITIATIVE WINDOW IF IT'S CLOSED... if (!Campaign().get("initiativepage")) Campaign().set("initiativepage", true); // SEND TURN ORDER BACK TO THE CAMPAIGN() OBJECT... Campaign().set("turnorder", JSON.stringify(turn_order)); } if (result.value !== "") values.push(result.value); }); // OVERRIDE THE ROLL20 INLINE ROLL COLORS... if (critCheck &amp;&amp; failCheck) InlineColorOverride = INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_BOTH; else if (critCheck &amp;&amp; !failCheck) InlineColorOverride = INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_HIGH; else if (!critCheck &amp;&amp; failCheck) InlineColorOverride = INLINE_ROLL_CRIT_LOW; else InlineColorOverride = INLINE_ROLL_DEFAULT; // PARSE TABLE RESULTS inlineroll.results.tableentries = _.chain(inlineroll.results.rolls) .filter(function(r) { var tbl = _.has(r, 'table'); return _.has(r, 'table'); }) .reduce(function(memo, r) { _.each(r.results, function(i) { i = i.tableItem; if (!/^[+\-]?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)([.]+[0-9]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?$/.test( { memo.push({ name:, weight: i.weight, table: r.table }); } }); return memo; }, []) .value(); // REMOVE ROLL OPTIONS LIKE NH, XPND, EMPTY BRACKETS, &amp; ADD SPACING... inlineroll.expression = inlineroll.expression .replace(/\|nh|nh/, "") .replace(/\|rpnd|rpnd/i, "") .replace(/\|xpnd|xpnd/i, "") .replace(/\|trkr|trkr/i, "") .replace(/\[\]/, "") .replace("&lt;", "&amp;" + "amp;" + "lt;") .replace(/\+/g, " + ") .replace(/\-/g, " - ") .replace(/\*/g, " * ") .replace(/\//g, " / "); // END ROLL OPTIONS // FINAL STEP... var rollOut = ""; if (expandedRoll) { if (notInline) { rollOut = values.join("") + " = " +; } else { rollOut = '&lt;span style="' + INLINE_ROLL_STYLE + InlineColorOverride + '" title="Roll: ' + inlineroll.expression + '&lt;br&gt;Results: ' + values.join("") + ' = ' +; rollOut += '" class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy"&gt;' + values.join("") + ' = ' + + '&lt;/span&gt;'; } } else if (expandedRollReversed) { if (notInline) { rollOut = + " = " + valus.join(""); } else { rollOut = '&lt;span style="' + INLINE_ROLL_STYLE + InlineColorOverride + '" title="Roll: ' + inlineroll.expression + '&lt;br&gt;Results: ' + values.join("") + ' = ' +; rollOut += '" class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy"&gt;' + + ' = ' + values.join("") + '&lt;/span&gt;'; } } else { if (notInline) { rollOut =; } else { rollOut = '&lt;span style="' + INLINE_ROLL_STYLE + InlineColorOverride + '" title="Roll: ' + inlineroll.expression + '&lt;br&gt;Results: ' + values.join("") + ' = ' +; rollOut += '" class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy"&gt;' + + '&lt;/span&gt;'; } } rollOut = (inlineroll.results.tableentries.length) ? '' : rollOut; rollOut +=, function(l) { return (notInline) ? : '&lt;span style="' + INLINE_ROLL_STYLE + InlineColorOverride + '" title="Table: ' + l.table + ' ' + 'Weight: ' + l.weight + '" class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy"&gt;' + + '&lt;/span&gt;'; }).join(''); return rollOut; }; function processRoll(roll, noHighlight, expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed, critCheck, failCheck, notInline, addToTracker) { if (roll.type === "C") { return { value: " " + roll.text + " " }; } else if (roll.type === "L") { if (roll.text.match(/nh/i) !== null) noHighlight = true; if (roll.text.match(/xpnd/i) !== null) expandedRoll = true; if (roll.text.match(/rpnd/i) !== null) expandedRollReversed = true; if (roll.text.match(/txt/i) !== null) notInline = true; if (roll.text.match(/trkr/i) !== null) addToTracker = true; return { noHighlight: noHighlight, expandedRoll: expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed: expandedRollReversed, notInline: notInline, addToTracker: addToTracker }; } else if (roll.type === "M") { if (roll.expr.toString().match(/\+|\-|\*|\\/g)) roll.expr = roll.expr.toString().replace(/\+/g, " + ").replace(/\-/g, " - ").replace(/\*/g, " * ").replace(/\//g, " / "); return { value: roll.expr }; } else if (roll.type === "R") { var rollValues = []; _.each(roll.results, function(result) { if (result.tableItem !== undefined) { rollValues.push(; } else { critRoll = false; failRoll = false; if (noHighlight) { critRoll = false; failRoll = false; } else { var Sides = roll.sides; // CRITROLL CHECKS... if (roll.mods &amp;&amp; roll.mods["customCrit"]) { var p = 0; _.each(roll.mods["customCrit"], function() { if (roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["comp"] === "&lt;=" &amp;&amp; result.v &lt;= roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["point"]) critRoll = true; if (roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["comp"] === "==" &amp;&amp; result.v == roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["point"]) critRoll = true; if (roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["comp"] === "&gt;=" &amp;&amp; result.v &gt;= roll.mods["customCrit"][p]["point"]) critRoll = true; p++; }); } else { if (result.v === Sides) critRoll = true; } // FAILROLL CHECKS... if (roll.mods &amp;&amp; roll.mods["customFumble"]) { var p = 0; _.each(roll.mods["customFumble"], function() { if (roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["comp"] === "&lt;=" &amp;&amp; result.v &lt;= roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["point"]) failRoll = true; if (roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["comp"] === "==" &amp;&amp; result.v == roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["point"]) failRoll = true; if (roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["comp"] === "&gt;=" &amp;&amp; result.v &gt;= roll.mods["customFumble"][p]["point"]) failRoll = true; p++; }); } else { if (result.v === 1) failRoll = true; } } if (expandedRoll) result.v = "&lt;span style='" + (critRoll ? 'color: #040;' : (failRoll ? 'color: #600;' : '')) + "'&gt;" + result.v + "&lt;/span&gt;"; else result.v = "&lt;span style='" + (critRoll ? 'color: #0F0; font-size: 1.25em;' : (failRoll ? 'color: #F00; font-size: 1.25em;' : '')) + "'&gt;" + result.v + "&lt;/span&gt;"; rollValues.push(result.v); if (critRoll) critCheck = true; if (failRoll) failCheck = true; } }); return { value: "(" + rollValues.join(" + ") + ")", noHighlight: noHighlight, expandedRoll: expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed: expandedRollReversed, critCheck: critCheck, failCheck: failCheck, notInline: notInline, addToTracker: addToTracker }; } else if (roll.type === "G") { var grollVal = []; _.each(roll.rolls, function(groll) { _.each(groll, function(groll2) { var result = processRoll(groll2, noHighlight, expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed, critCheck, failCheck, notInline); grollVal.push(result.value); critCheck = critCheck || result.critCheck; failCheck = failCheck || result.failCheck; noHighlight = noHighlight || result.noHighlight; expandedRoll = expandedRoll || result.expandedRoll; expandedRollReversed = expandedRollReversed || result.expandedRollReversed; notInline = notInline || result.notInline; addToTracker = addToTracker || result.addToTracker; }); }); return { value: "{" + grollVal.join(" ") + "}", noHighlight: noHighlight, expandedRoll: expandedRoll, expandedRollReversed: expandedRollReversed, critCheck: critCheck, failCheck: failCheck, notInline: notInline, addToTracker: addToTracker }; } }; function statusSymbol(symbol, altForReplace) { var icon; var info; var statuses = [ 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'brown', 'purple', 'pink', 'yellow', // 0-6 'skull', 'sleepy', 'half-heart', 'half-haze', 'interdiction', 'snail', 'lightning-helix', 'spanner', 'chained-heart', 'chemical-bolt', 'death-zone', 'drink-me', 'edge-crack', 'ninja-mask', 'stopwatch', 'fishing-net', 'overdrive', 'strong', 'fist', 'padlock', 'three-leaves', 'fluffy-wing', 'pummeled', 'tread', 'arrowed', 'aura', 'back-pain', 'black-flag', 'bleeding-eye', 'bolt-shield', 'broken-heart', 'cobweb', 'broken-shield', 'flying-flag', 'radioactive', 'trophy', 'broken-skull', 'frozen-orb', 'rolling-bomb', 'white-tower', 'grab', 'screaming', 'grenade', 'sentry-gun', 'all-for-one', 'angel-outfit', 'archery-target' ], statusColormap = ['#C91010', '#1076c9', '#2fc910', '#c97310', '#9510c9', '#eb75e1', '#e5eb75'], i; symbol = altForReplace || symbol; if (!_.contains(statuses, symbol)) { icon = state.PowerCard_StatusList[symbol].icon; info = state.PowerCard_StatusList[symbol].info; } if (_.contains(statuses, icon)){ i=_.indexOf(statuses, icon); if (i &lt; 7) { return '&lt;div style="width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 100%; display: inline-block; margin: 0px 3px; border: 0; vertical-align: text-top; background-color: ' + statusColormap[i] + '"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;' + info; } return '&lt;div style="float: left; width: 24px; height: 24px; display: inline-block; margin: 0; border: 0; cursor: pointer; padding: 0px 3px; background: url(\'<a href="\" rel="nofollow">\</a>'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: '+((-34)*(i-7))+'px 0px;"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;' + info; } return ""; }; function doInlineFormatting(content, ALLOW_URLS, ALLOW_HIDDEN_URLS, Rolls) { // REPLACE [^ID] with value... var RollID; while (content.indexOf("[^") !== -1) { RollID = content.match(/\[\^(.*?)\]/); if (Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]]) { switch (RollID[1].split(".")[1]) { case "total": content = content.replace(RollID[0], Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]].total); case "base": content = content.replace(RollID[0], Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]].base); case "ss": content = content.replace(RollID[0], Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]].successes); case "ones": content = content.replace(RollID[0], Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]].ones); default: content = content.replace(RollID[0], Rolls["$" + RollID[1].split(".")[0]].total); } } else { content = content.replace(RollID[0], "Roll ID Not Found"); } } // PARSE FOR INLINE FORMATTING var urls = [], str, formatter = function(s) { return s .replace(/\[\+(.*?)\]/g, statusSymbol) .replace(/__(.*?)__/g, "&lt;u&gt;$1&lt;/u&gt;") .replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "&lt;b&gt;$1&lt;/b&gt;") .replace(/\/\/(.*?)\/\//g, "&lt;i&gt;$1&lt;/i&gt;") .replace(/\^\^/g, "&lt;br&gt;") .replace(/\^\*/g, "&lt;span style='margin-left: 1em;'&gt;&lt;/span&gt;") .replace(/\$\$(#([a-fA-F0-9]{3}|[a-fA-F0-9]{6}))\|(.*?)\$\$/g, "&lt;span style='color: $1;'&gt;$3&lt;/span&gt;") .replace(/\~\~\~/g, "&lt;hr style='border: 0; height: 0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); margin-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 3px;'/&gt;") .replace(/\~\J(.*?)\~\J/g, "&lt;div style='text-align: justify; display: block;'&gt;$1&lt;/div&gt;") .replace(/\~\L(.*?)\~\L/g, "&lt;span style='text-align: left;'&gt;$1&lt;/span&gt;") .replace(/\~\C(.*?)\~\C/g, "&lt;div style='text-align: center; display: block;'&gt;$1&lt;/div&gt;") .replace(/\~\R(.*?)\~\R/g, "&lt;div style='text-align: right; float: right;'&gt;$1&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style='clear: both;'&gt;&lt;/div&gt;") .replace(/\[\!(.*?)\!\]/g, "&lt;span style='text-align: center; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; display: inline-block; min-width: 1.75em; height: 1em; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #FFFEA2; border-color: #87850A; color: #000000;' title='Created by PowerCards' class='showtip tipsy'&gt;$1&lt;/span&gt;") ; }; str = _.reduce( content.match(/@@.*?@@/g), function(m, s, i) { var parts = s.replace(/@@(.*)@@/, '$1').split(/\|\|/), url = parts.shift().replace(/^\s*(http(s)?:\/\/|\/\/()|())/, 'http$2://'), text = formatter(parts.join('||')); if (ALLOW_URLS) { if (ALLOW_HIDDEN_URLS) { urls[i] = '&lt;a href="' + url + '"&gt;' + (text || url) + '&lt;/a&gt;'; } else { urls[i] = '&lt;a href="' + url + '"&gt;' + text + ' [' + url + ']&lt;/a&gt;'; } } else { urls[i] = s; } return m.replace(s, '@@' + i + '@@'); }, content ); str = formatter(str); return _.reduce( urls, function(m, s, i) { return m.replace('@@' + i + '@@', s); }, str ); }; function getBrightness(hex) { hex = hex.replace('#', ''); var c_r = getHex2Dec(hex.substr(0, 2)); var c_g = getHex2Dec(hex.substr(2, 2)); var c_b = getHex2Dec(hex.substr(4, 2)); return ((c_r * 299) + (c_g * 587) + (c_b * 114)) / 1000; }; function getAttrRefValues(char_id, attribute) { var n_ref = 0; var attr = attribute; if (/.*@{.*/.test(attribute)) { n_ref = attribute.match(/@{/g).length; } if (n_ref &gt; 0) { //there are references to attributes for (var i = 0; i &lt; n_ref; i++) { attr = attr.replace(/@{(.*?)}/, function(e) { var attr_ref = e.replace(/@{/, '').replace(/}/, ''); attr_ref = getAttrByName(char_id, attr_ref); return getAttrRefValues(char_id, attr_ref); }); } } return attr; }; function getCurrentTime() { var d = new Date(); var h = ((d.getHours() + 1) &lt; 10 ? "0" : "") + (d.getHours() + 1); var m = (d.getMinutes() &lt; 10 ? "0" : "") + d.getMinutes(); var currentTime = h + ":" + m; return currentTime; }; function getHex2Dec(hex_string) { hex_string = (hex_string + '').replace(/[^a-f0-9]/gi, ''); return parseInt(hex_string, 16); }; function getOnlinePlayerNames() { var PlayerDisplayNames = []; var Players = findObjs({_type: "player"}); _.each(Players, function (p) { if (p.get("online")) PlayerDisplayNames.push(p.get("displayname")); }); return PlayerDisplayNames.join(); }; function getPowerCardFormats() { var PowerCard_FormatHandout = findObjs({ _type: "handout", name: "PowerCard Formats" })[0]; if (PowerCard_FormatHandout !== undefined) { var PowerCard_Formats = {}; var FormatName = ""; var FormatContent = ""; PowerCard_FormatHandout.get("notes", function(notes) { notes = notes.split("&lt;br&gt;"); notes.forEach(function(notes) { FormatName = notes.substring(0, notes.indexOf(":")).trim(); FormatContent = notes.substring(notes.indexOf(":") + 1).trim(); if (FormatName !== "" &amp;&amp; FormatContent !== "") PowerCard_Formats[FormatName] = " " + FormatContent; }); state.PowerCard_Formats = PowerCard_Formats; }); } }; function getPowerCardStatusList() { var PowerCard_FormatStatusList = findObjs({ _type: "handout", name: "PowerCard Status List" })[0] || findObjs({ _type: "handout", name: "PowerCards Status List" })[0]; if (PowerCard_FormatStatusList !== undefined) { var PowerCard_StatusList = {}; var Status; var StatusName = ""; var StatusIcon = ""; var StatusInfo = ""; PowerCard_FormatStatusList.get("notes", function(notes) { notes = notes.split("&lt;br&gt;"); notes.forEach(function(notes) { Status = notes.split("|"); if (!_.isEmpty(Status)) { StatusName = Status[0]; StatusIcon = Status[1]; StatusInfo = Status[2]; if (StatusName !== "" &amp;&amp; StatusName !== undefined) { PowerCard_StatusList[StatusName] = { "icon": StatusIcon || "", "info": StatusInfo || "" } } } }); state.PowerCard_StatusList = PowerCard_StatusList; }); } }; function getTargetInfo(content, TargetList) { // PARSE FOR TARGET INFO REPLACEMENT CHARMS var Token = getObj("graphic", TargetList[0]); if (Token === undefined) return content; var Character = getObj("character", Token.get("represents")); // TOKEN CHARMS return content.replace(/%%(.*?)%%/g, function(m, charm) { var attr; switch (charm) { case 'token_name': return Token.get('name'); case 'bar1': case 'bar2': case 'bar3': return Token.get(charm + '_value'); case 'bar1_max': case 'bar2_max': case 'bar3_max': return Token.get(charm); default: attr = getAttrByName(, charm); attr = getAttrRefValues(, attr); return (Character &amp;&amp; attr) || 'ERROR'; } }); }; function safeSendChat(speakingAs, message, callback) { try { sendChat(speakingAs, message, callback); } catch (e) { sendChat("PowerCards", JSON.stringify(e)); } } /* END FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

Edited 1562163143
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Also, here is a link to one of the last sets of release notes that SkyCaptain put out... pretty sure the links to the newer versions should still be active too. Edit: Yup, still active although 3.5.1 actually leads to 3.6.1 :)

Edited 1567240682
Ok so I stopped whining and set aside some extra time (got laid off) to really dig into the Power Cards latest edition. I have to say that they are making more sense now, and that I've worked on figuring how to get what I want out of the scripting. Still have some things to understand, and although I post questions here on forums and pour over old posts looking for answers to the real stumper problems (to me, at least), I haven't gotten a lot of help. But those that have chimed in to lend a hand have been tremendously helpful, at least in my case. Sometimes you just need to decipher the explanations like you would code lol.&nbsp; I think what most of us that are in this situation would absolutely love is for there to be a poster board where others just thumbtack their macros and scripts, etc. The best way to learn anything is to have a working example to crack open and figure out yourself. Good macros, bad ones, smart ones, dumb ones, pretty or ugly, short or long whatever just put up as many as possible.&nbsp;