I have been GMing 5E, DCC, and Call of Cthulhu for several years and have many hours into Roll20.   I learned to play RPGs for real on PF1E, and I like what I see with PF2.  5E is getting redundant and I would love to kick back and be a player.  I can generally help with Roll20 and macro related stuff and enjoy learning alongside others.  I am an affable dude who can/will play any role in a party.  I love how PF embraced tactics even more this time around and am excited to try it live! I tend to prefer games with a tone somewhere on the 'Appendix N' spectrum, not so much into an anime style tone or tables that seek to emulate Critical Role. If it sounds like I'm pouring your brand of tea, hit me up on Discord, LazGreen#1510.