“This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $5/game via Patreon. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements." Greetings and well-met&nbsp;heroes! You come to us in the darkest of hours, as we prepare to flee our dying world. Quickly now, get your gear together and come inside the gates before it is too late! The Castle in the Clouds is a city that has been magically teleported out of a dying universe and into a new, unknown world. However something has gone terribly wrong and the city will not stop teleporting to new planes and dimensions. You, the heroes of this doomed world have gathered together in this city to save yourselves, but now face all new horrors and perils that you must band together to overcome. Each player will create a character that they can use to signup for any of our multiple talented DM's games that will all take place in this shared multiverse. You can try different DMs, play with the same or new players, and play in as many or as few games each month as you prefer. We will be using Adventure League rules (27 point buy or standard array) for character creation and will be running free character creation sessions every Friday afternoon/evening CST. There will be shared world events that stretch across all of the games being run that week or month. You will also have unlimited access to the Discord server where you can interact with all of the players, and some NPCs during downtime.&nbsp; As a special offer everyone who joins now during pre-registration will receive 1 free game! So feel free to try us out risk free! If you are interested in joining please send me a message on here or add me on Discord at The Dungeon Master#8397 <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/177080/the-castle-in-the-clouds-dandd-5th-edition-living-world-campaign" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/177080/the-castle-in-the-clouds-dandd-5th-edition-living-world-campaign</a>