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Zoom Tool Update Bug Report Thread

Drespar said: Hi everyone, We are noticing that things are getting off topic. Please note that our Code of Conduct is still in full effect in this thread. This thread is intended to locate bugs and collect feedback, keep the conversation focused and civil. We understand that updates such as this can get heated. However, further infractions of our Code of Conduct will be removed. Well, when your customers are getting heated, it means you're not listening to them well. You can silence them of course and act as if everything was fine, but it won't make it so.

Edited 1573000598
Kenton said: We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behavior. Well, it did indeed slow the scroll down but it does not make it less jumpy. The issue seems to be more about making the pointer the center of the zoom for the entire move. The map jumps all over the place as it is now.  Accepted procedure in the IT world when a Change fails this badly is to revert to the pre-change state and fix what is broken rather than troubleshoot on the fly while the user community is adversely impacted. I do not understand why R20 refuses to adapt basic industry standards for Change Control.
THIS THREAD IS ABOUT FEEDBACK? Here's feedback. I've been using Roll20 for more than 5 years, played almost 4000 hours, been a Pro for all that time. I'm sure a lot of users who posted in this thread have equivalent credentials. Why oh why won't you listen to us when we say we don't want and don't need those changes, that it makes our enjoyment lower and our lives harder? Do you have any data from your customers that proves a majority would enjoy those changes? That the majority would need them? And as for pushing untested changes to Prod: I have enough stress in my life without the added stress of "what will they break next that will make my next game horrible?" Your system should be reliable for your CORE audience, those who have been with you for a long time. ASK US, THE ONES USING THE APP REGULARLY, WHAT WE NEED BEFORE JUMPING ONTO CAPRICIOUS AND RANDOM CHANGES. For one, I prefer STABILITY. For me, bug fixes are largely more crucial than adding features, and I don't want new features unless they're a real proof that we would appreciate them and need them, and that they are thoroughly tested before being pushed to PROD. So: 1) The way you were developing during 2014-2018? GOOD, SOLID, RELIABLE. 2) The way you develop in 2019: BAD AND UNRELIABLE. This is my honest feedback. 
I am running a game with five players starting in three hours. I launched Roll20 to do a little prep for my session, and instead I've spent the past hour failing to use the app, reading posts and reports, trying to learn the new zoom/pan controls, and finding that the legacy option really only changes back one or two pieces of functionality. The Mac trackpad experience is truly awful now, both in the new and legacy modes. I am failing at navigating my own maps. My five players will be both local and remote, and they'll be running a variety of rigs, which isn't going to make it easy for me to help them. This additional cognitive load is going to take everyone out of the game, and I can't think of anything worse. It's not just that zoom/pan is different or difficult, it's that some of the fun has been taken away from tonight's game. I am deeply frustrated by this change and the lack of human-centered process that made it possible. Please roll this back and regroup. Sometimes you have to be able to kill your darlings. If you have empathy for your users, it's easy to see that this is one of those times. Thank you.
Mmm... yeah, I don't really like this update. I realize this might be a more modern way of doing it that is more current, but I can tell you I prefer Roll20 over other virtual tabletops because I think some of those "new and improved" methods are not as improved as those dev teams think. I think the scrolling/zooming was perfectly fine the way it was, adjusted like a microscope, coarse and then fine. Had enough control and simple to use. Now it's oddly harder to adjust the view, and the zoom itself is in some kind of uncanny valley, it's unsettling to the eye. Not a fan of this one.

Edited 1573001044
Oh god you're right, it IS an etch-a-sketch! This is beyond awful... It took me two hours to prep a single map. I am hoping this gets reverted before next week or I will have to start setting up on a different service, there's no way I can run stuff. I haven't prepped enough in advance to do this for two weeks. (that's probably my fault, but then again, I rely on service not breaking down like this)

Edited 1573001416
Hello, I tend to work on Roll20 with both a lenovo laptop, running Windows 10, using a traditional mouse as well as an iMac using a Magic Mouse 2 with a track pad on its surface (Use Chrome on both). I have read and tried your solutions of using combinations of shift and alt in order to try and mimic the legacy controls. While this does work, it is a worse experience than just using the trackpad feature to pan 360 degrees in any direction. Also, because the Magic Mouse 2 does not have "clicks" when scrolling in and out to zoom in and out, it wildly jumps zoom levels and is hard to fine tune. Yes I know I can use the individual zoom levels on the new zoom display but the combination of using a trackpad for panning and moving the old zoom slider up and down was MUCH easier and more intuitive. As a side note, I have tried the new zoom update and it still does not feel very smooth. Also, the right click hold to pan feature is EXTREMELY floaty and seems to have some pretty extreme acceleration to it. If the feature is supposed to let you zoom in and out on specific points based on where the cursor is, you shouldn't ALSO need the pan feature to be able to pan across an entire map. Make the pan be 1:1 movement instead of having acceleration and overshooting where you want to drag it to. If you are going to have a legacy mode, have it be an actual legacy mode where the feature is not present. Not this weird pseudo legacy mode that just kind of reverts one aspect of the new feature but leaves 95% of the changes. Thanks
Kenton said: Thanks for all the feedback. As mentioned earlier, we've repaired the bug that prevented math in the Radial Menus with the +/- keys. We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behaviour. With all that said, a note about some additional Pan controls. With the new Zoom (by Default): Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Pan Vertically Holding Alt (or Option) and Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally With the Legacy Mode active: Holding Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Zoom Reiterating once again, using an additional button (Alt or Option) to simply use the trackpad in what already should be its native format is not an improvement. 
Nope, still jumpy and no scroll bars, the pan works awkward and clumsy, man my games are going to suck...

Edited 1573001327
Hoot Games said: Kenton said: We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behavior. Well, it did indeed slow the scroll down but it does not make it less jumpy. The issue seems to be more about making the pointer the center of the zoom for the entire move. The map jumps all over the place as it is now.  Accepted procedure in the IT world when a Change fails this badly is to revert to the pre-change state and fix what is broken rather than troubleshoot on the fly while the user community is adversely impacted. I do not understand why R20 refuses to adapt basic industry standards for Change Control. Because as they've shown time and time again, they do not have the capability of recognizing their mistakes or taking a step back. Instead we're forced to hobble "forward".
Okay, so I've been messing around and this is making large maps a lot less fun.  I have a 7000px by 1750px map and this update has made navigating it from only slightly troublesome to very unpleasant.  With scroll and zoom bars it was a lot easier to just get to where I wanted to be.

Edited 1573002274
Ive been attempting to work on Roll20 and prepare my session for Sunday but this new fuc- sorry, feature is still so mind numbingly frustrating to use. I feel it may be necessary to begin unsubscribing until you revert the problem. This is not what I agreed to pay for, you TOOK AWAY what I was paying for and are trying to force something so horrendously poorly made on me instead. No. Until you offer the services I agreed to pay for again or offer refunds for our wasted payments this month I'm an upset customer. Kenton  said: Thanks for all the feedback. As mentioned earlier, we've repaired the bug that prevented math in the Radial Menus with the +/- keys. We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behaviour. With all that said, a note about some additional Pan controls. With the new Zoom (by Default): Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Pan Vertically Holding Alt (or Option) and Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally With the Legacy Mode active: Holding Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Zoom I paid for a scrollbar, and you have my money. So no thank you, give me what you promised me when I paid you money please. And stop taking away things when you add new features please. Thank you very much.
This is absolute garbage. I can't move the map left and right anymore, and even in the "legacy" version I have to fight with everything that was once really simple and intuitive, and in fact the only reason I even used this VTT. Who wanted this? Did you even talk to a single person outside your office? Do you ever  talk to people outside your office? All of a sudden I'm glad my game is taking 3 weeks off for assorted group life issues; if I have to put up with this kind of crap in play, I'm just gonna buy all my friends Tabletop Simulator and play on Steam.
Even with the legacy option enabled navigating the map has become more difficult, especially since removing the scroll bars has negated my mouse scroll wheel's ability to pan left/right (since I could tilt it either side to do so prior to this "update"). This feels horribly untested owing to how, before you hot-fixed it, it broke token functionality. As Trevor above and many others have said I feel it's necessary to unsubscribe to get the point across. You can't just roll out sloppily put together "updates" that alter features no one asked for. Hell if you need someone with common sense to vet your update ideas or just to test the bloody things before they go live, I've got competitive consulting rates!
Kenton said: Thanks for all the feedback. As mentioned earlier, we've repaired the bug that prevented math in the Radial Menus with the +/- keys. We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behaviour. With all that said, a note about some additional Pan controls. With the new Zoom (by Default): Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Pan Vertically Holding Alt (or Option) and Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally With the Legacy Mode active: Holding Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Zoom Tried shaking the etch-a-sketch, still not fixed. I'm hoping this is at the very least bad communication on a temporary measure while you work out a longer term fix, because not having a single mention of the issue users are raging about while at the same time telling us how awesome the new feature is sounds like a big middle finger.
This update, in my opinion is terrible, sorry not sorry but it has made it so many times more frustrating to use for both DM and player that I cant do games on this platform, The legacy mode does NOT help - and all we want is the old scroll bar back, all Roll20 has been doing recently has been removing features for features that work less. I have been using roll20 for 5 years with over 5000+ hours preparing games and playing games on here and NEVER found the scrollbar to be a problem - so why attempt  at fixing something that doesn't need fixing. Just make legacy mode turn off this update or just out right revert it, a lot of my friends have been the fence on switching VTT and this may be the last nail in the coffin.
Oh my goodness this is the worst. Broken. I think everyone above has it covered, but I wanted to chime in and say that I've been here on Roll20 as a Pro subscriber since 2015, with over 3k hours, and this is undoubtedly the worst.
The scroll wheel zooming thing is clunky and awkward to use. Zooming in and out in general has gotten much more choppy and would definitely do no favors to those with slower machines than mine. The Button Zoom is slow and awkward. And only more precise if you're looking for an exact percentage. The zoom bar was faster and easier to use in every way. Removing scroll bars also made things more awkward to use. Particularly so for those who do not use a mouse. But even for those who do, it's simply not good.
The new zoom bar in the lower left of the screen clips Macro buttons. As a DM, I have various macro's I tie to buttons at the bottom of the screen. The right most one is clipped/covered by the new box. 
Creating maps is completely impossible with a macbook trackpad.
This update is horrible and needs to be reverted ASAP. I have over 2,000 hours on Roll20 and I DM two weekly games on here, allowing me to stay connected with physically disparate friends. DnD on Roll20 has consistently been the best part of my week for more than 2 years, and now I can barely navigate my own maps. The main issue here is trackpad functionality. I used to be able to pan using 2 fingers on my trackpad without clicking at all—vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Now, trackpad scrolling uses the disgusting and bad zoom feature which is infinitely worse than the old, perfectly good zoom scrollbar in the top right.  As for the so-called "legacy mode", it fails to fix any  of the major problems with this ill-advised update. It allows vertical panning only with the trackpad, and requires that you hold down shift to pan horizontally. In either mode, you cannot pan diagonally/in both directions simultaneously, which used to be the default , no-clicking-or-key-holding-required behavior. Additionally, legacy mode fails  to bring back the wonderful and good zoom scrollbar, so even if a person were to be satisfied with the half-baked, inadequate  compromise that is vertical panning only with horizontal panning only while holding shift, they still have to use the shaky and bad  new zoom tool to zoom by holding alt, or by clicking the +/- buttons in the bottom right that are choppier and provide less granularity than the old and good zoom scrollbar. REVERT ASAP.
Legacy now works on my 2019 MacBook Pro — by holding shift key down, I can go left to right, by not, up and down... But I'm used to just using two fingers on my trackpad and just panning anywhere on the board in a super-fluid, awesome way. And this is a huge annoying downgrade in legacy mode. And the new version still doesn't work - just shaky zoom.
Thank you for the change, while it needs some polish and bug fixes, it is much easier to move on the map where I want to go rather than using the scroll bars to guess and selecting zoom levels from a drop down menu like its 1999.  I suppose I'm a wierdo who uses a mouse and has come to expect this functionality from it being pretty much standard for maps, graphics, and cad programs., well Ctrl+Scroll, but still, much improved.  Thanks.
BUG:  When you zoom in/out and then return to 100% (with mouse scroll) it's not actually 100% but some decimal. Text on tokens and bars is blurry. If you press on "Magnify" tool on the right bar and then select 100% it will be actual 100% without blurry text.

Edited 1573006088
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The issues being described by users with trackpads appear to also be true on Chromebooks. To pan left and right I must hold down shift-alt whereas to pan up down I hold down alt. I pan far more often than I zoom, and I suspect this is true of most users. Before moving around from character to character in a battle was simply a matter of dragging two fingers in the desired direction. Now, even with legacy turned on (which is a misnomer, it's just a zoom/scroll toggle), I must still hold down a modifier key to decide between up down and left-right panning. Shift-two finger is "navigate back" on a chrome book. By wanting to move left or right, I run the very real risk of leaving the game. Reinstatement of the scrollbars would be much appreciated. Besides giving you extremely controlled panning motion, it gives the user a cue to where they are in a very large map.
Krispers said: Thank you for the change, while it needs some polish and bug fixes, it is much easier to move on the map where I want to go rather than using the scroll bars to guess and selecting zoom levels from a drop down menu like its 1999.  I suppose I'm a wierdo who uses a mouse and has come to expect this functionality from it being pretty much standard for maps, graphics, and cad programs., well Ctrl+Scroll, but still, much improved.  Thanks. I use the mouse too, but I find the new zoom to be frustrating to use for both DM and Player. The blog claims that "many of you told us that you found the Zoom tool  clunky   and   difficult   to   use ." but personally I haven't seen these many people complaining about the old slider, you are the first I have seen, and based on the huge backlash on this update I have a feeling the "many people" was just blown out of proportions. I am glad you are enjoying it but I would at least like to have the legacy mode actually be the old slider rather than a half baked version of the new scroll.
I agree with the general consensus here. As a mac user using a trackpad, it is really frustrating to not be able to scroll on the maps. Please return it to the old feature. 
Hello all,   As a friendly reminder, please keep in mind that all discussions on Roll20 should always maintain a tone of respect and civility.   As such, please feel free to discuss the original post. However, please keep it on that subject.   Thanks!

Edited 1573006580
keithcurtis said: The issues being described by users with trackpads appear to also be true on Chromebooks. To pan left and right I must hold down shift-alt whereas to pan up down I hold down alt. I pan far more often than I zoom, and I suspect this is true of most users. Before moving around from character to character in a battle was simply a matter of dragging two fingers in the desired direction. Now, even with legacy turned on (which is a misnomer, it's just a zoom/scroll toggle), I must still hold down a modifier key to decide between up down and left-right panning. Shift-two finger is "navigate back" on a chrome book. By wanting to move left or right, I run the very real risk of leaving the game. It's everyone with trackpads (many types of laptops), and also those of us who are not on laptops but use accessory trackpads or a touch mouse (that'd be me). Mac users tend to be impacted more because of how many functions the trackpad manages in OSX, but the fuckup is global. Also, the more functions tied to those accessories, the greater the risk of triggering extra functions rather than the intended etch-a-sketch movement. For example, if I try to move sideways, I now shift to a new screen, and if I want to shift to a new screen, my map goes all the way to nowhereville (that is how I keep my GM notes organised - unfortunately now that won't be an option unless I change all my keybinds. Or move to a different VTT).

Edited 1573006799
The positioning of the plus and minus buttons completely interferes with my macro quick bar, decks, and ability to resize my sidebar effectively. Please, please give me the option to move it, or even disable it, since I exclusively use mouse to zoom. This is borderline game-breaking for me, since I always drag my sidebar out to be almost twice the normal size, and now the zoom buttons are just sitting smack dab in the middle of the chat box. Incredibly annoying, and I can't believe this wasn't discovered in testing.
[quote]-  If you used the scroll bar previously, right click should now give you better controls than before by right-clicking anywhere on the map and dragging.[/quote] Yeah, it isn't better controls. I do a lot of large maps (Over 120x120) and this right drag is just asking for me to yank a section of the map away. Not to mention that I'm disabled, so my fingers don't work all that well, so this pretty much means that my whole work flow is messed up. I can't lock down pieces so they can't be moved, now you're acting like right-click/hold/move is the right thing and works great. It doesn't.
I do not like this new update. When I loaded up my game I host, none of my maps were showing up. I figured it was just taking longer to load, so waited a minute, then two and three, still nothing. I switched to different maps and still just a gray background. I had no scroll bars on the right or bottom of my map area. I then clicked "Legacy" and was able to finally see my maps and able to scroll up and down using the scroll wheel. Still no bars on the right or bottom of my map area. I wasn't sure how to move left or right but learned that right clicking and dragging will do that. It's very clunky feeling and kinda jumpy when moving the map, not allowing for easy precise placement of where I want it easily. I mean, I'd prefer it back to how it was as that was very simple to use and easy to navigate. This new update is...not helpful in the slightest. I enjoy dynamic lighting as it helps my players not need to wait on my slow butt to reveal shadowed areas. At the same time though, if you end up not listening to those who have pointed out your "improvement" is not friendly to those with disabilities with their hands, then I'm not sure I would want to keep paying my tiny amount for my subscription. I hope you can revert it back and make this optional so those who you have yet to show evidence of complaining "scroll bars are extremely hard to maneuver" (something I never heard in my life might I add uttered by anyone who has ever used a computer of any kind, just maybe those using smartphones only), will have access to their desired way of using Roll20 on their tiny touch screens. I thank you for your time if you've read this. If not then oh well. I'll then need to consider and speak to my players on how much they enjoy not having to wait on me to reveal area's, which makes the game go much faster with me using dynamic lighting for them to see what they would see given their amount of sight they have. Thank you again for your time and effort.
Rainflame said: Hello all,   As a friendly reminder, please keep in mind that all discussions on Roll20 should always maintain a tone of respect and civility.   As such, please feel free to discuss the original post. However, please keep it on that subject.   Thanks! I'm sorry, but instead of worrying so much about respect and civility, the most urgent thing would be to give us any sign that you are actually listening to us, your core users, and not just treating this as a "well, just tell us your list of bugs so we can take a few months to fix them" when the consensus here is that the feature should be reverted because it is horrible and that it does not respond to any need we expressed. Just tell us you'll revert it (or make a legacy option that makes it behave exactly as it did before), push a fix tomorrow , and I can assure you, the tone of this thread will immediately become the most civil and respectful you've ever seen .
Mike Donovan said: Rainflame said: Hello all,   As a friendly reminder, please keep in mind that all discussions on Roll20 should always maintain a tone of respect and civility.   As such, please feel free to discuss the original post. However, please keep it on that subject.   Thanks! I'm sorry, but instead of worrying so much about respect and civility, the most urgent thing would be to give us any sign that you are actually listening to us, your core users, and not just treating this as a "well, just tell us your list of bugs so we can take a few months to fix them" when the consensus here is that the feature should be reverted because it is horrible and that it does not respond to any need we expressed. Just tell us you'll revert it (or make a legacy option that makes it behave exactly as it did before), push a fix tomorrow , and I can assure you, the tone of this thread will immediately become the most civil and respectful you've ever seen .
This entire Zoom "update" is a bug.  Idiots.  You cannot move the map, center over the tokens, or have any of the freedom and mobility that the slider bars gave.  After the security breach, and now this right before we were to have our next session (cancelling due to this technical mess and inability to actually use roll20 to play in,) as a Pro account user I'm seriously considering cancelling my account and switching to your competitor.  Do any of your programmers actually use Roll20 or even DM??????  
Hotkeys for map zoom + / - are interfering with my ability to edit health bars with the existing system. Whenever I try to edit a health bar by adding or subtracting for damage, healing etc it just zooms me in or out. Please advise a fix for this. 
I agree with previous commenters - on trackpad (Asus Zenbook Pro, built-in trackpad running Windows 10) it is awful to the point of being unusable with the update and significantly more difficult than original when "reverted" back. The Legacy feature should at least include scrollbars to manipulate the map, and I think the whole trackpad usability needs to be reworked. I also wonder if this was tested on large maps - zoom in on where your cursor is isn't a good way to navigate on say, the Mad Mage levels.
Problems: Zoom Control: Doesn't move when I expand my sidebar. Ends up in the middle of things blocking them. HP Control: Hitting +/- can result in map zooming, disabling editing of HP Macro and API Code: Hitting +/- sometimes zooms map Scrolling: Using Shift+Scroll Wheel to the right lags and slows to a cral No Scroll Bars: Nuff said No Map on 100% Zoom Out: Not sure what this is about Map Pieces vanishing on Zoom: Any map over 75x75 some map pieces vanish when scrolling or zooming. All of that isn't even getting into the problems I'm facing now due to nerve damage in my fingers and trying to use this new zoom function while doing the Dynamic Lighting Layer work.
I am unable to use two finger scrolling on my trackpad to scroll left/right anymore. The solution to scroll left and right by holding shift is less than ideal considering it requires an extra button press for the same functionality; regardless, this does not seem to be working for me either. Scrolling left works as intended (albeit a bit too quickly), but scrolling right is extremely slow to the point of unusability. OS: Windows 10 Version 1903 (OS Build 18362.418) Laptop Model: Acer Aspire A715-72G Browser: Firefox (70.0.1 (64-bit))

Edited 1573353876
I do not like change, I'd like to just keep my scroll bar to see the map without having to zoom all the way out. Put it back.Thank you. 
How are we even supposed to move the map left-right?  This is completely broken. Why hasn't this been reverted yet?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
For those experiencing trackpad panning issues where panning at any kind of speed causes you to leave the page, you can toggle the flag in chrome. chrome://flags/#overscroll-history-navigation You can also disable the "Pull-to-refresh gesture" from vertical overscroll there, too.

Edited 1573013557
Rainflame said: Hello all,   As a friendly reminder, please keep in mind that all discussions on Roll20 should always maintain a tone of respect and civility.   As such, please feel free to discuss the original post. However, please keep it on that subject.   Thanks! Would you guys like to start?  EDIT: They deleted some posts I made instead of addressing anyone's concerns. But in their infinite wisdom failed to delete the posts that have what I said in quotes. So the points are still in the thread, and evidence of censure is there for everyone to see. So take from that what you will. Guys the problem we are having with you is you even do a poor job at censoring criticism. Get pissy with me all you want, you cant even tyrant properly. Please get to work fixing things or issuing refunds. 
Can we not go back to the old tool, this new zoom tool is horrendous, and I can no longer scroll left to right or up and down. I makes mad just trying to use it.

Edited 1573014715
For those unable to pan r-l with a mouse, you can right click-hold to pull in any direction. Kinda clunky, but for now it works if you're in a pinch. Edit: I guess in legacy mode: shift-scroll button also goes l-r. Alt zooms in and out.
Shadowfell said: As noted by everyone else,  the new update is terrible and unusable and I've tried all the suggestions and it still does not work. After reading through the forums and seeing how roll20 fails to listen to it's paid and unpaid users, I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to attempt to get my money back. After this horrendous experience I'd rather take my chances with fantasy grounds.    That's off-topic, you can only give constructive compliments in here according to the rules.
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
Well, tomorrow's Roundtable should be a lot of fun. I've now tested on a couple of different computers. On my Windows PC with a standard-ish mouse, the update works mostly fine. The zoom is still incredibly jarring, and the low increment and slow update on the zoom makes it really painful to try to zoom from far out to close up, and vice-versa. On my Mac, testing both with a touchpad and a Magic Mouse, zoom is incredibly finicky. The trackpad has all the issues reported by everyone else. The Magic Mouse is very hard to get discreet zoom levels due to it not actually having a wheel. On all platforms, the zoom effect is jarring and slightly nauseating. Additionally, as reported by others, the +/- box in the bottom gets in the way significantly. If you resize the chat window, it hovers over chat, rather than moving responsively. It also interferes with macro bars at the bottom of the screen. I greatly miss the zoom slider, which I used constantly before. Clicking through zoom levels is tedious. I didn't use the scroll bars much, but can completely understand why people would and why the should be returned.  In short, for me, this is a failure of an update as it stands. It is very reminiscent of the update to layering that broke many features that had to be rolled back from a few months ago, and the breaking of AFoW that is still in need of a fix. As a subscriber since Jan 2016 with 2700+ hours in game, I've seen new feature after new feature rolled out, almost all of which have minimal to little testing and major flaws at launch, along with assurance that each launch would be fine/better than the last, as testing and internal QA has improved, or new people have been hired. Nearly four years on, nothing seems to have changed, despite the assurances. Please, do better. Fix this. Not just this update (but yes, fix it, or roll it back!), but this core issue with Roll20 system updates. I'm frustrated because I love the platform, and want it to be the best it can be. 
Kenton said: Thanks for all the feedback. As mentioned earlier, we've repaired the bug that prevented math in the Radial Menus with the +/- keys. We've been working on smoothing the new scroll experience, and to that end we've release an update a few minutes ago. We've reduced the number of scroll events per second, which slows down the zoom, but should reduce the jumpy behaviour. With all that said, a note about some additional Pan controls. With the new Zoom (by Default): Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Pan Vertically Holding Alt (or Option) and Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally With the Legacy Mode active: Holding Shift while Scrolling will Pan Horizontally Holding Alt (or Option) while Scrolling will Zoom Why do I have to Shift+Alt in order to scroll horizontally? You might not be aware of this, but on QWERTZ keyboards, pressing that combination switches layout modes. Having to do this every time I want to use a very basic tool is just bonkers.  The scrollwheel of my mouse can be used in 4 directions in order to scroll in all those 4 directions... which is what I have been using for years in general and more than a year in Roll20. With this update that doesn't work anymore. And even in Legacy Mode I now have to press Shift to be able to scroll horizontally with my mouse wheel.  Please give us a proper Legacy Mode that reverts back to how it was before the update - or roll back the update altogether. It is never a good sign when an update removes features and lower usability.