Has anyone ever run a Play-By-Post on roll20? My group is on a month-long hiatus and we figure a post a day (that's 30 rounds) is better than nothing. What recommendations/experiences can you share? Here are the expectations I have laid out for my players: -If the tracker is on your turn, go. If the tracker has been on your turn for more than 12 hours, I will go for you, making my best guess. If I have to do this twice consecutively, you're in trouble. -Always set waypoints; I love traps. -If you don't know what to roll, just role-play it and I will choose the proper skill. -You are welcome (but not required) to tell me your planned tactics a turn or so in advance. This helps in case I ever have to take a turn for you, but it is also pretty much the only way to use Free Actions or Interrupts outside of your turn. I will not back up game state for these, so try to anticipate at least a little. For now, I'll let you decide how you would like to make this information known. -The chat feed is EXCLUSIVELY for in-character chat and macro use. If you have something to say out of character, say it HERE. If you have an in-game question, whisper it to me. That said, ALWAYS be in character, and always speak as the active character. With roughly 1-2 posts per day, this isn't a lot of bookkeeping. -If you ever need to clarify zones, targets, etc, feel free to use the drawing tool in roll20 to create bursts, mark targets, or set waypoints (to avoid SpaceBar turmoil). When I confirm the action, I'll remove the drawings.