In a rolltemplate you can do this <div class="template-{{title}}>     {{title}} </div> If you enter {{title=oblong}} in your rolltemplate macro, that class will have the name template-oblong. I'm wondering if its possible to do this with keys and values created with allprops. I had this section             {{#allprops()}}             <div class="template-extras">                 <span class="template-{{key}}">                     {{key}}                 </span>                 <span class="template-{{value}}">                     {{value}}                 </span>             </div>             {{/allprops()}} But this breaks the output. with a key like oblong, I'd get a class that equals " template-<strong>oblong</strong> " which obviously doesnt work. Is there way to use the keys or values generated by allprops to create class names? My use case: I want to css selectors to assign different styles to titles that contain a word. But I cant see how to do that with allprops at the moment. Is there another way to apply styles to a subset of allprops creations, and a different set of styles to a different subset?