Hey all, been DMing for over half a decade and am now just starting to wrap my mind around roll20. Currently running a homebrew campaign based on 5e with some extra mechanics shoddily duct-taped onto it for worldbuilding reasons - none of this is relevant though. The magic system I've devised (there are many like it but this one is mine) begs for a mechanic that I really want to implement online: a deck of spell cards for people to be able to draw from and use. Knowing that questions in this vein are asked a lot on this forum I'm curious, based on the characteristics of our system below, what facet of Roll20 would be best to bring it to life digitally: Each character has their own deck. Spell cards usually have duplicates so players can cast the same spell multiple times (maybe 3 duplicates per deck a la Hearthstone). The idea would be to essentially discard the spell card you're casting, and not re-draw it until the end of a Long Rest. This is made doubly useful because many spells in the world come from magic items that can be used like consumables. No start-of-day spell prep required; you have access to your full deck at all times. Certain items or situations allow decks to be modified on the fly (e.g. I have a character who can steal spells from casters that they kill). I also do a lot of art for the game so the cards already have their own distinct image files (see below), Magic system is based around a pool of Magic Points rather than Spell Slots (like Call of Cthulhu). For this reason the card images I made (as seen below) prominently feature the number of MP they require to be cast, so the ability to see at least multiple cards from your deck at once - if not all - would be useful. This always seems like a trial, but being able to click on a spell card (however it manifests) and having it spit out the spell in chat (as per a macro or ability) would be awesome and save a lot of time. I haven't messed around with the actual Card Decks function all that much, but from what I've read it seems kind of clunky and doesn't synergize well with other parts of roll20. I also keep hearing about API Scripts, and I'd be willing to check some out if things like ChatSetAttr or PowerCards would work better for this kind of system, even if messing around with the API terrifies me to my core. Hope y'all can help with this; I expect that I'm missing an obvious solution or just need to do more of a deep dive into the Stupid Tricks thread but I figured putting out a specific request like this might be quicker. Thanks!