Hey folks, Just as the title says. Starting this Sunday at about 1:15 ish pm EST I will be running One-Shot adventures for folks looking to play some D&D Essentials. Each week the players will have their choice of eight pre generated classes in Essentials already leveled and ready to go. Each week as the delves progress the characters will be one level higher! I think this will be a fun time and will give more people the opportunity to play some D&D once in a while. Stop by <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/table_topping" rel="nofollow">www.twitch.tv/table_topping</a> and let me know your interested in playing. I can have five to six players at a time so if everyone cannot get in, be patient and I will get you in! You also need a working headset and Teamspeak as well. This is not an option because it is a voice game not text. See you there David