I see the list of additional features for subscribing on the support us page, and they are cool. However, I would like to know what there is on the map side of things, and in the sidebar side of things, that would make me want to sub. What else is there? Is there such a thing as drawing a background with a grass tile, without copying it 50 times? Something similar? Something else? Breaking it down to the features on that page.
Always good, but purchased packs don't count towards that right?
Dynamic lighting/mobile
both cool, and mobile is what I want, personally
Active listings.
For me, not necessary.
No ads on start up.
nice, but not a detriment to playing. The only time it has been an issue is when the DM crashes. Something the Devs should be working on anyhow.
not really for me
These things are all cool, but I am interested in how it makes my game prep move faster. Things such as "drawing" out my background,as stated earlier, as an example. Another example would be character sheets. Is there something more than what is available with the free account? As a subscriber, do I get to move my maps from campaign to campaign? Can I move things such as tables, decks? Is there a comprehensive list of things somewhere? can anyone show me where to find this info?