Out of a sense of nostalgia we're setting up a AD&amp;D game.&nbsp; I'm going to be having a short story arc (figure 3-4 sessions including a world-building chargen session 0)&nbsp; Session 0 is tonight at 6 pm local. There will be some house rules (I mean everyone had them back in the day).&nbsp; Other DMs who are in this group (everyone will run eventually) are setting up other games could be AD&amp;D, Basic, or other systems entirely...and they may be on diff days/time so there will probably be a fit somewhere :) Apply in the listing forum if you'd like to try. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/233323/ad-and-d-classic" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/233323/ad-and-d-classic</a> Look forward to seeing you folks there!