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GM option to expose character sheets to other players

Score + 430
Sheet Author
API Scripter
+1 You can pull all of the non-repeating stats with a target macro for free/plus users, just if anyone was unaware. So you can at least get hp, ac, abilities, spell slots & class resources with a quick macro click.
I'd go one step further, give specific permissions you're looking for:  - Can See Sheet/Handout  - Can See Character Sheet  - Can Edit Character Sheet  - Receives Whisper Notifications (the problem with "represents" is that if you have one guy that is streaming, he gets the private notifications all the time of people clicking Macros that whisper him)  - Can Move representative tokens  - Can See Representative Tokens (for when some people have See Invisibility!) There actually may be an API way to make the Can Edit Character Sheet, but it requires control and it requires that you revert any change made by unauthorized users, which is a little intensive on the CPU cycles. The other stuff, its not there.
+1. Looking at other players sheets is often critical, especially when you have new players who are trying to get help with their characters from more experienced members of the group.
+1 from me too. It's pretty essential to the way Fate works that the GM can share character sheets with the players.
+1, important for Torchbearer to see all pages of each other's character sheet.
Still researching? Hope it moves on to development soon!
Agreed - this is important, I have some "flexibly minded" players and I want to ensure they dont log in when I am not looking and "update" their character sheet..... 
+1 and I'd like to see the additional functionality outlined by Zachare S too
It's been 4 months since this was tagged and no follow-up yet. I hope this isn't forgotten about...
+1 Even if it takes 5 years this feature deserves to be implemented for way better quality of life using this website

Edited 1593023679
+1 This could be very useful.
+1 Could help players work together and remind eachother of items and abilities they may have forgotten about.
+1 Kinda surprised this isn't already a thing
+1. Running a Fate game on Roll20 for the first time, and being unable to see the character sheets absolutely slows things down and makes my job as GM harder. A read-only sharing option on character sheets would make everything so much easier.
Kenton said: Good morning, all! Thanks for being patient. I've read through the suggestion, and I'm compiling a list of all the requests, researching their feasibility, and will be back with any questions I end up with soon. five months later.... How's this going?
Sheet Author
PunyPaladin said: Kenton said: Good morning, all! Thanks for being patient. I've read through the suggestion, and I'm compiling a list of all the requests, researching their feasibility, and will be back with any questions I end up with soon. five months later.... How's this going? I expect one of the main issues is that people don't want someone with just viewing premission to be able to alter any sheet values.  But you need to be able to alter sheet values to be able to change tabs.  And you can't just enable a viewer to interact with radio buttons (since a lot of tabs run off of radio buttons, though not all) because a lot of sheets use radio buttons for counting certain resources (like spells prepared or tracking damage in non-hit point games).  Some sheets use action buttons and sheetworker scripts to change tabs, which means you also can't bar the viewer from activating sheetworkers. What I'm trying to say is that it probably isn't going well....
Big +1 here
+1 wish this were a thing right now
Very much +1.  Absolutely needed.
+1 to the overall suggestion and to this suggestion too: The Pretender said: I will add to this; It'd be great if we could view a character sheet without affecting the navigation of the owners of the sheet. I can't count the amount of times I'm trying to help one of my players and me subconsciously flipping through their tabs caused something to go awry when the player was noodling on a part of it without telling me. Being able to select "view character tab" rather than "edit character tab" would be incredibly useful and it would free me up considerably. Many of my fellow players would do a much better job reviewing the sheets of other characters, especially if one of them is new to the hobby. Or even just benefit from being able to see what other players are doing with their skills so the party doesn't double up on something. As a GM, I don't necessarily want my players to know I'm looking at their spell list!
+1 ... though this seems to be a fundamental limitation of the platform. *glances at Foundry VTT*
+1 a “view only” option for other players would be super helpful especially with new groups. We even went as far as posting sheet screen shots as handouts.... 
+1 doing D&D 5e. I think that NOT being able to see character sheets of your fellow adventurers should be a choice still, but not the default option.
I often allow players to see other player's character sheets in my games. It helps to allow players to help other players create or level up their characters, and/or discuss tactical options or how power work, or to recommend powers, etc. It's also useful when a player misses a session, I'll allow the players who made it play the character in battle, or use the player's skills (Like, say, have a rogue unlock a door). Sure, we all wish the Rogue-Player could make it to game, and it sucks not having their input on things, but it sucks even more when you're trapped in a dungeon and can't access their skills. I've dealt with players missing session various ways throughout the years, one way is to allow players to access the skills. I've got enough NPCs to handle. And, I've had it happen in games where players either by accident or on purpose have messed up another player's sheet in roll20, because the only way to allow players to see the stats is to also allow them to change them. I've resorted to keeping copies of the character sheets, but as Roll20 doesn't make it easy to copy character sheets, and it's easy to let note taking and character sheet copy-upkeep go by the wayside, keeping a second version of a character sheet can be a real pain. So, yes, please allow us to give access to seeing another player's character sheet without actually being able to edit it.
Forum Champion
Roll20 is talking about Character Sheet improvements on the PRO-user forum here. The beginning of these changes is now in-testing on the Dev server (Pro subscribers can log in on Dev and help playtest it). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Will the current Suggestion thread be recognized and enabled? Juniper L. &nbsp;said: ...some of the awesome changes that we are implementing, which also address a few of your most-requested suggestions in the forums...
+1 just started running Fate, and as others have said, this would make a world of difference!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
+1 Would be great!
+1 Omg... 6 years?