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[Bug] Firebase error when working with sheets


Edited 1402039261
Alex L.
Sheet Author
Error in question: /home/symbly/www/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:1 orts, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { function f(a){throw a;}var j=v ^ Error: Firebase.child failed: First argument must be a non-empty string and can't contain ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]". at Error (<anonymous>) at Ha (/home/symbly/www/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:12:204) at G.W.H (/home/symbly/www/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:126:213) at TrackedObj._doSave ( How to reproduce: Create a fresh campaign and select the D&D 4e sheet. Copy script from bottom of post into a script tab and save. Create a new character and open to the sheet tab. Goto the powers tab and expand the settings for the top left power. Add to the end of the "Power Macro" box "!use @{character_id} 1" without quotes. Select the "Encounter" radio button. Make sure there is no attribute called power-1-used if there is one delete it. Roll the power. Untick the used box. Roll the power again. To repeatedly reproduce start again at 7. Amount of time between step 8 and 10 appears to make no difference. Simply saving the script clears the error and prevents it from happening again until you start at set 7. Script: var AlexL = AlexL || {}; /* Name Space off the script */ AlexL.utility = {}; //Utilities (function(self) { "use strict"; self.strictInt = function(value) { var i = Number(value); if (!isNaN(i)) { return i; } return 0; }; self.parseChat = function(msg) { if(msg.type === "api") { var parseRes = parseString(msg.content),Command = "", Who = "", i = 0, arg = [], opt = {}, selected = false; if(parseRes != undefined && parseRes.length === 2) { opt = parseRes[1]; arg = parseRes[0]; if(arg.length > 1) { Command = arg[0].toLowerCase(); arg.splice(0, 1); //Remove the command. Who = msg.who.split(" ")[0]; // if(msg.selected != undefined && msg.selected.length > 0) { // selected = msg.selected[0]._id; // } selected = arg[0]; arg.splice(0, 1); if(Command === "!use") { // power: !ca-power [selected] [name] [key] if(selected !== false) { if(arg.length == 1) { var cha = getObj("character", selected); if(typeof cha !== 'object' || cha === null) { log("Error: character is not an Object."); return false; } if(!("get" in cha)) { log("Error: character is not a Roll20 Object. Missing get."); return false; } var i = AlexL.utility.strictInt(arg[0]); if(i < 1 || i > 100) { log("Error: Power id not valid."); return false; } //Find out what sort of power it is. var usageName = "power-" + i + "-useage"; var usage = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: usageName })[0]; var use = ""; if(typeof usage !== 'object' || usage === null || !("get" in usage)) { use = "At-Will"; } else { use = usage.get("current"); } //Ignore at-will powers they don't get used. if(use !== "At-Will" && (use === "Encounter" || use === "Daily")) { //Find the checkbox and check it var checkboxName = "power-" + i + "-used"; var checkbox = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: checkboxName })[0]; log(checkbox); var u = "Unused"; if(typeof checkbox !== 'object' || checkbox === null || !("get" in checkbox)) { log("used doesn't exist lets make it"); checkbox = createObj("attribute", { name: checkboxName, current: 1, characterid: selected }); } else { log("found used"); if(checkbox.get("current") == 1) u = "Used"; checkbox.set("current", 1); } //sendChat("player|" + msg.playerid, u); sendChat(msg.who, u); } } } } } } } } self.replaceAll = function(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace); } function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } function parseString(str) { var re = /(?:")([^"]+)(?:")|([^\s"]+)(?=\s+|$)/g, res=[], arr=null, arg = [], opt = {}, i = 0, optName = ""; while (arr = re.exec(str)) { res.push(arr[1] ? arr[1] : arr[0]); } for(i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { if(res[i].indexOf("--") !== 0) { // arg arg.push(res[i]); } else { optName = res[i].replace("--", "").toLowerCase(); if(!(optName in opt)) { opt[optName] = []; } if((i + 1) < res.length) { opt[optName].push(res[++i]); } } } return [arg, opt]; } })(AlexL.utility); on("chat:message", function(msg) { if(msg.type === "api") { AlexL.utility.parseChat(msg); } });
I think this is relating to this part of your code: if(typeof checkbox !== 'object' || checkbox === null || !("get" in checkbox)) { log("used doesn't exist lets make it"); checkbox = createObj("attribute", { name: checkboxName, current: 1, characterid: selected }); } else { log("found used"); if(checkbox.get("current") == 1) u = "Used"; checkbox.set("current", 1); } And if I remember correctly there's an outstanding issue where if you try to set() things on new objects created with createObj() it causes an error. I believe there is a workaround that people have posted already, although this is definitely something I need to fix. Anywho, it's not specific to sheets at all, it's just that old bug.
Alex L.
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: I think this is relating to this part of your code: if(typeof checkbox !== 'object' || checkbox === null || !("get" in checkbox)) { log("used doesn't exist lets make it"); checkbox = createObj("attribute", { name: checkboxName, current: 1, characterid: selected }); } else { log("found used"); if(checkbox.get("current") == 1) u = "Used"; checkbox.set("current", 1); } And if I remember correctly there's an outstanding issue where if you try to set() things on new objects created with createObj() it causes an error. I believe there is a workaround that people have posted already, although this is definitely something I need to fix. Anywho, it's not specific to sheets at all, it's just that old bug. I didn't think that happened if it was two separate calls to the event. I will go back and have a read of the old thread.
If that doesn't fix it let me know.
Alex L.
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: If that doesn't fix it let me know. I am going to assume you made some magical fixes as that works perfectly now. Thanks